{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, TypeFamilies, NamedFieldPuns, ViewPatterns, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns #-}

-- | A soft heap is a comparison-based priority queue that provides amortized constant-time performance for every one of its operations by /corrupting/ at most a fixed percentage (by default, 1/128) of keys, possibly increasing them.  At this time, that means that not every element put in will come out again -- instead, a duplicate of a greater key might be returned.  This is a highly experimental implementation.
-- * The author believes that every element that goes in can be returned, just possibly not in the correct order (but this will happen for at most an epsilon proportion)
-- * The author believes that a truly functional implementation with the same time performance isn't possible; part of this implementation uses "Data.Sequence".  As a result, every operation takes @O(log log n)@ amortized time in this implementation, with a very low constant factor.
-- * This implementation is based on the one described in /H. Kaplan, U. Zwick: A simpler implementation and analysis of Chazelle's soft heaps. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual ACM -SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2009, 477-485/.
-- * An IO-backed implementation supporting true amortized constant-time operations is in progress.
module Data.Queue.SoftHeap (SoftHeap, empty', singleton', fromList') where

-- import Debug.Trace

import Data.Queue.Class
import Data.Queue.Numeric

import Data.Sequence (Seq, viewl, (<|), ViewL(..), ViewR(..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
-- import Data.Queue.QueueHelpers

import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow(second)

import Control.Monad.Instances
import Data.Tree hiding (subForest)

data SNode e = SN {ckey :: e, rk, targetSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, list :: [e], left, right :: Maybe (SNode e)} deriving (Show)
data SHead e = SHead {sHeap :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(SNode e), myIx, sufMin :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int} deriving (Show) -- TODO: rearrange sufMin for the functional context
type SHeapList e = Seq (SHead e)
data SoftHeap e = SQ {elts, rank, rConst :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, heads :: SHeapList e}
-- TODO: list will always be nonempty; exploit this.  (Also, use a Seq so that length runs faster.)
-- TODO: Bootstrap via QueueHelpers.  Necessary modifications minimal.  Srsly.

toTree :: SNode e -> Tree (e, Int, [e])
toTree SN{..} = Node (ckey, rk, list) [toTree n | Just n <- [left, right]]

toForest :: SoftHeap e -> Forest (e, Int, [e])
toForest = map (toTree . sHeap) . Fold.toList . heads

drawHeap :: Show e => SoftHeap e -> String
drawHeap = drawForest . map (fmap show) . toForest

defaultRank :: Int
defaultRank = 12

fromEpsilon :: RealFrac b => b -> Int
fromEpsilon x
	= let (a, b) = asFraction (toPrecision x) in ceilLog (fromIntegral b) - intLog (fromIntegral a) + 5
	where	precision = fromRational (1 % 100000)
		toPrecision x = x `approxRational` (precision `min` (x / 2))
		asFraction = liftM2 (,) numerator denominator

empty' :: (Ord e, RealFrac b) => b -> SoftHeap e
empty' epsilon = SQ 0 0 (fromEpsilon epsilon) Seq.empty

singleton' :: (Ord e, RealFrac b) => b -> e -> SoftHeap e
singleton' epsilon x = SQ 1 0 (fromEpsilon epsilon) (Seq.singleton (SHead (single x) 0 0))

fromList' :: (Ord e, RealFrac b) => b -> [e] -> SoftHeap e
fromList' epsilon xs = insertAll xs (empty' epsilon)

instance (Ord e) => Queuelike (SoftHeap e) where
	type QueueKey (SoftHeap e) = e
	empty = SQ 0 0 defaultRank Seq.empty
	singleton x = SQ 1 0 defaultRank (Seq.singleton (SHead (single x) 0 0))
	merge = meld
	extract = deleteMin
	size = elts

minWith :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> a
minWith f x y	| f x <= f y	= x
		| otherwise	= y

orderPairWith :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
orderPairWith f (x, y)	| f x <= f y	= (x, y)
			| otherwise	= (y, x)

isLeaf :: SNode e -> Bool
isLeaf SN{..} = not (isJust left || isJust right)

sift :: Ord e => SNode e -> SNode e
sift x@SN{left, right, targetSize}
	| length (list x) >= targetSize || isLeaf x
		= x
	| (l', r') <- swapKids left right
		= let ckey' = case list x of
			[]	-> ckey l'
			_	-> ckey x `max` ckey l'
			in ckey' `seq` sift x{ckey = ckey', list = list x ++ list l', 
				left = if isLeaf l' then Nothing else Just (sift l'{list = []}), right = r'}
	where	swapKids (Just l) (Just r) = let (l', r') = orderPairWith ckey (l, r) in (l', Just r')
		swapKids (Just l) r = (l, r)
		swapKids _ (Just r) = (r, Nothing)

combine :: Ord e => Int -> SNode e -> SNode e -> SNode e
combine r x@SN{rk,targetSize} y = sift $ SN undefined (rk + 1) (if rk < r then 1 else (3 * targetSize + 1) `quot` 2) [] (Just x) (Just y)

consHead :: Ord e => SNode e -> SHeapList e -> SHeapList e
consHead x hs = case viewl hs of
	EmptyL	-> SHead x 0 0 <| hs
	(SHead{sufMin} :< _) | n <- Seq.length hs, SHead{sHeap = sMin} <- Seq.index hs (n - 1 - sufMin)
		-> SHead x n (if ckey x <= ckey sMin then n else sufMin) <| hs

single :: Ord e => e -> SNode e
single x = SN x 0 1 [x] Nothing Nothing

rkHead :: SHead e -> Int
rkHead = rk . sHeap

meld :: (Ord e) => SoftHeap e -> SoftHeap e -> SoftHeap e
SQ n1 rk1 r1 p `meld` SQ n2 rk2 r2 q = case viewl (p `mergeRanks` q) of
	EmptyL	-> SQ 0 0 r Seq.empty
	(SHead h _ _ :< hs) | (rk, heads) <- compare (ckey h) (ckey h) `seq` rebuild h hs
		-> SQ (n1 + n2) (rk `max` rk1 `max` rk2) r heads
	where	r = r1 `max` r2
		rkMin = rk1 `min` rk2
		ps `mergeRanks` qs = case (viewl ps, viewl qs) of
			(p :< ps', q :< qs')
				| rkHead p <= rkHead q	-> p <| mergeRanks ps' qs
				| otherwise		-> q <| mergeRanks ps qs'
			(EmptyL, _)	-> qs
			(_, EmptyL)	-> ps
-- 		rebuild q qs | traceShow (q, qs) False = undefined
		rebuild q@SN{rk = rk0} qs@(viewl -> SHead{sHeap = q1} :< qs1)
			| rk0 == rk q1
				= case viewl qs1 of
						(SHead{sHeap = q2} :< qs2)
							| rk0 == rk q2	-> fmap (q `consHead`) $ rebuild (combine r q1 q2) qs2
						_			-> rebuild (combine r q q1) qs1
-- 			| rk0 > rkMin
-- 				= (rk0, q `consHead` qs)
			| otherwise
				= fmap (q `consHead`) $ rebuild q1 qs1
		rebuild q qs
			= (rk q, q `consHead` Seq.empty)

headKey :: SHead e -> e
headKey = ckey . sHeap

fixSufMins :: Ord e => Int -> SHeapList e -> SHeapList e
fixSufMins i sequ@(Seq.splitAt i -> (seqL, seqR))
	= Fold.foldr (consHead . sHeap) seqR seqL

deleteMin :: Ord e => SoftHeap e -> Maybe (e, SoftHeap e)
deleteMin q@SQ{elts, rConst = r, heads = heads@(viewl -> SHead{sufMin} :< _)} 
	| n <- Seq.length heads, t@(headKey -> minKey) <- Seq.index heads (n - 1 - sufMin)
		= Just (minKey, q{elts = elts - 1, heads = deleteMin' (n - 1 - sufMin) t heads})
	where	deleteMin' :: Ord e => Int -> SHead e -> SHeapList e -> SHeapList e
		deleteMin' sufMin t@SHead{sHeap = h@SN{ckey, targetSize, list = _:l'}} heads
			| 2 * length l' <= targetSize, not (isLeaf h), h' <- sift h{list = l'}
				= case list h' of
					[]	-> let (lHeads, viewl -> _ :< rHeads) = Seq.splitAt sufMin heads in
							Fold.foldr (consHead . sHeap) rHeads lHeads
					_	-> Seq.update sufMin t{sHeap = h'} heads
			| [] <- l', (lHeads, viewl -> _ :< rHeads) <- Seq.splitAt sufMin heads
				= Fold.foldr (consHead . sHeap) rHeads lHeads
			| otherwise
				= Seq.update sufMin t{sHeap = h{list = l'}} heads
deleteMin _ = Nothing