Name: quickcheck-poly Version: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Ahn, Ki Yung Maintainer: Ahn, Ki Yung Category: Testing Synopsis: Automating QuickCheck for polymorphic and overlaoded properties Stability: experimental Build-type: Simple Description: Automating QuickCheck for polymorphic and overlaoded properties in a small world of types Build-Depends: base >= 2 && < 6, haskell98, QuickCheck, hint >= 0.3, regex-tdfa >= 1.1, regex-compat, MonadCatchIO-mtl >= 0.2 Exposed-modules: Test.QuickCheck.PolyQC, Test.QuickCheck.UnsafeShowIO Extra-source-files: test/Main.hs, test/Prop.hs