{- | Module : Main.hs Description : . Maintainer : (c) Christopher Pockrandt, Nicolas Lehmann, Tobias Kranz License : MIT Stability : stable Entrypoint of the rail2llvm-compiler. Contains main-function. See also: --https://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.8.2/html/libraries/base- --http://leiffrenzel.de/papers/commandline-options-in-haskell.html (Outdated!) -} module Main( main ) where -- imports -- import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.Console.GetOpt import Data.Maybe( fromMaybe ) import InterfaceDT as IDT import qualified Preprocessor as PreProc import qualified Lexer import qualified SyntacticalAnalysis as SynAna import qualified SemanticalAnalysis as SemAna import qualified IntermediateCode as InterCode import qualified Backend -- defining the option settings for the main-function data Options = Options { optInput :: IO String, optOutput :: String -> IO (), optASTOutput :: String -> IO (), compile :: Bool, impAST :: Bool, expAST :: Bool } -- default Options defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options { optInput = getContents, optOutput = putStr, optASTOutput = putStr, compile = False, impAST = False, expAST = False } -- usageInfo options :: [OptDescr (Options -> IO Options)] options = [ --Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg showVersion) "show version number", Option "h" ["help" ] (NoArg showHelp ) "display Help Text", Option "i" ["input" ] (ReqArg setInput "FILE" ) "input file (don't set to use stdin')", Option "o" ["output" ] (ReqArg setOutput "FILE" ) "output file (don't set to use stdout')", Option "c" ["compile" ] (NoArg setCompile ) "compile 'rail' to 'llvm'", Option [ ] ["exportAST"] (OptArg setExpAST "FILE" ) "export frontend AST (don't offer a File to use stdout) \n(dont set with --importAST)", Option [ ] ["importAST"] (NoArg setImpAST ) "import frontend AST and compile to llvm\nautosets -c \n(set input via -i; (dont set with --exportAST)\n\nset -c with --exportAST and get both: the AST and the llvm code" ] -- output for the help-function showHelp _ = do putStrLn "rail2llvm--haskell-compiler (development version)" putStr "https://github.com/SWP-Ubau-SoSe2014-Haskell/SWPSoSe14\n\n" putStr $ usageInfo "Usage: main [OPTION...]" options exitSuccess -- options-getter for optional output for exprotAST getOut (Just arg) = writeFile arg getOut Nothing = putStr -- options-setters setInput arg opt = return opt { optInput = readFile arg } setOutput arg opt = return opt { optOutput = writeFile arg } setExpAST arg opt = return opt { optASTOutput = getOut arg, expAST = True} setImpAST opt = return opt { impAST = True, compile = True } setCompile opt = return opt { compile = True } -- main-function -- main = do args <- getArgs let (actions,nonOpts,msgs) = getOpt RequireOrder options args -- intercept errors if msgs /= [] then error $ concat msgs ++ usageInfo "Usage: main [OPTION...]" options -- unrecognized arguments error else if nonOpts /= [] then error $ "unrecognized arguments: " ++ unwords nonOpts ++ "\nUsage: For basic information, try the `--help' option." else do opts <- foldl (>>=) (return defaultOptions) actions -- option aliases let Options { optInput = input, optOutput = output, optASTOutput = outputAST, compile = cmpl, impAST = imp, expAST = exp} = opts inputWithoutIO <- input -- importAST and exportAST can't be set together (error) if imp && exp then do error "No export of the imported AST (Usage: For basic information, try the `--help' option.)'" exitSuccess -- compile a file else if cmpl then do let transform (IBO x) = x -- compile an imported AST to a LLVM-file if imp then transform (Backend.process . InterCode.process . SemAna.process . SynAna.process . Lexer.toAST $ inputWithoutIO) >>= output -- compile a RAIL-file to an AST as an export-file else if exp then do outputAST (Lexer.fromAST . Lexer.process . PreProc.process $ IIP inputWithoutIO) transform (Backend.process . InterCode.process . SemAna.process . SynAna.process . Lexer.process . PreProc.process $ IIP inputWithoutIO) >>= output -- compile a RAIL-file to a LLVM-file else transform (Backend.process . InterCode.process . SemAna.process . SynAna.process . Lexer.process . PreProc.process $ IIP inputWithoutIO) >>= output -- exportAST (without compiling it to llvm) else if exp then outputAST (Lexer.fromAST . Lexer.process . PreProc.process $ IIP inputWithoutIO) -- missing argument error else error "Error. Set atleast -c or --importAST or --exportAST."