{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-missing-methods -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {- | A standard, compact implementation of a skew queue, which offers merging, insertion, and deletion in amortized logarithmic time and size and peek-min in constant time. Moderately less lazy than "Data.Queue.PQueue". -} module Data.Queue.SkewQueue (SkewQueue) where import Data.Queue.Class import Data.Queue.QueueHelpers import GHC.Exts import Data.Monoid import Data.Ord -- Confession: This is as much a toy implementation as anything else, due to the sheer sexy compactness with which skew queues can be implemented in Haskell, especially with the automatically provided monoid structure from QueueHelpers. The meat of the skew queue implementation is entirely contained in the Monoid instance; everything else is deliciously brief boilerplate. data BTree e = Tr {treeMin :: e, _left, _right :: Maybe (BTree e)} newtype SkewQueue e = SQ (HeapQ (BTree e)) deriving (Monoid) instance Ord e => Monoid (BTree e) where mappend = let t1 `meld` t2 = case order (comparing treeMin) t1 t2 of (Tr x l r, t') -> Tr x (endoMaybe meld r (Just t')) l in meld instance Ord e => Queuelike (SkewQueue e) where {-# INLINE mergeAll #-} type QueueKey (SkewQueue e) = e empty = mempty singleton = SQ . single fromList xs = SQ $ fuseMerge (map single xs) merge = mappend mergeAll = mconcat extract (SQ (HQ n t)) = fmap (\ (Tr x l r) -> (x, SQ (HQ n (l `mappend` r)))) t size (SQ HQ{elts}) = elts toList_ (SQ HQ{heap}) = flatten heap single :: e -> HeapQ (BTree e) single x = HQ 1 $ Just (Tr x Nothing Nothing) flatten :: Maybe (BTree e) -> [e] flatten h = build (flattenFB h) where flattenFB h c n = maybe n (\ (Tr x l r) -> x `c` flattenFB l c (flattenFB r c n)) h