{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} -- NOTE: Make sure NOT to use DeriveAnyClass, or persistent-template -- will do the wrong thing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module : CrudWebserverDb -- Copyright : (C) 2016, James M.C. Haver II, Sönke Hahn; -- (C) 2017-2018, Stevan Andjelkovic -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Stevan Andjelkovic -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- This module contains the implementation and specification of a simple -- CRUD webserver that uses a postgresql database to store data. -- -- The implementation is based on Servant's -- -- repository. -- -- Readers who are not familiar with the -- library -- and/or the -- library might want consult the respective library's documentation in -- case any part of the implementation of the webserver is unclear. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ module CrudWebserverDb ( prop_crudWebserverDb , prop_crudWebserverDbParallel , Bug(..) , setup , cleanup , connectionString , demoNoBug , demoLogicBug , demoNoRace , demoRace , UserId -- Only to silence unused warning. ) where import Control.Concurrent (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, threadDelay) import Control.Exception (IOException, bracket, catch, onException) import Control.Monad.Logger (NoLoggingT, runNoLoggingT) import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Data.Char (isPrint) import Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.List (dropWhileEnd) import Data.Monoid import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy)) import Data.String.Conversions (cs) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Database.Persist.Class import Database.Persist.Postgresql (ConnectionPool, ConnectionString, SqlBackend, liftSqlPersistMPool, runMigrationQuiet, runSqlPool, withPostgresqlPool, (+=.)) import Database.Persist.TH (mkMigrate, mkPersist, persistLowerCase, share, sqlSettings) import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1) import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, defaultManagerSettings, newManager) import Network.Socket (AddrInfoFlag(AI_NUMERICHOST, AI_NUMERICSERV), Socket, SocketType(Stream), addrAddress, addrFamily, addrFlags, addrProtocol, addrSocketType, close, connect, defaultHints, getAddrInfo, socket) import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp import Prelude import Servant (Application, Capture, Delete, Get, JSON, Post, Put, ReqBody, Server, serve, (:<|>)(..), (:>)) import Servant.Client (BaseUrl(..), ClientEnv(..), ClientM, Scheme(Http), client, mkClientEnv, runClientM) import Servant.Server (Handler) import System.Process (callProcess, readProcess) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, Gen, Property, arbitrary, elements, expectFailure, frequency, ioProperty, listOf, quickCheck, shrink, suchThat, verboseCheck, (===)) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadic) import UnliftIO (Async, MonadIO, async, cancel, liftIO, waitEither) import Test.StateMachine import Test.StateMachine.TreeDiff (Expr(App)) import qualified Test.StateMachine.Types.Rank2 as Rank2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * User datatype share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase| User json name Text age Int deriving Eq Read Show Generic |] -- data User = User -- { name :: Text -- , age :: Int -- } instance ToExpr User where ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * API type Api = "user" :> "add" :> ReqBody '[JSON] User :> Post '[JSON] (Key User) :<|> "user" :> "get" :> Capture "key" (Key User) :> Get '[JSON] (Maybe User) :<|> "user" :> "inc" :> Capture "key" (Key User) :> Put '[JSON] () :<|> "user" :> "del" :> Capture "key" (Key User) :> Delete '[JSON] () :<|> "health" :> Get '[JSON] () ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Server implementation data Bug = None | Logic | Race server :: Bug -> ConnectionPool -> Server Api server bug pool = userAdd :<|> userGet :<|> userBirthday :<|> userDelete :<|> health where userAdd :: User -> Handler (Key User) userAdd newUser = sql (insert newUser) userGet :: Key User -> Handler (Maybe User) userGet key = sql (get key) userBirthday :: Key User -> Handler () userBirthday key = sql $ case bug of None -> update key [UserAge +=. 1] Logic -> update key [UserAge +=. 2] Race -> do User name age <- getJust key replace key (User name (age + 1)) userDelete :: Key User -> Handler () userDelete key = sql $ do muser <- get key -- Make sure that the record exists. case muser of Just _ -> delete key Nothing -> error "userDelete: user doesn't exist." health :: Handler () health = return () sql :: ReaderT SqlBackend (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) a -> Handler a sql q = liftSqlPersistMPool q pool ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Client bindings postUserC :: User -> ClientM (Key User) getUserC :: Key User -> ClientM (Maybe User) incAgeUserC :: Key User -> ClientM () deleteUserC :: Key User -> ClientM () healthC :: ClientM () postUserC :<|> getUserC :<|> incAgeUserC :<|> deleteUserC :<|> healthC = client api ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Implementation done, modelling starts data Action (r :: Type -> Type) = PostUser User | GetUser (Reference (Key User) r) | IncAgeUser (Reference (Key User) r) | DeleteUser (Reference (Key User) r) deriving stock (Show, Generic1) instance Rank2.Functor Action where instance Rank2.Foldable Action where instance Rank2.Traversable Action where instance CommandNames Action where data Response (r :: Type -> Type) = PostedUser (Reference (Key User) r) | GotUser (Maybe User) | IncedAgeUser | DeletedUser deriving stock (Show, Generic1) instance Rank2.Foldable Response where ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * State machine model newtype Model r = Model [(Reference (Key User) r, User)] deriving stock (Generic, Show) instance ToExpr (Model Concrete) where instance ToExpr (Key User) where toExpr key = App (show key) [] initModel :: Model v initModel = Model [] transitions :: Eq1 r => Model r -> Action r -> Response r -> Model r transitions (Model m) (PostUser user) (PostedUser key) = Model (m ++ [(key, user)]) transitions m (GetUser _) (GotUser _) = m transitions (Model m) (IncAgeUser key) IncedAgeUser = case lookup key m of Nothing -> Model m Just (User user age) -> Model (updateModel key (User user (age + 1)) m) transitions (Model m) (DeleteUser key) DeletedUser = Model (filter ((/= key) . fst) m) transitions _ _ _ = error "transitions" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Pre-requisites and invariants preconditions :: Model Symbolic -> Action Symbolic -> Logic preconditions _ (PostUser _) = Top preconditions (Model m) (GetUser key) = key `member` map fst m preconditions (Model m) (IncAgeUser key) = key `member` map fst m preconditions (Model m) (DeleteUser key) = key `member` map fst m postconditions :: Model Concrete -> Action Concrete -> Response Concrete -> Logic postconditions _ (PostUser _) _ = Top postconditions (Model m) (GetUser key) (GotUser musr) = lookup key m .== musr postconditions _ (IncAgeUser _) _ = Top postconditions _ (DeleteUser _) _ = Top postconditions _ _ _ = error "postconditions" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * How to generate and shrink programs. generator :: Model Symbolic -> Maybe (Gen (Action Symbolic)) generator (Model []) = Just $ PostUser <$> arbitrary generator (Model m) = Just $ frequency [ (1, PostUser <$> arbitrary) , (3, GetUser <$> elements (map fst m)) , (4, IncAgeUser <$> elements (map fst m)) , (2, DeleteUser <$> elements (map fst m)) ] shrinker :: Model Symbolic -> Action Symbolic -> [Action Symbolic] shrinker _ (PostUser (User user age)) = [ PostUser (User user' age') | (user', age') <- shrink (user, age) ] shrinker _ _ = [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * The semantics. semantics :: Action Concrete -> ReaderT ClientEnv IO (Response Concrete) semantics act = do env <- ask res <- liftIO $ flip runClientM env $ case act of PostUser user -> PostedUser . reference <$> postUserC user GetUser key -> GotUser <$> getUserC (concrete key) IncAgeUser key -> IncedAgeUser <$ incAgeUserC (concrete key) DeleteUser key -> DeletedUser <$ deleteUserC (concrete key) case res of Left err -> error (show err) Right resp -> return resp mock :: Model Symbolic -> Action Symbolic -> GenSym (Response Symbolic) mock (Model m) act = case act of PostUser _ -> PostedUser <$> genSym GetUser key -> GotUser <$> pure (lookup key m) IncAgeUser _key -> pure IncedAgeUser DeleteUser _key -> pure DeletedUser ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sm :: StateMachine Model Action (ReaderT ClientEnv IO) Response sm = StateMachine initModel transitions preconditions postconditions Nothing generator shrinker semantics mock noCleanup ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Sequential property prop_crudWebserverDb :: Int -> Property prop_crudWebserverDb port = forAllCommands sm Nothing $ \cmds -> monadic (ioProperty . runner port) $ do (hist, _, res) <- runCommands sm cmds prettyCommands sm hist (res === Ok) withCrudWebserverDb :: Bug -> Int -> IO () -> IO () withCrudWebserverDb bug port run = bracket (setup bug connectionString port) cleanup (const run) demoNoBug', demoLogicBug', demoNoRace' :: Int -> IO () demoNoBug' port = withCrudWebserverDb None port (verboseCheck (prop_crudWebserverDb port)) demoLogicBug' port = withCrudWebserverDb Logic port (verboseCheck (expectFailure (prop_crudWebserverDb port))) demoNoRace' port = withCrudWebserverDb Race port (quickCheck (prop_crudWebserverDb port)) demoNoBug, demoLogicBug, demoNoRace :: IO () demoNoBug = demoNoBug' crudWebserverDbPort demoLogicBug = demoLogicBug' crudWebserverDbPort demoNoRace = demoNoRace' crudWebserverDbPort ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Parallel property prop_crudWebserverDbParallel :: Int -> Property prop_crudWebserverDbParallel port = forAllParallelCommands sm Nothing $ \cmds -> monadic (ioProperty . runner port) $ prettyParallelCommands cmds =<< runParallelCommandsNTimes 30 sm cmds demoRace' :: Int -> IO () demoRace' port = withCrudWebserverDb Race port (quickCheck (expectFailure (prop_crudWebserverDbParallel port))) demoRace :: IO () demoRace = demoRace' crudWebserverDbParallelPort ------------------------------------------------------------------------ app :: Bug -> ConnectionPool -> Application app bug pool = serve (Proxy :: Proxy Api) (server bug pool) mkApp :: Bug -> ConnectionString -> IO Application mkApp bug conn = runNoLoggingT $ withPostgresqlPool (cs conn) 10 $ \pool -> do _ <- runSqlPool (runMigrationQuiet migrateAll) pool return (app bug pool) runServer :: Bug -> ConnectionString -> Warp.Port -> IO () -> IO () runServer bug conn port ready = do app' <- mkApp bug conn Warp.runSettings settings app' where settings = Warp.setPort port . Warp.setBeforeMainLoop ready $ Warp.defaultSettings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ connectionString :: String -> ConnectionString connectionString ip = "host=" <> BS.pack ip <> " dbname=postgres user=postgres password=mysecretpassword port=5432" updateModel :: Eq a => a -> b -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] updateModel x y xys = (x, y) : filter ((/= x) . fst) xys api :: Proxy Api api = Proxy crudWebserverDbPort :: Int crudWebserverDbPort = 8083 crudWebserverDbParallelPort :: Int crudWebserverDbParallelPort = 8084 instance Arbitrary User where arbitrary = User <$> (T.pack <$> listOf (arbitrary `suchThat` isPrint)) <*> arbitrary runner :: Warp.Port -> ReaderT ClientEnv IO Property -> IO Property runner port p = do mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings runReaderT p (mkClientEnv mgr (burl port)) burl :: Warp.Port -> BaseUrl burl port = BaseUrl Http "localhost" port "" setup :: MonadIO m => Bug -> (String -> ConnectionString) -> Warp.Port -> m (String, Async ()) setup bug conn port = liftIO $ do (pid, dbIp) <- setupDb signal <- newEmptyMVar aServer <- async (runServer bug (conn dbIp) port (putMVar signal ())) aConfirm <- async (takeMVar signal) ok <- waitEither aServer aConfirm case ok of Right () -> do mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings healthy mgr 10 return (pid, aServer) Left () -> error "Server should not return" where healthy :: Manager -> Int -> IO () healthy _ 0 = error "healthy: server isn't healthy" healthy mgr tries = do res <- liftIO $ runClientM healthC (mkClientEnv mgr (burl port)) case res of Left _ -> do threadDelay 1000000 healthy mgr (tries - 1) Right () -> return () setupDb :: IO (String, String) setupDb = do pid <- trim <$> readProcess "docker" [ "run" , "-d" , "-e", "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword" , "postgres:10.2" ] "" ip <- trim <$> readProcess "docker" [ "inspect" , pid , "--format" , "'{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'" ] "" healthyDb pid ip `onException` callProcess "docker" [ "rm", "-f", "-v", pid ] return (pid, ip) where trim :: String -> String trim = dropWhileEnd isGarbage . dropWhile isGarbage where isGarbage = flip elem ['\'', '\n'] healthyDb :: String -> String -> IO () healthyDb pid ip = do sock <- go 10 close sock where go :: Int -> IO Socket go 0 = error "healthyDb: db isn't healthy" go n = do let hints = defaultHints { addrFlags = [AI_NUMERICHOST , AI_NUMERICSERV] , addrSocketType = Stream } addr : _ <- getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just ip) (Just "5432") sock <- socket (addrFamily addr) (addrSocketType addr) (addrProtocol addr) (connect sock (addrAddress addr) >> readProcess "docker" [ "exec" , "-u", "postgres" , pid , "psql", "-U", "postgres", "-d", "postgres", "-c", "SELECT 1 + 1" ] "" >> return sock) `catch` (\(_ :: IOException) -> do threadDelay 1000000 go (n - 1)) cleanup :: (String, Async ()) -> IO () cleanup (pid, aServer) = do callProcess "docker" [ "rm", "-f", "-v", pid ] cancel aServer