{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

Module      : Test.OITestGenerator
Description : Generate operation invariance tests from axioms at compile time
Copyright   : (c) Tobias Gödderz, 2014
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : haskell@tobias.goedderz.info
Stability   : provisional
Portability : non-portable (Template-Haskell)

This library is based on the following paper:

* /Automatic Testing of Operation Invariance/, presented at WFLP'14.

A high-level explanation follows:

("QuickCheck"-)tests for data types are often formulated as equations, e.g.

>rev_test :: Property
>rev_test = property $ \xs ys -> reverse ys ++ reverse xs == reverse (xs ++ ys)

. There are assumptions everyone usually makes about the behaviour of @(==)@,
but does not necessarily think about:

 1. @x == x@ should always be 'True' (reflexivity).

 2. if @x == y@ is 'True', @y == x@ should also be 'True' (symmetry).

 3. if @x == y@ and @y == z@ are 'True', @x == z@ should also be 'True'

 4. if @x == y@ is 'True', @f x == f y@ should also be 'True' (congruence or
    operation invariance).

It is unlikely to accidentally write an 'Eq' instance that does not satisfy 1.-3.
Operation invariance however is fickle, as it also implies sane behaviour of all
functions on the data type.

This framework takes "QuickCheck"-like equality tests (called axioms) of a data
type and functions on the data type (called operations), and uses them to
generate the corresponding "QuickCheck" tests, as well as additional operation
invariance tests.

For example, given a queue of integers 'IntQueue' with the following operations.

>empty   :: IntQueue                    -- create an empty queue
>isEmpty :: IntQueue -> Bool            -- test if a given queue is empty
>enqueue :: Int -> IntQueue -> IntQueue -- enqueue an integer to a queue
>dequeue :: IntQueue -> IntQueue        -- dequeue the first element of a queue
>front   :: IntQueue -> Int             -- get the first element of a queue

A "QuickCheck" test for this might be

>property $ \x q -> not (isEmpty q) ==> dequeue (enqueue x q) == enqueue x (dequeue q)

while this would be formulated as an axiom for use with this package as follows:

>q6 x q = not (isEmpty q) ===> dequeue (enqueue x q) =!= enqueue x (dequeue q)

Assuming you wrote six axioms @q1@-@q6@, the six corresponding "QuickCheck"
tests can be generated by 'generate_basic_tests'.

{\-\# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell \#-\}
queue_basic_tests :: [Property]
queue_basic_tests = $(
    let axs = map axiom ['q1, 'q2, 'q3, 'q4, 'q5, 'q6]
    in generate_basic_tests axs)

The single quotes preceding @q1@ to @q6@ quote each following name
as a Template Haskell 'Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Name'. Note that @$(...)@ is
a Template Haskell splice and will be evaluated during compile time. Because of
this, you may not refer to declarations of the same module except by name
(this is called the stage restriction), which is the motivation for the @let ...
in ...@ construct.

Additional operation invariance tests can be generated with 'generate_oi_tests'.

>may_dequeue :: IntQueue -> Bool
>may_dequeue = not . isEmpty
>may_front :: IntQueue -> Bool
>may_front = not . isEmpty
>adt_oi_tests :: [Property]
>adt_oi_tests = $(
>    let ops = [ op 'empty, op 'enqueue, op 'isEmpty
>              , op 'dequeue `withConstraint` 'may_dequeue
>              , op 'front `withConstraint` 'may_front
>              ]
>        axs = map axiom ['q1, 'q2, 'q3, 'q4, 'q5, 'q6 ]
>    in generate_oi_tests axs ops)

For every operation @f@ and every axiom @lhs =!= rhs@, a test @f lhs == f rhs@
will be generated if it is type correct. Note that polymorphic types aren't
supported yet, but you can simply rename and specialize them, e.g.

>reverse_ints :: [Int] -> [Int]
>reverse_ints = reverse

and test the renamed function. Besides type checking, 'generate_oi_tests' takes
care of

 * passing axiom arguments, e.g. @f@ and @ax x = lhs x =!= rhs x@ will get
   translated to @\\x -> f (lhs x) == f (rhs x)@.

 * multiple operation arguments, e.g. for an @f :: A -> A -> B -> C@ and an
   axiom with result @A@, both tests @f lhs y z == f rhs y z@ and @f x lhs z ==
   f x rhs z@ will be generated.

 * translating constraints of both axioms and operations to '==>'. Axiom
   constraints are specified via '===>', while operation constraints are
   specified via 'withConstraint'.

module Test.OITestGenerator (
    AxiomResult, (===>), (=!=),
    Axiom, axiom,
    Arg, Op, op, arg, but, only, withConstraint,
    generate_oi_tests, generate_axiom's_tests, generate_single_test,
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Prelude hiding (exp)
import Test.OITestGenerator.Axiom
import Test.OITestGenerator.GenHelper
import Test.OITestGenerator.Op
import Test.OITestGenerator.OpArg
import Test.QuickCheck

{- Functions to export -}

-- | Derives one test from each 'Axiom' by translating it to a QuickCheck
-- 'Property'. This is done basically by replacing '=!=' with '==' and '===>'
-- with 'QuickCheck.==>'.
-- It returns an expression of type @[Property]@, i.e.
-- >$(generate_basic_tests axs) :: [Property]
generate_basic_tests :: [Axiom] -> ExpQ
generate_basic_tests = liftM ListE . mapM gen_basic_test

-- | Generate all operation invariance tests that type check. For example, given
-- an operation
-- >f :: A -> A -> B -> C
-- and an axiom
-- >ax :: D -> AxiomResult A
-- >ax x = lhs x =!= rhs x
-- the following tests are generated:
-- >property $ \y2 y3 -> f (lhs x) y2 y3 == f (rhs x) y2 y3
-- >property $ \y1 y3 -> f y1 (lhs x) y3 == f y1 (rhs x) y3
-- but not
-- >property $ \y1 y2 -> f y1 y2 (lhs x) == f y1 y2 (rhs x)
-- because of the types.
-- All combinations of operations, their respective arguments and axioms are tried.
-- It returns an expression of type @[Property]@, i.e.
-- >$(generate_oi_tests axs ops) :: [Property]
generate_oi_tests :: [Axiom] -> [Op] -> ExpQ
generate_oi_tests = gen_tests

-- | A convenience function for calling 'generate_oi_tests' with only one axiom.
-- It returns an expression of type @[Property]@, i.e.
-- >$(generate_axiom's_tests ax ops) :: [Property]
generate_axiom's_tests :: Axiom -> [Op] -> ExpQ
generate_axiom's_tests ax = gen_tests [ax]

-- | Calls 'generate_oi_tests' with only the given 'Axiom' and 'Op'. It checks
-- if there is exactly one test that can be generated and throws an error
-- otherwise. If multiple applications of the given operation to the given
-- axioms are possible (i.e. it has multiple arguments with a matching type),
-- the allowed arguments have to be restricted using 'but' or 'only'.
-- It returns an expression of type @Property@, i.e.
-- >$(generate_single_test ax op) :: Property
generate_single_test :: Axiom -> Op -> ExpQ
generate_single_test ax opn = op2opArgs opn
    >>= filter_Ops ax
    >>= \args ->
        case args of
            [op_arg] -> generate_test ax op_arg
            _        -> do let axnm = axiom_name ax
                           let opnm = op_name opn
                           axtp <- return_type_of_axiom axnm
                           opargs <- op_args opn
                           oparg_types <- liftM (zip opargs) $ mapM (flip type_of_argi opnm) opargs
                           fail $ "Invalid number of feasible Op arguments. "
                            ++ "Expected 1, but got " ++ show (length args)
                            ++ ( if (length args) == 0
                                 then ""
                                 else ", namely " ++ show (map opArg_argi args)
                            ++ "."
                            ++ "\n"
                            ++ "Type of axiom " ++ show axnm ++ "'s result:\n"
                            ++ "         " ++ pprint axtp ++ "\n"
                            ++ "Type of operation arguments " ++ show opnm ++ ":\n"
                            ++ (concatMap (\(i,tp) -> "  Arg#" ++ show i ++ ": " ++ pprint tp ++ "\n") oparg_types) ++ "\n" 

-- | @show_all_tests Nothing axs ops@ returns a 'String' typed expression. Print
-- the resulting string to get a piece of code, containing one property for each
-- possible operation invariance test, defined via 'generate_single_test'.
-- The first argument can replace the default function generating a name for
-- each test, which is
-- >\opn argi ax -> opn ++ show argi ++ "_" ++ ax
-- . An example output looks like this:
-- >enqueue1_q3 :: Property
-- >enqueue1_q3 = $(generate_single_test (axiom 'q3) (op 'enqueue `only` 1))
show_all_tests :: Maybe (String -> Int -> String -> String) -> [Name] -> [Name] -> ExpQ
show_all_tests Nothing axs ops = show_all_tests (Just def_test_name) axs ops
show_all_tests (Just fun) axs ops =
    cross_ops_axs ops axs
    >>= return . concatMap (\(opn, argi, ax) ->
        let name = fun (nameBase opn) argi (nameBase ax)
        in  name ++ " :: Property\n" ++
            name ++ " = " ++ "$(" ++ intercalate " "
            "(axiom '" ++ nameBase ax ++ ")",
            "(op '" ++ nameBase opn ++ " `only` " ++ show argi ++ ")"]
            ++ ")\n\n"
    >>= stringE

{- Private functions -}

simple_dec :: String -> Exp -> Dec
simple_dec nm exp = ValD (VarP (mkName nm)) (NormalB exp) []

def_test_name :: String -> Int -> String -> String
def_test_name opn argi ax = opn ++ show argi ++ "_" ++ ax

gen_label :: Int -> Name -> Name -> String
gen_label argi opn ax = show opn ++ "@" ++ show argi ++ "/" ++ show ax

concatMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
concatMapM f = liftM concat . mapM f

(.>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
(.>) = flip (.)

gen_tests_per_ax :: Axiom -> [Op] -> Q [Exp]
gen_tests_per_ax ax ops =
        cross_Ops_args ops
        >>= filter_Ops ax
        >>= mapM (generate_test ax)

gen_tests :: [Axiom] -> [Op] -> ExpQ
gen_tests axs ops = concatMapM (flip gen_tests_per_ax ops) axs
                    >>= return . ListE

cross_ops_axs :: [Name] -> [Name] -> Q [(Name, Int, Name)]
cross_ops_axs ops axs = concatMapM (\ax
    -> cross_ops_args ops
    >>= filter_ops ax
    >>= mapM (\(argi, opn) -> return (opn, argi, ax))
    ) axs

cross_ops_args :: [Name] -> Q [(Int, Name)]
cross_ops_args = concatMapM cross_op_args

cross_op_args :: Name -> Q [(Int, Name)]
cross_op_args opn = typeof opn >>= \tp -> return $ zip (enumFromTo 1 $ num_args tp) (repeat opn)

cross_Ops_args :: [Op] -> Q [OpArg]
cross_Ops_args = concatMapM cross_Op_args

cross_Op_args :: Op -> Q [OpArg]
cross_Op_args = op2opArgs

delete_i :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
delete_i i xs = take i xs ++ drop (i+1) xs

apply_gens_to' :: ExpQ -> [Name] -> Int -> ExpQ
apply_gens_to' prop [] _ = prop
apply_gens_to' prop (x:xs) n = [| $app (forAll $(varE x)) $(apply_gens_to' prop xs (n+1)) |]
    where app = liftAn n

apply_gens_to :: ExpQ -> [Name] -> ExpQ
apply_gens_to prop xs = apply_gens_to' prop xs 0

gen_basic_test :: Axiom -> ExpQ
gen_basic_test ax =
    let axnm        = axiom_name ax
        test_name   = show axnm
        axE         = varE axnm
        app         = num_args_name axnm >>= liftAn
        app2        = num_args_name axnm >>= liftA2n
    in [|
            let  lhs         = $app ar_lhs   $axE
                 rhs         = $app ar_rhs   $axE
                 axiom_cond  = $app ar_cond  $axE
            in  label test_name $ property $
                $app2 (==>) axiom_cond $
                $app2 (==) lhs rhs

generate_test :: Axiom -> OpArg -> ExpQ
generate_test ax opn =
        let axnm = axiom_name ax
        let opnm = opArg_name opn
        let argi = opArg_argi opn
        argn_ax <- num_args_name axnm
        argn_op <- num_args_name opnm
        let axE = varE axnm
        let opE = varE opnm
        ax_custom_gens <- axiom_gens ax
        let op_custom_gens = opArg_gens opn
        let ax_gens = if length ax_custom_gens > 0
                      then ax_custom_gens
                      else replicate argn_ax 'arbitrary
        let opn_gens = if length op_custom_gens > 0
                       then delete_i (argi - 1) op_custom_gens
                       else replicate (argn_op - 1) 'arbitrary
        let has_constr = opArg_has_constraint opn
        let op_constr = if has_constr
                        then varE $ opArg_constraint opn
                        else [| $(num_args_name opnm >>= constN) True |]
        let all_gens = ax_gens ++ opn_gens
        let fargi = flip_n_to_1 argi
        let app = liftAn argn_ax
        let app2 = liftA2n (argn_ax + argn_op - 1)
        let eat_spare_cond_args = eat_args (argn_ax+1) (argn_ax + argn_op - 1)
        let test_name = gen_label argi opnm axnm
            let lhs = $app ar_lhs $axE
                rhs = $app ar_rhs $axE
                app_op_constraint = $app ($fargi $op_constr)
                lhs_feasible = app_op_constraint lhs
                rhs_feasible = app_op_constraint rhs
                op_app = $app ($fargi $opE)
                op_cond = $app2 both_or_none lhs_feasible rhs_feasible
                axiom_cond = $eat_spare_cond_args ($app ar_cond $axE)
            in label test_name $ property $
                    [| $app2 (==>) axiom_cond $
                       $app2 (==>) op_cond $
                       $app2 (==) (op_app lhs) (op_app rhs)

both_or_none :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
both_or_none a b |      a && b  = True
both_or_none a b | not (a || b) = False
both_or_none _ _ | otherwise    = error "Applicability constraint true for only one side of the axiom!"

eat_args :: Int -> Int -> Q Exp
eat_args from to = [| $(liftAn (from-1)) $(eat_n_args (to-from+1)) |]

eat_n_args :: Int -> ExpQ
eat_n_args = constN

constN :: Int -> ExpQ
constN n | n < 0 = fail "argument too small"
constN 0 = [| id |]
constN n = [| const . $(constN (n-1)) |]

liftAn :: Int -> ExpQ
liftAn n | n < 0 = fail "argument too small"
liftAn 0 = [| id |]
liftAn n = [| (.) . $(liftAn (n-1)) |]

liftA2n :: Int -> ExpQ
liftA2n n | n < 0 = fail "argument too small"
liftA2n 0 = [| id |]
liftA2n n = [| liftA2 . $(liftA2n (n-1)) |]

flip_n_to_1 :: Int -> ExpQ
flip_n_to_1 n | n < 1 = fail "argument too small"
flip_n_to_1 1 = [| id |]
flip_n_to_1 n = [| flip . (.) $(flip_n_to_1 (n-1)) |]

{- Allows all (i, opn) for which the i'th argument of opn is exactly the type of ax.
 - It should allow matching types.
filter_ops :: Name -> [(Int, Name)] -> Q [(Int, Name)]
filter_ops ax = filterM (is_applicable ax)

is_applicable :: Name -> (Int, Name) -> Q Bool
is_applicable ax (argi, opn) = do xt <- return_type_of_axiom ax
                                  ot <- type_of_argi argi opn
                                  return (xt == ot)

filter_Ops :: Axiom -> [OpArg] -> Q [OpArg]
filter_Ops ax = filterM (is_applicable_Op $ axiom_name ax)

is_applicable_Op :: Name -> OpArg -> Q Bool
is_applicable_Op ax opn = do xt <- return_type_of_axiom ax
                             ot <- type_of_argi (opArg_argi opn) (opArg_name opn)
                             mapM_ warn_if_type_is_polymorphic [xt, ot]
                             return (xt == ot)

warn_if_type_is_polymorphic :: Type -> Q ()
warn_if_type_is_polymorphic tp = if type_is_polymorphic tp
                                 then reportError $ "Polymorphic types are not supported!\n"
                                                 ++ "Offending type: " ++ pprint tp ++ "\n"
                                 else return ()

type_is_polymorphic :: Type -> Bool
type_is_polymorphic tp = case tp of
    ForallT vars _ tp' -> length vars > 0 || type_is_polymorphic tp'
    AppT tp' tp'' -> type_is_polymorphic tp' || type_is_polymorphic tp''
    SigT tp' _ -> type_is_polymorphic tp'
    VarT _ -> True
    ConT _ -> False
    PromotedT _ -> False
    TupleT _ -> False
    UnboxedTupleT _ -> False
    ArrowT -> False
    ListT -> False
    PromotedTupleT _ -> False
    PromotedNilT -> False
    PromotedConsT -> False
    StarT -> False
    ConstraintT -> False
    LitT _ -> False

{- Axioms return a pair of type (a, a), and we want the type of a.
return_type_of_axiom :: Name -> TypeQ
return_type_of_axiom name = return_type_of name >>= axiom_result_type

axiom_result_type :: Type -> TypeQ
axiom_result_type (AppT (ConT nm) tp) | nm == ''AxiomResult = return tp
axiom_result_type tp = fail $ "Expected ``AxiomResult a'' for some a, but got ``" ++ pprint tp ++ "''"

-- For a type (a, a) returns the type of a.
pair_type :: Type -> TypeQ
pair_type (AppT (AppT (TupleT 2) a) b) | a == b = return a
pair_type tp = fail $ "Expected a pair ``(a, a)'' but got ``" ++ pprint tp ++ "''"

return_type_of :: Name -> TypeQ
return_type_of = liftM return_type . typeof

type_of_argi :: Int -> Name -> TypeQ
type_of_argi i = liftM (arg_i_type i) . typeof

return_type :: Type -> Type
return_type (ForallT _ _ tp) = return_type tp
return_type (AppT (AppT ArrowT _) tp) = return_type tp
return_type tp = tp

arg_i_type :: Int -> Type -> Type
arg_i_type i (ForallT _ _ tp) = arg_i_type i tp
arg_i_type 1 (AppT (AppT ArrowT tp) _) = tp
arg_i_type i (AppT (AppT ArrowT _) tp) = arg_i_type (i-1) tp
arg_i_type i t = error $ "Failed pattern match in arg_i_type.\n"
    ++ "Please file a bug report and attach the following output.\n"
    ++ "i=" ++ show i ++ "\n"
    ++ show t