{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TypeFamilies #-} -- | A small collection of specialized 'Int'-indexed priority queues dealing with both untagged 'Int's and association pairs with 'Int' keys. The implementation is a simple bootstrap from 'IntMap'. (Note: Duplicate keys /will/ be counted separately. No guarantees are made on the order in which values associated with equal keys are returned.) module Data.Queue.IntQueue (IntQueue, IntAssocQueue) where import Data.Queue.Class import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.IntMap as IM import Prelude hiding (null) import qualified Data.List as L -- | A 'Queuelike' type with @QueueKey IntQueue ~ Int@. newtype IntQueue = IQ (IM.IntMap Int) -- | A 'Queuelike' type with @QueueKey (IntAssocQueue e) ~ e :-> Int@. newtype IntAssocQueue e = IAQ (IM.IntMap [e]) instance Queuelike IntQueue where type QueueKey IntQueue = Int x `insert` IQ m = IQ (IM.alter (Just . maybe 1 (+1)) x m) xs `insertAll` q = q `merge` fromList xs extract (IQ m) = fmap (\ ((k, ct), m') -> (k, IQ (if ct > 1 then IM.insert k (ct - 1) m' else m'))) (IM.minViewWithKey m) null (IQ m) = IM.null m empty = IQ IM.empty singleton x = IQ (IM.singleton x 1) fromList xs = IQ (IM.fromListWith (+) [(x, 1) | x <- xs]) IQ q1 `merge` IQ q2 = IQ (IM.unionWith (+) q1 q2) mergeAll qs = IQ (IM.unionsWith (+) [m | IQ m <- qs]) instance Queuelike (IntAssocQueue e) where type QueueKey (IntAssocQueue e) = e :-> Int (v :-> k) `insert` IAQ m = IAQ (IM.alter (Just . maybe [v] (v:)) k m) xs `insertAll` q = q `merge` fromList xs extract (IAQ m) = fmap (\ ((k, v:vs), m') -> (v :-> k, IAQ (if L.null vs then m' else IM.insert k vs m'))) (IM.minViewWithKey m) null (IAQ m) = IM.null m empty = IAQ IM.empty singleton (v :-> k) = IAQ (IM.singleton k [v]) fromList xs = IAQ (IM.fromListWith (++) [(k, [v]) | (v :-> k) <- xs]) IAQ q1 `merge` IAQ q2 = IAQ (IM.unionWith (++) q1 q2) mergeAll qs = IAQ (IM.unionsWith (++) [m | IAQ m <- qs])