{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Quokka.CreateSpec ( spec ) where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (Query (Query)) import Quokka.Types (ChildTable (..), Id (..), ParentTable (..)) import Quokka.Functions (build1 , build1With1Rel , id' , insertStatement , insertStatementWith1Rel , insertStatementWithManyRels) import Quokka.Helper (setupDb, withDatabaseConnection) import Quokka.Tables (accountTableAsChild , insertAccounts , insertProfiles , insertUsers , userTable) import Test.Hspec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "insertStatement" $ do it "should return an insert statement for a single column" $ do let table = ParentTable "users" ["name"] insertStatement table `shouldBe` Query "insert into users (name) values (?) returning id;" it "should return an insert statement for multiple columns" $ do let table = ParentTable "users" ["firstname", "lastname"] insertStatement table `shouldBe` Query "insert into users (firstname,lastname) values (?,?) returning id;" describe "insertStatementWith1Rel" $ it "should return an insert statement with the FK set" $ do let parentTable = ParentTable "users" ["firstname", "lastname", "age"] childTable = ChildTable "accounts" ["name"] Query stmt = insertStatementWith1Rel parentTable childTable stmt `shouldBe` encodeUtf8 "insert into accounts (name,user_id) values (?,?) returning id;" describe "insertStatementWithManyRels" $ do context "for 2 parent tables" $ it "should return an insert statement with 2 FKs set" $ do let parentTable1 = ParentTable "users" ["firstname", "lastname", "age"] parentTable2 = ParentTable "accounts" ["name"] childTable = ChildTable "profiles" ["active"] Query stmt = insertStatementWithManyRels [parentTable1, parentTable2] childTable stmt `shouldBe` encodeUtf8 "insert into profiles (active,user_id,account_id) values (?,?,?) returning id;" context "for no parents" $ it "should return an insert statement with no FKs set" $ do let childTable = ChildTable "profiles" ["active"] Query stmt = insertStatementWithManyRels [] childTable stmt `shouldBe` encodeUtf8 "insert into profiles (active) values (?) returning id;" before_ setupDb $ around withDatabaseConnection $ do describe "insert1" $ do context "for a table with no relationships" $ it "should insert a single row into the database" $ \conn -> do let insertUser = build1 conn userTable userId <- insertUser ("John" :: Text, "Doe" :: Text, Just 1 :: Maybe Int) userId `shouldBe` Just (Id 1) context "for a table with a single relationship" $ it "should insert parent and child into the database" $ \conn -> do let insertUser = build1 conn userTable insertAccount = build1With1Rel conn userTable accountTableAsChild userId <- insertUser ("John" :: Text, "Doe" :: Text, 1 :: Int) accountId <- insertAccount ("Account-1" :: Text, "Description" :: Text, fromJust userId) accountId `shouldBe` Just (Id 1) describe "insert" $ do context "for a table with no relationships" $ it "should insert data into the database" $ \conn -> do userIds <- insertUsers conn [ ("John" :: Text, "Doe" :: Text, Just 1 :: Maybe Int) , ("Jane" :: Text, "Doe" :: Text, Nothing)] length userIds `shouldBe` 2 context "for a table with a single relationship" $ it "should insert parent and child into the database" $ \conn -> do userIds <- insertUsers conn [("John" :: Text, "Doe" :: Text, 1 :: Int)] accountIds <- insertAccounts conn [("Account-1" :: Text, "Description" :: Text, id' userIds)] length userIds `shouldBe` 1 length accountIds `shouldBe` 1 context "for a table with multiple relationships" $ it "should insert parent and children into the database" $ \conn -> do userIds <- insertUsers conn [("John" :: Text, "Doe" :: Text, 1 :: Int)] accountIds <- insertAccounts conn [("Account-1" :: Text, "Description" :: Text, id' userIds)] profileIds <- insertProfiles conn [(True :: Bool, id' userIds, id' accountIds)] length userIds `shouldBe` 1 length accountIds `shouldBe` 1 length profileIds `shouldBe` 1