{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric,
             ViewPatterns   #-}

-- | Functionality for display of binary data. Seeing a visual representation of quantum random
--   data lets a user visually verify that it is indeed random.
--   Usually to be imported via the "Quantum.Random" module.
module Quantum.Random.Display (

  DisplayStyle (..),

) where

import GHC.Generics                 (Generic)
import Data.Aeson                   (FromJSON,ToJSON)
import System.Console.ANSI          (Color (..), ColorIntensity (..))
import System.Console.Ansigraph     (AnsiColor (AnsiColor), colorStr, fromFG)
import System.Console.Terminal.Size (size,width)
import Data.Word                    (Word8)
import Data.Bits                    (testBit)
import Data.Char                    (toLower)
import Numeric                      (showHex)

-- | Represents the supported methods for displaying binary data.
--   All styles show data separated by byte except for 'Hex'.
data DisplayStyle = Colors
                  | Spins
                  | Bits
                  | Hex
                  | ColorSpins
                  | ColorBits
                  | ColorHex deriving (Generic,Show,Eq)

instance FromJSON DisplayStyle
instance ToJSON   DisplayStyle

-- | Parse a string to one of the supported display styles.
parseStyle :: String -> Maybe DisplayStyle
parseStyle (map toLower -> "colors")      = Just Colors
parseStyle (map toLower -> "spins")       = Just Spins
parseStyle (map toLower -> "bits")        = Just Bits
parseStyle (map toLower -> "binary")      = Just Bits
parseStyle (map toLower -> "hex")         = Just Hex
parseStyle (map toLower -> "hexidecimal") = Just Hex
parseStyle (map toLower -> "colorspins")  = Just ColorSpins
parseStyle (map toLower -> "colorbits")   = Just ColorBits
parseStyle (map toLower -> "colorbinary") = Just ColorBits
parseStyle (map toLower -> "colorhex")    = Just ColorHex
parseStyle _                              = Nothing

---- Interpreting as colors ----

-- 'Bits' type class indexes bits from least to most significant, thus the reverse
w8bools :: Word8 -> [Bool]
w8bools w = reverse $ testBit w <$> [0..7]

type EightBits = (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)
type FourBits  = (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)

byteBits :: Word8 -> EightBits
byteBits (w8bools -> [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
byteBits _ = error "byteBits: Impossible case: w8bools produces length-8 list"

sepByte :: Word8 -> (FourBits, FourBits)
sepByte (byteBits -> (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)) = ((a,b,c,d), (e,f,g,h))

color :: FourBits -> AnsiColor
color (False,False,False,False) = AnsiColor Dull Black
color (False,False,False,True)  = AnsiColor Vivid Black
color (False,False,True,False)  = AnsiColor Dull Red
color (False,False,True,True)   = AnsiColor Vivid Red
color (False,True,False,False)  = AnsiColor Dull Green
color (False,True,False,True)   = AnsiColor Vivid Green
color (False,True,True,False)   = AnsiColor Dull Yellow
color (False,True,True,True)    = AnsiColor Vivid Yellow
color (True,False,False,False)  = AnsiColor Dull Blue
color (True,False,False,True)   = AnsiColor Vivid Blue
color (True,False,True,False)   = AnsiColor Dull Magenta
color (True,False,True,True)    = AnsiColor Vivid Magenta
color (True,True,False,False)   = AnsiColor Dull Cyan
color (True,True,False,True)    = AnsiColor Vivid Cyan
color (True,True,True,False)    = AnsiColor Dull White
color (True,True,True,True)     = AnsiColor Vivid White

colorBlock :: AnsiColor -> IO ()
colorBlock c = colorStr (fromFG c) "█"

---- Interpreting as strings ----

binChar :: Bool -> Char
binChar False = '0'
binChar True  = '1'

spinChar :: Bool -> Char
spinChar False = '↑'
spinChar True  = '↓'

binStr :: FourBits -> String
binStr (a,b,c,d) = [binChar a, binChar b, binChar c, binChar d]

spinStr :: FourBits -> String
spinStr (a,b,c,d) = [spinChar a, spinChar b, spinChar c, spinChar d]

hexStr :: Word8 -> String
hexStr w = let hx = showHex w ""
           in  if length hx < 2 then '0' : hx else hx

---- Byte display functions ----

binDisplay :: Word8 -> IO ()
binDisplay (sepByte -> (x,y)) = do
  putStr $ (binStr x) ++ " " ++ (binStr y) ++ "  "

spinDisplay :: Word8 -> IO ()
spinDisplay (sepByte -> (x,y)) = do
  putStr $ (spinStr x) ++ " " ++ (spinStr y) ++ "  "

hexDisplay :: Word8 -> IO ()
hexDisplay = putStr . hexStr

binColorDisplay :: Word8 -> IO ()
binColorDisplay (sepByte -> (x,y)) = do
  colorBlock (color x)
  colorBlock (color y)
  putStr $ " " ++ (binStr x) ++ " " ++ (binStr y) ++ " "

spinColorDisplay :: Word8 -> IO ()
spinColorDisplay (sepByte -> (x,y)) = do
  colorBlock (color x)
  colorBlock (color y)
  putStr $ " " ++ (spinStr x) ++ " " ++ (spinStr y) ++ " "

hexColorDisplay :: Word8 -> IO ()
hexColorDisplay w = do
  let (x,y) = sepByte w
  colorBlock (color x)
  colorBlock (color y)
  putStr $ " " ++ hexStr w ++ " "

colorDisplay :: Word8 -> IO ()
colorDisplay (sepByte -> (x,y)) = do
  colorBlock (color x)
  colorBlock (color y)

---- Interpreting as display IO actions ----

displayByte :: DisplayStyle -> Word8 -> IO ()
displayByte Colors     = colorDisplay
displayByte Spins      = spinDisplay
displayByte Bits       = binDisplay
displayByte ColorSpins = spinColorDisplay
displayByte ColorBits  = binColorDisplay
displayByte Hex        = hexDisplay
displayByte ColorHex   = hexColorDisplay

-- How many characters each display style uses per byte
byteSize :: DisplayStyle -> Int
byteSize ColorHex   = 6
byteSize ColorBits  = 13
byteSize ColorSpins = 13
byteSize Bits       = 11
byteSize Spins      = 11
byteSize Hex        = 2
byteSize Colors     = 1

insertEvery :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertEvery n x l = take n l ++ nl
   where nl = if length (drop n l) > 0
              then (x : insertEvery n x (drop n l))
              else []

-- Obtain the character-width of the terminal. On failure assume a conservative default.
termWidth :: IO Int
termWidth = do mw <- fmap width <$> size
               case mw of
                    Just w  -> pure w
                    Nothing -> pure 80

-- Display data, such that no byte is broken by a new line.
displayBytes :: DisplayStyle -> [Word8] -> IO ()
displayBytes sty ws = do
  w <- termWidth
  let bw = w `div` byteSize sty
  sequence_ $ insertEvery bw (putStrLn "") $ displayByte sty <$> ws

-- | Display a given list of bytes with the specified display style.
display :: DisplayStyle -> [Word8] -> IO ()
display Hex l = putStrLn $ concatMap hexStr l
display s   l = displayBytes s l *> putStrLn ""