; Module : LLVM backend - comparison functions ; Description : Contains LLVM functions for integer/float comparison. ; Maintainers : Sascha Zinke, Tudor Soroceanu ; License : MIT ; ; These comparison functions are used by our LLVM backend and operate directly ; on the stack -- see stack.ll. @err_numeric = external global [56 x i8] @err_type = external global [14 x i8] @err_zero = external global [18 x i8] @popped = external global [13 x i8] @true = external global [2 x i8] @false = external global [2 x i8] %stack_element = type opaque %struct.stack_elem = type { i32, %union.anon } %union.anon = type { i8* } declare i8* @stack_element_get_data(%stack_element* %element) declare i8 @stack_element_get_type(%stack_element*) declare void @stack_element_unref(%stack_element* %element) declare i32 @get_stack_elem(i8*, %struct.stack_elem*) declare %stack_element* @push_string_ptr(i8* %str) declare %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* %str) declare %stack_element* @pop_struct() declare signext i32 @printf(i8*, ...) declare void @push_float(double) declare void @underflow_assert() declare i32 @strcmp(i8*, i8*) declare void @push_int(i64) declare i8* @pop_string() declare void @crash(i1) declare i1 @list_equal(%stack_element*, %stack_element*) @main.number_a = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"abc\00" @main.number_b = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"adc\00" define i32 @main_cmp() { ; push two numbers on the stack %number0 = getelementptr [4 x i8]* @main.number_a, i64 0, i64 0 %number1 = getelementptr [4 x i8]* @main.number_b, i64 0, i64 0 call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* %number0) call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* %number1) call void @equal() %result = call i8* @pop_string() call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8]* @popped, i32 0, i32 0), i8* %result) ret i32 0 } ;############################################################################## ; equal ;############################################################################## ; Check if the topmost stack elements are equal. ; ; Pushes true onto the stack if the elements are equal and false ; otherwise. ; ; Crashes the program on errors (prints an appropriate error message). define void @equal() { %struct_a = call %stack_element* @pop_struct() %struct_b = call %stack_element* @pop_struct() %are_equal = call i1 @do_equal(%stack_element* %struct_a, %stack_element* %struct_b) br i1 %are_equal, label %push_true, label %push_false push_true: call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* getelementptr inbounds( [2 x i8]* @true, i64 0, i64 0)) br label %done push_false: call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* getelementptr inbounds( [2 x i8]* @false, i64 0, i64 0)) br label %done done: call void(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_unref(%stack_element* %struct_a) call void(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_unref(%stack_element* %struct_b) ret void } ; Perform the actual equality check. ; ; Returns 1 if the stack elements are equal or 0 otherwise. ; ; Crashes the program on errors (prints an appropriate error message). define i1 @do_equal(%stack_element* %struct_a, %stack_element* %struct_b) { ; return value of this function %func_result = alloca i1, align 4 %new_elem_a = alloca %struct.stack_elem, align 8 %new_elem_b = alloca %struct.stack_elem, align 8 ; Get data and type of first element. %number_a = call i8*(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_get_data( %stack_element* %struct_a) %stack_type_a = call i8 @stack_element_get_type(%stack_element* %struct_a) ; Get data and type of second element. %number_b = call i8*(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_get_data( %stack_element* %struct_b) %stack_type_b = call i8 @stack_element_get_type(%stack_element* %struct_b) ; The spec says that two elements of different types are always unequal. %equal_stack_types = icmp eq i8 %stack_type_a, %stack_type_b br i1 %equal_stack_types, label %check_stack_type, label %exit_with_false check_stack_type: ; Same stack element type, so it does not matter which of the two types ; we use in the switch statement. switch i8 %stack_type_a, label %exit_with_invalid_type [ i8 0, label %get_stack_elem_a i8 1, label %compare_lists ] get_stack_elem_a: ; get type of number_a %ret_a = call i32 @get_stack_elem(i8* %number_a, %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_a) %is_zero_a = icmp slt i32 %ret_a, 0 br i1 %is_zero_a, label %exit_with_numeric_failure, label %get_stack_elem_b get_stack_elem_b: ; get type of number_b %ret_b = call i32 @get_stack_elem(i8* %number_b, %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_b) %is_zero_b = icmp slt i32 %ret_b, 0 br i1 %is_zero_b, label %exit_with_numeric_failure, label %get_types get_types: ; type of a %type_a_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_a, i32 0, i32 0 %type_a = load i32* %type_a_ptr, align 4 %val_a_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_a, i32 0, i32 1 ; type of b %type_b_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_b, i32 0, i32 0 %type_b = load i32* %type_b_ptr, align 4 %val_b_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_b, i32 0, i32 1 switch i32 %type_a, label %exit_with_invalid_type [ i32 1, label %assume_b_int i32 2, label %assume_b_float i32 3, label %assume_b_string] ;############################################################################## ; list comparison ;############################################################################## compare_lists: %lists_are_equal = call i1 @list_equal(%stack_element* %struct_a, %stack_element* %struct_b) br i1 %lists_are_equal, label %exit_with_true, label %exit_with_false ;############################################################################## ; integer comparison ;############################################################################## assume_b_int: ; check whether it is 1 (aka INT). %is_int_b = icmp eq i32 %type_b, 1 br i1 %is_int_b, label %cmp_int, label %exit_with_invalid_type cmp_int: ; get new_elem_a.ival that contains the casted integer value %ival_a_cast = bitcast %union.anon* %val_a_ptr to i32* %ival_a = load i32* %ival_a_cast, align 4 ; get new_elem_b.ival that contains the casted integer value %ival_b_cast = bitcast %union.anon* %val_b_ptr to i32* %ival_b = load i32* %ival_b_cast, align 4 ; the actual comparison %equal_int = icmp eq i32 %ival_a, %ival_b br i1 %equal_int, label %exit_with_true, label %exit_with_false ;############################################################################## ; floating point comparison ;############################################################################## assume_b_float: ; check whether it is 2 (aka FLOAT). %is_float_b = icmp eq i32 %type_b, 2 br i1 %is_float_b, label %cmp_float, label %exit_with_invalid_type cmp_float: ; get new_elem_a.fval that contains the float value %fval_a_cast = bitcast %union.anon* %val_a_ptr to float* %fval_a = load float* %fval_a_cast, align 4 ; get new_elem_b.fval that contains the float value %fval_b_cast = bitcast %union.anon* %val_b_ptr to float* %fval_b = load float* %fval_b_cast, align 4 %equal_float = fcmp oeq float %fval_a, %fval_b br i1 %equal_float, label %exit_with_true, label %exit_with_false ;############################################################################## ; string comparison ;############################################################################## assume_b_string: ; check whether it is 3 (aka STRING). %is_string_b = icmp eq i32 %type_b, 3 br i1 %is_string_b, label %cmp_str, label %exit_with_invalid_type cmp_str: %equal_string = call i32 @strcmp(i8* %number_a, i8* %number_b) %is_equal = icmp eq i32 %equal_string, 0 br i1 %is_equal, label %exit_with_true, label %exit_with_false exit_with_numeric_failure: call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* getelementptr inbounds( [56 x i8]* @err_numeric, i64 0, i64 0)) br label %exit_with_failure exit_with_invalid_type: call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* getelementptr inbounds( [14 x i8]* @err_type, i64 0, i64 0)) br label %exit_with_failure exit_with_failure: call void @crash(i1 0) ret i1 1 exit_with_true: store i1 1, i1* %func_result br label %exit exit_with_false: store i1 0, i1* %func_result br label %exit exit: %result = load i1* %func_result ret i1 %result } ;############################################################################## ; greater ;############################################################################## define i32 @greater(){ ; return value of this function %func_result = alloca i32, align 4 %new_elem_a = alloca %struct.stack_elem, align 8 %new_elem_b = alloca %struct.stack_elem, align 8 ; get top of stack call void @underflow_assert() %struct_a = call %stack_element*()* @pop_struct() %number_a = call i8*(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_get_data( %stack_element* %struct_a) ; get second top of stack call void @underflow_assert() %struct_b = call %stack_element*()* @pop_struct() %number_b = call i8*(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_get_data( %stack_element* %struct_b) ; get type of number_a %ret_a = call i32 @get_stack_elem(i8* %number_a, %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_a) %is_zero_a = icmp slt i32 %ret_a, 0 br i1 %is_zero_a, label %exit_with_numeric_failure, label %get_stack_elem_b get_stack_elem_b: ; get type of number_b %ret_b = call i32 @get_stack_elem(i8* %number_b, %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_b) %is_zero_b = icmp slt i32 %ret_b, 0 br i1 %is_zero_b, label %exit_with_numeric_failure, label %get_types get_types: ; type of a %type_a_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_a, i32 0, i32 0 %type_a = load i32* %type_a_ptr, align 4 %val_a_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_a, i32 0, i32 1 ; type of b %type_b_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_b, i32 0, i32 0 %type_b = load i32* %type_b_ptr, align 4 %val_b_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %struct.stack_elem* %new_elem_b, i32 0, i32 1 switch i32 %type_a, label %exit_with_invalid_type [ i32 1, label %assume_b_int i32 2, label %assume_b_float] ;############################################################################## ; integer greater ;############################################################################## assume_b_int: ; check whether it is 1 (aka INT). %is_int_b = icmp eq i32 %type_b, 1 br i1 %is_int_b, label %cmp_int, label %exit_with_invalid_type cmp_int: ; get new_elem_a.ival that contains the casted integer value %ival_a_cast = bitcast %union.anon* %val_a_ptr to i32* %ival_a = load i32* %ival_a_cast, align 4 ; get new_elem_b.ival that contains the casted integer value %ival_b_cast = bitcast %union.anon* %val_b_ptr to i32* %ival_b = load i32* %ival_b_cast, align 4 ; the actual comparison %greater_int = icmp sgt i32 %ival_a, %ival_b br i1 %greater_int, label %exit_with_true, label %exit_with_false ;############################################################################## ; floating point multiplication ;############################################################################## assume_b_float: ; check whether it is 2 (aka FLOAT). %is_float_b = icmp eq i32 %type_b, 2 br i1 %is_float_b, label %cmp_float, label %exit_with_invalid_type cmp_float: ; get new_elem_a.fval that contains the float value %fval_a_cast = bitcast %union.anon* %val_a_ptr to float* %fval_a = load float* %fval_a_cast, align 4 ; get new_elem_b.fval that contains the float value %fval_b_cast = bitcast %union.anon* %val_b_ptr to float* %fval_b = load float* %fval_b_cast, align 4 ; prevent division by zero %greater_float = fcmp ogt float %fval_a, %fval_b br i1 %greater_float, label %exit_with_true, label %exit_with_false exit_with_numeric_failure: call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* getelementptr inbounds( [56 x i8]* @err_numeric, i64 0, i64 0)) br label %exit_with_failure exit_with_invalid_type: call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* getelementptr inbounds( [14 x i8]* @err_type, i64 0, i64 0)) br label %exit_with_failure exit_with_failure: call void(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_unref(%stack_element* %struct_a) call void(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_unref(%stack_element* %struct_b) call void @crash(i1 0) br label %exit exit_with_true: call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* getelementptr inbounds( [2 x i8]* @true, i64 0, i64 0)) br label %exit_with_success exit_with_false: call %stack_element* @push_string_cpy(i8* getelementptr inbounds( [2 x i8]* @false, i64 0, i64 0)) br label %exit_with_success exit_with_success: store i32 0, i32* %func_result br label %exit exit: call void(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_unref(%stack_element* %struct_a) call void(%stack_element*)* @stack_element_unref(%stack_element* %struct_b) %result = load i32* %func_result ret i32 %result } ; 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