{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Test.StateMachine.Internal.Sequential
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2017, ATS Advanced Telematic Systems GmbH
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Stevan Andjelkovic <stevan@advancedtelematic.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- This module contains helpers for generating, shrinking, and checking
-- sequential programs.

module Test.StateMachine.Internal.Sequential
  ( generateProgram
  , generateProgram'
  , filterInvalid
  , getUsedVars
  , liftShrinkInternal
  , validProgram
  , shrinkProgram
  , executeProgram

import           Control.Monad
                   (filterM, when)
import           Control.Monad.State
                   (State, StateT, evalStateT, get, lift,
import           Data.Dynamic
import           Data.Functor.Classes
                   (Show1, showsPrec1)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Set
import qualified Data.Set                                     as S
import           Data.Typeable
import           Test.QuickCheck
                   (Gen, choose, shrinkList, sized, suchThat)

import           Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types
import           Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types.Environment
import           Test.StateMachine.Types
import           Test.StateMachine.Types.History


-- | Generate programs whose actions all respect their pre-conditions.
  :: forall model act err
  .  Generator    model act
  -> Precondition model act
  -> Transition'  model act err
  -> Int                     -- ^ Name supply for symbolic variables.
  -> StateT (model Symbolic) Gen (Program act)
generateProgram generator precondition transition index = do
  size <- lift (sized (\k -> choose (0, k)))
  Program <$> go size index
  go :: Int -> Int -> StateT (model Symbolic) Gen [Internal act]
  go 0  _  = return []
  go sz ix = do
    model <- get
    Untyped act <- lift (generator model `suchThat`
      \(Untyped act) -> precondition model act)
    let sym = Symbolic (Var ix)
    put (transition model act (Success sym))
    acts <- go (sz - 1) (ix + 1)
    return (Internal act sym : acts)

  :: Generator    model act
  -> Precondition model act
  -> Transition'  model act err
  -> model Symbolic
  -> Gen (Program act)
generateProgram' g p t = evalStateT (generateProgram g p t 0)

-- | Filter out invalid actions from a program. An action is invalid if
--   either its pre-condition doesn't hold, or it uses references that
--   are not in scope.
  :: HFoldable act
  => Precondition model act
  -> Transition'  model act err
  -> Program act
  -> State (model Symbolic, Set Var) (Program act) -- ^ Where @Set Var@
                                                   --   is the scope.
filterInvalid precondition transition
  = fmap Program
  . filterM go
  . unProgram
  go (Internal act sym@(Symbolic var)) = do
    (model, scope) <- get
    let valid = precondition model act && getUsedVars act `S.isSubsetOf` scope
    when valid (put (transition model act (Success sym), S.insert var scope))
    return valid

-- | Returns the set of references an action uses.
getUsedVars :: HFoldable act => act Symbolic a -> Set Var
getUsedVars = hfoldMap (\(Symbolic v) -> S.singleton v)

-- | Given a shrinker of typed actions we can lift it to a shrinker of
--   internal actions.
liftShrinkInternal :: Shrinker act -> (Internal act -> [Internal act])
liftShrinkInternal shrinker (Internal act sym) =
  [ Internal act' sym | act' <- shrinker act ]

  :: forall act model err
  .  HFoldable act
  => Precondition model act
  -> Transition' model act err
  -> model Symbolic
  -> Program act
  -> Bool
validProgram precondition transition model0 = go model0 S.empty . unProgram
  go :: model Symbolic -> Set Var -> [Internal act] -> Bool
  go _     _     []                                     = True
  go model scope (Internal act sym@(Symbolic var) : is) =
    valid && go (transition model act (Success sym)) (S.insert var scope) is
    valid = precondition model act && getUsedVars act `S.isSubsetOf` scope

-- | Shrink a program in a pre-condition and scope respecting way.
  :: HFoldable act
  => Shrinker  act
  -> Precondition model act
  -> Transition'  model act err
  -> model Symbolic
  ->  Program act             -- ^ Program to shrink.
  -> [Program act]
shrinkProgram shrinker precondition transition model
  = filter (validProgram precondition transition model)
  . map Program
  . shrinkList (liftShrinkInternal shrinker)
  . unProgram

-- | Execute a program and return a history, the final model and a result which
--   contains the information of whether the execution respects the state
--   machine model or not.
  :: forall m act model err
  .  Monad m
  => Typeable err
  => Show1 (act Symbolic)
  => Show err
  => HTraversable act
  => StateMachine' model act m err
  -> Program act
  -> m (History act err, model Concrete, Reason)
executeProgram StateMachine{..}
  = fmap (\(hist, _, cmodel, _, reason) -> (hist, cmodel, reason))
  . go (mempty, model', model', emptyEnvironment)
  . unProgram
  go :: (History act err, model Symbolic, model Concrete, Environment)
     -> [Internal act]
     -> m (History act err, model Symbolic, model Concrete, Environment, Reason)
  go (hist, smodel, cmodel, env)  []                                       =
    return (hist, smodel, cmodel, env, Ok)
  go (hist, smodel, cmodel, env)  (Internal act sym@(Symbolic var) : acts) =
    if not (precondition' smodel act)
      return ( hist
             , smodel
             , cmodel
             , env
             , PreconditionFailed
    else do
      let Right cact = reify env act
      resp <- semantics' cact
      let hist' = hist <> History
            [ InvocationEvent (UntypedConcrete cact) (showsPrec1 10 act "") var (Pid 0)
            , ResponseEvent (fmap toDyn resp) (ppResult resp) (Pid 0)
      if not (postcondition' cmodel cact resp)
        return ( hist'
               , smodel
               , cmodel
               , env
               , PostconditionFailed
        case resp of

          Fail    err   ->
            go ( hist'
               , transition' smodel  act (Fail err)
               , transition' cmodel cact (Fail err)
               , env

          Success resp' ->
            go ( hist'
               , transition' smodel  act (Success sym)
               , transition' cmodel cact (fmap Concrete resp)
               , insertConcrete sym (Concrete resp') env