Rainbox ======= Provides pretty printing of boxes in two dimensions. Rainbox is useful for console programs that need to format tabular data. On Hackage ========== https://hackage.haskell.org/package/rainbox Documentation ============= In addition to the Haddock documentation, a tutorial is available in [the Rainbox.Tutorial module](lib/Rainbox/Tutorial.lhs). Portability =========== There's nothing unportable in Rainbox; however, it does use [Rainbow](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/rainbow) which is only tested on UNIX-like systems. Tests ===== You can simply use "cabal test". However, I recommend that you do: cabal configure --enable-tests cabal build dist/build/rainbox-properties/rainbox-properties dist/build/rainbox-visual/rainbox-visual The last test, `rainbox-visual`, relies on you to examine the output and make sure it looks correct. Tests are also run on Travis: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/massysett/rainbox.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/massysett/rainbox) and although you can see the output of `rainbox-visual` there, it's not formatted quite right on Travis. At this time, Rainbox is verified to work with GHC versions in the 7.8 series and the 7.10 series. License ======= Rainbox is licensed under the BSD license; please see the LICENSE file.