-- This file is part of Qtah. -- -- Copyright 2015-2016 Bryan Gardiner -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . module Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QDir ( aModule, c_QDir, e_Filter, bs_Filters, e_SortFlag, bs_SortFlags, ) where import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec ( Export (ExportBitspace, ExportEnum, ExportClass), Operator (OpArray), addReqIncludes, classSetConversionToGc, ident, ident1, includeStd, makeClass, mkConstMethod, mkConstMethod', mkCtor, mkMethod, mkProp, mkProps, mkStaticMethod, ) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec.ClassFeature ( ClassFeature (Assignable, Copyable, Equatable), classAddFeatures, ) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Types (bitspaceT, boolT, intT, objT, refT, voidT) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Flag (collect, just, test) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Flags (qtVersion) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QChar (c_QChar) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QString (c_QString) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Types {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-} aModule = AQtModule $ makeQtModule ["Core", "QDir"] [ QtExport $ ExportClass c_QDir , QtExport $ ExportEnum e_Filter , QtExport $ ExportBitspace bs_Filters , QtExport $ ExportEnum e_SortFlag , QtExport $ ExportBitspace bs_SortFlags ] c_QDir = addReqIncludes [includeStd "QDir"] $ classAddFeatures [Assignable, Copyable, Equatable] $ classSetConversionToGc $ makeClass (ident "QDir") Nothing [] [ mkCtor "new" [objT c_QString] ] $ collect [ just $ mkConstMethod "absoluteFilePath" [objT c_QString] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "absolutePath" [] $ objT c_QString , test (qtVersion >= [4, 3]) $ mkStaticMethod "addSearchPath" [objT c_QString, objT c_QString] voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "canonicalPath" [] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkMethod "cd" [objT c_QString] boolT , just $ mkMethod "cdUp" [] boolT , just $ mkStaticMethod "cleanPath" [objT c_QString] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "count" [] intT , just $ mkStaticMethod "current" [] $ objT c_QDir , just $ mkStaticMethod "currentPath" [] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "dirName" [] $ objT c_QString -- TODO drives -- TODO entryInfoList -- TODO entryList , just $ mkConstMethod' "exists" "exists" [] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod' "exists" "entryExists" [objT c_QString] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "filePath" [objT c_QString] $ objT c_QString , test (qtVersion >= [4, 2]) $ mkStaticMethod "fromNativeSeparators" [objT c_QString] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkStaticMethod "home" [] $ objT c_QDir , just $ mkStaticMethod "homePath" [] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "isAbsolute" [] boolT , just $ mkStaticMethod "isAbsolutePath" [objT c_QString] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isReadable" [] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isRelative" [] boolT , just $ mkStaticMethod "isRelativePath" [objT c_QString] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isRoot" [] boolT , just $ mkMethod "makeAbsolute" [] boolT , just $ mkStaticMethod "match" [objT c_QString, objT c_QString] boolT -- TODO match(QStringList, QString) , just $ mkConstMethod "mkdir" [objT c_QString] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "mkpath" [objT c_QString] boolT , just $ mkMethod "refresh" [] voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "relativeFilePath" [objT c_QString] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkMethod "remove" [objT c_QString] boolT , test (qtVersion >= [5, 0]) $ mkMethod "removeRecursively" [] boolT , just $ mkMethod "rename" [objT c_QString, objT c_QString] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "rmdir" [objT c_QString] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "rmpath" [objT c_QString] boolT , just $ mkStaticMethod "root" [] $ objT c_QDir , just $ mkStaticMethod "rootPath" [] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkStaticMethod "separator" [] $ objT c_QChar , just $ mkStaticMethod "setCurrent" [objT c_QString] boolT , test (qtVersion >= [5, 0]) $ mkMethod "swap" [refT $ objT c_QDir] voidT , just $ mkStaticMethod "temp" [] $ objT c_QDir , just $ mkStaticMethod "tempPath" [] $ objT c_QString , test (qtVersion >= [4, 2]) $ mkStaticMethod "toNativeSeparators" [objT c_QString] $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod OpArray [intT] $ objT c_QString ] ++ mkProps [ mkProp "filter" $ bitspaceT bs_Filters -- TODO nameFilters , mkProp "path" $ objT c_QString -- TODO searchPaths (>=4.3) , mkProp "sorting" $ bitspaceT bs_SortFlags ] (e_Filter, bs_Filters) = makeQtEnumBitspace (ident1 "QDir" "Filter") "Filters" [includeStd "QDir"] $ let dirs = 0x1 allDirs = 0x400 files = 0x2 drives = 0x4 noSymLinks = 0x8 noDotAndDotDot = noDot .|. noDotDot noDot = 0x2000 noDotDot = 0x4000 allEntries = dirs .|. files .|. drives readable = 0x10 writable = 0x20 executable = 0x40 modified = 0x80 hidden = 0x100 system = 0x200 caseSensitive = 0x800 in [ (dirs, ["dirs"]) , (allDirs, ["all", "dirs"]) , (files, ["files"]) , (drives, ["drives"]) , (noSymLinks, ["no", "sym", "links"]) , (noDotAndDotDot, ["no", "dot", "and", "dot", "dot"]) , (noDot, ["no", "dot"]) , (noDotDot, ["no", "dot", "dot"]) , (allEntries, ["all", "entries"]) , (readable, ["readable"]) , (writable, ["writable"]) , (executable, ["executable"]) , (modified, ["modified"]) , (hidden, ["hidden"]) , (system, ["system"]) , (caseSensitive, ["case", "sensitive"]) ] (e_SortFlag, bs_SortFlags) = makeQtEnumBitspace (ident1 "QDir" "SortFlag") "SortFlags" [includeStd "QDir"] [ (0x00, ["name"]) , (0x01, ["time"]) , (0x02, ["size"]) , (0x80, ["type"]) , (0x03, ["unsorted"]) -- QDir::NoSort = -1. Not sure this is needed (it's used for parameter -- defaults). Would need to check if negative values work as expected. , (0x04, ["dirs", "first"]) , (0x20, ["dirs", "last"]) , (0x08, ["reversed"]) , (0x10, ["ignore", "case"]) , (0x40, ["locale", "aware"]) ]