-- This file is part of Qtah. -- -- Copyright 2015-2021 The Qtah Authors. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . module Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Widgets.QWidget ( aModule, c_QWidget, ) where import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec ( addReqIncludes, classSetEntityPrefix, ident, includeStd, makeClass, mkConstMethod, mkConstMethod', mkCtor, mkMethod, mkMethod', mkProp, mkStaticMethod, np, ) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Types (boolT, enumT, intT, objT, ptrT, voidT) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Version (collect, just, test) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Config (keypadNavigation, qdoc, qtVersion) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Flags (flagsT) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QByteArray (c_QByteArray) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QMargins (c_QMargins) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QObject (c_QObject) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QPoint (c_QPoint) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QRect (c_QRect) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QSize (c_QSize) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QString (c_QString) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.Types ( e_ContextMenuPolicy, e_LayoutDirection, fl_WindowFlags, e_WindowModality, fl_WindowStates, e_WindowType, qreal, ) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QPalette ( c_QPalette, e_ColorRole, ) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QCursor (c_QCursor) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QFont (c_QFont) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QIcon (c_QIcon) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QPaintDevice (c_QPaintDevice) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QPainter (c_QPainter) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QPixmap (c_QPixmap) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QRegion (c_QRegion) import {-# SOURCE #-} Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Internal.Listener ( listenerQPoint, listenerQString, listenerRefConstQIcon, ) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Widgets.QAction (c_QAction) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Widgets.QLayout (c_QLayout) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Widgets.QSizePolicy (c_QSizePolicy, e_Policy) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Module (AModule (AQtModule), makeQtModule) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Types {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-} aModule = AQtModule $ makeQtModule ["Widgets", "QWidget"] [ QtExportClassAndSignals c_QWidget signals ] (c_QWidget, signals) = makeQtClassAndSignals signalGens $ addReqIncludes [includeStd "QWidget"] $ classSetEntityPrefix "" $ makeClass (ident "QWidget") Nothing [c_QObject] $ collect [ just $ mkCtor "new" np , just $ mkCtor "newWithParent" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] , just $ mkConstMethod "acceptDrops" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "accessibleDescription" np $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "accessibleName" np $ objT c_QString -- TODO actions , just $ mkMethod "activateWindow" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "addAction" [ptrT $ objT c_QAction] voidT -- TODO addActions , just $ mkMethod "adjustSize" np voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "autoFillBackground" np boolT , just $ mkProp "backgroundRole" $ enumT e_ColorRole , just $ mkConstMethod "baseSize" np $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkConstMethod' "childAt" "childAtRaw" [intT, intT] $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkConstMethod' "childAt" "childAtPoint" [objT c_QPoint] $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkConstMethod "childrenRect" np $ objT c_QRect -- TODO childrenRegion , just $ mkMethod "clearFocus" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "clearMask" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "close" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "contentsMargins" np $ objT c_QMargins , just $ mkConstMethod "contentsRect" np $ objT c_QRect , just $ mkProp "contextMenuPolicy" $ enumT e_ContextMenuPolicy , just $ mkProp "cursor" $ objT c_QCursor -- TODO effectiveWinId , just $ mkConstMethod "ensurePolished" np voidT -- TODO find -- TODO focusPolicy , just $ mkConstMethod "focusProxy" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkConstMethod "focusWidget" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkProp "font" $ objT c_QFont -- TODO fontInfo -- TODO fontMetrics -- TODO foregroundRole , just $ mkConstMethod "frameGeometry" np $ objT c_QRect , just $ mkConstMethod "frameSize" np $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkConstMethod "geometry" np $ objT c_QRect , test (qtVersion >= [5, 0]) $ mkMethod "grab" np $ objT c_QPixmap , test (qtVersion >= [5, 0]) $ mkMethod' "grab" "grabWithRect" [objT c_QRect] $ objT c_QPixmap -- TODO grabGesture , just $ mkMethod "grabKeyboard" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "grabMouse" np voidT , just $ mkMethod' "grabMouse" "grabMouseWithCursor" [objT c_QCursor] voidT -- TODO grabShortcut -- TODO graphicsEffect -- TODO graphicsProxyWidget , test keypadNavigation $ mkConstMethod "hasEditFocus" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "hasFocus" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "hasMouseTracking" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "height" np intT , just $ mkConstMethod "heightForWidth" [intT] intT , just $ mkMethod "hide" np voidT -- TODO inputContext -- TODO inputMethodHints -- TODO inputMethodQuery , just $ mkMethod "insertAction" [ptrT $ objT c_QAction, ptrT $ objT c_QAction] voidT -- TODO insertActions , just $ mkConstMethod "isActiveWindow" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isAncestorOf" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isEnabled" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isEnabledTo" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isFullScreen" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isHidden" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isMaximized" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isMinimized" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isModal" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isVisible" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isVisibleTo" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isWindow" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isWindowModified" np boolT , just $ mkStaticMethod "keyboardGrabber" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkConstMethod "layout" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QLayout , just $ mkConstMethod "layoutDirection" np $ enumT e_LayoutDirection -- TODO locale -- TODO macCGHandle -- TODO macQDHandle , just $ mkMethod "lower" np voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "mapFrom" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget, objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkConstMethod "mapFromGlobal" [objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkConstMethod "mapFromParent" [objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkConstMethod "mapTo" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget, objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkConstMethod "mapToGlobal" [objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkConstMethod "mapToParent" [objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkConstMethod "maximumHeight" np intT , just $ mkConstMethod "maximumSize" np $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkConstMethod "maximumWidth" np intT , just $ mkConstMethod "minimumHeight" np intT , just $ mkConstMethod "minimumSize" np $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkConstMethod "minimumWidth" np intT , just $ mkStaticMethod "mouseGrabber" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkMethod "move" [objT c_QPoint] voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "nativeParentWidget" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkConstMethod "nextInFocusChain" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkConstMethod "normalGeometry" np $ objT c_QRect -- TODO overrideWindowFlags , just $ mkProp "palette" $ objT c_QPalette , just $ mkConstMethod "parentWidget" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget -- TODO platformWindow -- TODO platformWindowFormat , just $ mkConstMethod "pos" np $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkConstMethod "previousInFocusChain" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkMethod "raise" np voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "rect" np $ objT c_QRect , just $ mkMethod "releaseKeyboard" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "releaseMouse" np voidT -- TODO releaseShortcut , just $ mkMethod "removeAction" [ptrT $ objT c_QAction] voidT , test (qtVersion >= [4, 3]) $ mkMethod' "render" "renderWithTarget" [ptrT $ objT c_QPaintDevice] voidT , test (qtVersion >= [4, 3]) $ mkMethod' "render" "renderWithTargetAndOffset" [ptrT $ objT c_QPaintDevice, objT c_QPoint] voidT , test (qtVersion >= [4, 3]) $ mkMethod' "render" "renderWithTargetAndOffsetAndRegion" [ptrT $ objT c_QPaintDevice, objT c_QPoint, objT c_QRegion] voidT -- TODO [4.3] void render(QPaintDevice *target, const QPoint &targetOffset, -- const QRegion &sourceRegion, RenderFlags renderFlags) , just $ mkMethod' "render" "renderWithPainter" [ptrT $ objT c_QPainter] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "render" "renderWithPainterAndOffset" [ptrT $ objT c_QPainter, objT c_QPoint] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "render" "renderWithPainterAndOffsetAndRegion" [ptrT $ objT c_QPainter, objT c_QPoint, objT c_QRegion] voidT -- TODO void render(QPainter *painter, const QPoint &targetOffset, const QRegion &sourceRegion, -- RenderFlags renderFlags) , just $ mkMethod' "repaint" "repaint" np voidT , just $ mkMethod' "repaint" "repaintRaw" [intT, intT, intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "repaint" "repaintRect" [objT c_QRect] voidT -- TODO repaint(const QRegion&) , just $ mkMethod' "resize" "resize" [objT c_QSize] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "resize" "resizeRaw" [intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "restoreGeometry" [objT c_QByteArray] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "saveGeometry" np (objT c_QByteArray) , just $ mkMethod' "scroll" "scrollRaw" [intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "scroll" "scrollRect" [intT, intT, objT c_QRect] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setAcceptDrops" [boolT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setAccessibleDescription" [objT c_QString] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setAccessibleName" [objT c_QString] voidT -- TODO setAttribute , just $ mkMethod "setAutoFillBackground" [boolT] voidT -- TODO setBackgroundRole , just $ mkMethod' "setBaseSize" "setBaseSize" [objT c_QSize] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setBaseSize" "setBaseSizeRaw" [intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setContentsMargins" "setContentsMargins" [objT c_QMargins] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setContentsMargins" "setContentsMarginsRaw" [intT, intT, intT, intT] voidT -- TODO setContextMenuPolicy , just $ mkMethod "setEnabled" [boolT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setDisabled" [boolT] voidT , test keypadNavigation $ mkMethod "setEditFocus" [boolT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setFixedHeight" [intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setFixedSize" "setFixedSize" [objT c_QSize] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setFixedSize" "setFixedSizeRaw" [intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setFixedWidth" [intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setFocus" np voidT -- TODO setFocus(Qt::FocusReason) -- TODO setFocusPolicy , just $ mkMethod "setFocusProxy" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] voidT -- TODO setForegroundRole , just $ mkMethod' "setGeometry" "setGeometryRaw" [intT, intT, intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setGeometry" "setGeometryRect" [objT c_QRect] voidT -- TODO setGraphicsEffect , just $ mkMethod "setHidden" [boolT] voidT -- TODO setInputContext -- TODO setInputMethodHints , just $ mkMethod "setLayout" [ptrT $ objT c_QLayout] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setLayoutDirection" [enumT e_LayoutDirection] voidT -- TODO setLocale -- TODO setMask , just $ mkMethod "setMaximumHeight" [intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setMaximumSize" "setMaximumSize" [objT c_QSize] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setMaximumSize" "setMaximumSizeRaw" [intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setMaximumWidth" [intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setMinimumHeight" [intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setMinimumSize" "setMinimumSize" [objT c_QSize] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setMinimumSize" "setMinimumSizeRaw" [intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setMinimumWidth" [intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setMouseTracking" [boolT] voidT -- TODO setPalette , just $ mkMethod' "setParent" "setParent" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setParent" "setParentWithFlags" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget, flagsT fl_WindowFlags] voidT -- TODO setPlatformWindow -- TODO setPlatformWindowFormat -- TODO setShortcutAutoRepeat -- TODO setShortcutEnabled , just $ mkMethod' "setSizeIncrement" "setSizeIncrement" [objT c_QSize] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setSizeIncrement" "setSizeIncrementRaw" [intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setSizePolicy" "setSizePolicyRaw" [enumT e_Policy, enumT e_Policy] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setStatusTip" [objT c_QString] voidT -- TODO setStyle , just $ mkMethod "setStyleSheet" [objT c_QString] voidT , just $ mkStaticMethod "setTabOrder" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget, ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setToolTip" [objT c_QString] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setUpdatesEnabled" [boolT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setVisible" [boolT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setWhatsThis" [objT c_QString] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setWindowFilePath" [objT c_QString] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setWindowIconText" [objT c_QString] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setWindowModified" [boolT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setWindowRole" [objT c_QString] voidT -- TODO setWindowSurface , test qdoc $ mkMethod "setupUi" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] voidT , just $ mkMethod "show" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "showFullScreen" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "showMaximized" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "showMinimized" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "showNormal" np voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "size" np $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkConstMethod "sizeHint" np $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkConstMethod "sizeIncrement" np $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkProp "sizePolicy" $ objT c_QSizePolicy , just $ mkMethod "stackUnder" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "statusTip" np $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "styleSheet" np $ objT c_QString -- TODO testAttribute , just $ mkConstMethod "toolTip" np $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "underMouse" np boolT -- TODO ungrabGesture , just $ mkMethod "unsetCursor" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "unsetLayoutDirection" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "unsetLocale" np voidT , just $ mkMethod' "update" "update" np voidT , just $ mkMethod' "update" "updateRaw" [intT, intT, intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "update" "updateRect" [objT c_QRect] voidT -- TODO update(const QRegion&) , just $ mkMethod "updateGeometry" np voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "updatesEnabled" np boolT -- TODO visibleRegion , just $ mkConstMethod "whatsThis" np $ objT c_QString , just $ mkConstMethod "width" np intT , just $ mkConstMethod "window" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QWidget , just $ mkConstMethod "windowFilePath" np $ objT c_QString , just $ mkProp "windowFlags" $ flagsT fl_WindowFlags , just $ mkProp "windowIcon" $ objT c_QIcon , -- DEPRECATED by 5.7. just $ mkConstMethod "windowIconText" np $ objT c_QString , just $ mkProp "windowModality" $ enumT e_WindowModality , just $ mkProp "windowOpacity" qreal , just $ mkConstMethod "windowRole" np $ objT c_QString -- TODO windowSurface , just $ mkProp "windowState" $ flagsT fl_WindowStates , just $ mkProp "windowTitle" $ objT c_QString , test (qtVersion < [5, 0]) $ mkConstMethod "windowType" np $ enumT e_WindowType -- TODO winId , just $ mkConstMethod "x" np intT -- TODO x11Info -- TODO x11PictureHandle , just $ mkConstMethod "y" np intT ] signalGens :: [SignalGen] signalGens = collect [ just $ makeSignal "customContextMenuRequested" listenerQPoint , test (qtVersion >= [5, 2]) $ makeSignal "windowIconChanged" listenerRefConstQIcon -- TODO windowIconTextChanged (>=5.0? Deprecated by 5.7.) , test (qtVersion >= [5, 2]) $ makeSignal "windowTitleChanged" listenerQString ]