
This module exposes combinators to compute the SHA512 hash and the
associated HMAC for some common types.


module Raaz.Hash.Sha512
       ( -- * The SHA512 cryptographic hash
       , sha512, sha512File, sha512Source
       -- * HMAC computation using SHA512
       , hmacSha512, hmacSha512File, hmacSha512Source
       ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

import Raaz.Core

import Raaz.Hash.Internal        ( hashSource, hash, hashFile       )
import Raaz.Hash.Internal.HMAC   ( hmacSource, hmac, hmacFile, HMAC )
import Raaz.Hash.Sha512.Internal ( SHA512 )
import Raaz.Hash.Sha512.Recommendation()

-- | Compute the sha512 hash of an instance of `PureByteSource`. Use
-- this for computing the sha512 hash of a strict or lazy byte string.
sha512       :: PureByteSource src => src -> SHA512
sha512       = hash
{-# SPECIALIZE sha512 :: B.ByteString -> SHA512 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE sha512 :: L.ByteString -> SHA512 #-}

-- | Compute the sha512 hash of a file.
sha512File   :: FilePath -> IO SHA512
sha512File   = hashFile

-- | Compute the sha512 hash of a general byte source.
sha512Source :: ByteSource src => src -> IO SHA512
sha512Source = hashSource

-- | Compute the message authentication code using hmac-sha512.
hmacSha512 :: PureByteSource src
           => Key (HMAC SHA512)  -- ^ Key to use
           -> src                -- ^ pure source whose hmac is to be
                                 -- computed
           -> HMAC SHA512
hmacSha512 = hmac

-- | Compute the message authentication code for a file.
hmacSha512File :: Key (HMAC SHA512) -- ^ Key to use
               -> FilePath          -- ^ File whose hmac is to be computed
               -> IO (HMAC SHA512)
hmacSha512File = hmacFile

-- | Compute the message authetication code for a generic byte source.
hmacSha512Source :: ByteSource src
                 => Key (HMAC SHA512)
                 -> src
                 -> IO (HMAC SHA512)
hmacSha512Source = hmacSource