-- Generate Cabal file using the Cartel library. -- Written for Cartel version module Main where import qualified Cartel as C version :: [Int] version = [0,4,0,0] -- Dependencies are intended to work with GHC 7.4.1. Versions that -- came with GHC 7.4.1: -- base- -- directory- -- filepath- -- Versions that came with GHC 7.8.3: -- base- -- directory- -- filepath- -- quickcheck needs to be at least 2.7, as that version has the === -- combinator. As of 2014-07-05 the oldest version in the 2.7 series -- that is on Hackage is 2.7.2. base :: C.Package base = C.closedOpen "base" [4,5,0,0] [4,8] quickcheck :: C.Package quickcheck = C.closedOpen "QuickCheck" [2,7,2] [2,8] directory :: C.Package directory = C.closedOpen "directory" [1,1,0,2] [1,3] filepath :: C.Package filepath = C.closedOpen "filepath" [1,3,0,0] [1,4] barecheck :: C.Package barecheck = C.closedOpen "barecheck" [0,2,0,6] [0,3] commonOptions :: C.Field a => [a] commonOptions = [ C.buildDepends [ base , directory , filepath ] , C.cif (C.flag "old-quick-check") [ C.buildDepends [C.Package "QuickCheck" (Just (C.lt [2,7]))] , C.hsSourceDirs ["quickcheck-old"] ] [ C.buildDepends [ C.closedOpen "QuickCheck" [2,7] [2,8] ] , C.hsSourceDirs ["quickcheck-new"] ] , C.hsSourceDirs ["lib"] , C.ghcOptions ghcOptions , C.defaultLanguage C.Haskell2010 ] properties :: C.Properties properties = C.empty { C.prName = "quickpull" , C.prVersion = C.Version version , C.prLicenseFile = "LICENSE" , C.prCopyright = "Copyright 2014 Omari Norman" , C.prAuthor = "Omari Norman, omari@smileystation.com" , C.prMaintainer = "omari@smileystation.com" , C.prStability = "Experimental" , C.prHomepage = "http://www.github.com/massysett/quickpull" , C.prBugReports = "http://www.github.com/massysett/quickpull/issues" , C.prSynopsis = "Generate Main module with QuickCheck tests" , C.prCategory = "Testing" , C.prDescription = [ "Reads a tree of modules and outputs a module to run all" , "QuickCheck tests." , "For more information, please see documentation in the" , "\"Quickpull\" module." ] , C.prExtraSourceFiles = [ "genCabal.hs" , "README.md" , "quickcheck-new/Quickpull/EqShow.hs" , "quickcheck-old/Quickpull/EqShow.hs" ] } ghcOptions :: [String] ghcOptions = ["-Wall"] library :: [String] -- ^ Library modules -> C.Library library ms = C.Library $ commonOptions ++ [ C.LibExposedModules ms ] testSuite :: C.TestSuite testSuite = C.TestSuite "quickpull-tests" $ commonOptions ++ [ C.TestType C.ExitcodeStdio , C.TestMainIs "quickpull-tests.hs" , C.otherModules ["Decrees", "Tests"] , C.hsSourceDirs ["tests"] ] executable :: C.Executable executable = C.Executable "quickpull" $ commonOptions ++ [ C.hsSourceDirs ["bin"] , C.ExeMainIs "quickpull-main.hs" ] -- This tests the Gen monad of QuickCheck. Not included in the -- default tests because it will fail, as Gen is not a true monad. exeTestGen :: C.Executable exeTestGen = C.Executable "quickpull-test-gen" [ C.cif (C.flag "build-test-gen") commonOptions [ C.buildable False ] , C.buildDepends [ barecheck ] , C.ExeMainIs "quickpull-test-gen.hs" , C.hsSourceDirs ["quickcheck-tests"] , C.otherModules ["Decrees", "Tests"] ] flagTestGen :: C.Flag flagTestGen = C.empty { C.flName = "build-test-gen" , C.flDescription = "Build the quickpull-test-gen executable" , C.flDefault = False , C.flManual = True } flagOldQuickCheck :: C.Flag flagOldQuickCheck = C.empty { C.flName = "old-quick-check" , C.flDescription = "Use version of QuickCheck before version 2.7" , C.flDefault = False , C.flManual = False } repo :: C.Repository repo = C.empty { C.repoVcs = C.Git , C.repoKind = C.Head , C.repoLocation = "https://github.com/massysett/quickpull.git" } cabal :: [String] -> C.Cabal cabal ms = C.empty { C.cProperties = properties , C.cRepositories = [repo] , C.cLibrary = Just $ library ms , C.cExecutables = [ executable, exeTestGen ] , C.cTestSuites = [testSuite] , C.cFlags = [ flagTestGen, flagOldQuickCheck ] } main :: IO () main = do ms <- C.modules "lib" C.render "genCabal.hs" $ cabal ms