{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

{- |
 This module provides efficient and intuitive ways
 to build and manipulate random variables of all kinds.

 The following is an example of generating combinations for a slot machine.

> import Control.Monad.Random
> import Control.Applicative
> import Control.Monad
> data Slot = Lemon
>           | Cherry
>           | Strawberry
>           | Orange
>           | Bar
>           | Seven
>           deriving (Enum, Show)
> data Combination = Combination Slot Slot Slot deriving Show
> fairSlot = oneOf [Lemon .. Seven]
> fairCombination = Combination <$> fairSlot <*> fairSlot <*> fairSlot
> biasedSlot = fromFreqs [Lemon `withFreq` 1,
>                         Cherry `withFreq` 1,
>                         Strawberry `withFreq` 1.2,
>                         Orange `withFreq` 1.1,
>                         Bar `withFreq` 0.9,
>                         Seven `withFreq` 0.8]
> biasedCombination = Combination <$> biasedSlot
>                                 <*> biasedSlot
>                                 <*> biasedSlot
> aTripToAMachine = do
>           combination <- fromFreqs [fairCombination `withFreq` 10,
>                                     biasedCombination `withFreq` 5]
>           rounds      <- inRange (5, 50)
>           replicateM rounds combination
> aTripToTheCasino = do
>           trips <- fmap (*3) $ inRange (1, 10)
>           fmap concat $ replicateM trips aTripToAMachine
> main = pick aTripToTheCasino >>= print
module Control.Monad.Random (
    -- * RandPicker class
    RandPicker (..),
    -- * Rand Monad
    Rand (..),
    evalRand, execRand,
    -- * Creation of random variables
    rand, oneOf, inRange,
    fromFreqs, withFreq,
    -- * RandT Monad
    RandT (..),
    evalRandT, execRandT
    ) where

import System.Random
import Data.Array.IArray ((!), listArray, Array)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class
import qualified Data.IntervalMap as IM

-- | Class supporting the return of a random element.
class RandPicker m where
    pick :: Rand a -> m a

type MonadRand m = (Monad m, RandPicker m)

instance RandPicker IO where
    pick r = do
        g <- getStdGen
        let (x, g') = r `runRand` g
        setStdGen g'
        return x

-- | Random variable of @a@.
newtype Rand a = Rand { runRand :: RandomGen g => g -> (a, g) }

instance Monad Rand where
    return x = Rand (\ g -> (x, g))
    r >>= f = Rand (\ g -> let (x, g') = r `runRand` g in f x `runRand` g')

instance Functor Rand where
    fmap f r = Rand (\ g -> let (x, g') = r `runRand` g in (f x, g'))

instance Applicative Rand where
    pure = return
    f <*> x = do
        h <- f
        a <- x
        return (h a)

instance RandPicker Rand where
    pick = id

{- |
  Run the random variable and returns only its value.
  The new generator is lost.
evalRand :: RandomGen g => Rand a -> g -> a
evalRand v g = fst $ v `runRand` g

-- | Run the random variable and returns only the new @RandomGen@.
execRand :: RandomGen g => Rand a -> g -> g
execRand v g = snd $ v `runRand` g

-- | Equiprobable distribution among the elements of the list.
oneOf :: [a] -> Rand a
oneOf xs = fmap (arr !) $ inRange range
        -- Creating an array for constant time lookup.
        range = (0, length xs - 1)
        arr = (listArray range :: [a] -> Array Int a) xs

-- | Distribution provided by 'random'.
rand :: Random a => Rand a
rand = Rand random

-- | Distribution within a given range, provided by 'randomR'.
inRange :: Random a => (a, a) -> Rand a
inRange r = Rand (randomR r)

-- | Distribution of elements proportionately to their indicated frequency.
fromFreqs :: Real b => [(a, b)] -> Rand a
fromFreqs fs = Rand (\ g ->
    let (from, to) = genRange g in
    let range      = toRational (to - from) in
    let ratio      = freqSum / range in
    let (i, g')    = next g in
    let j          = (*) ratio $ toRational (i - from) in
    case IM.containing intervalMap j of
        [(_, x)] -> (x, g')
        _        -> error "Index not in the map."
        elems = preprocess fs

        freqSum = sum $ map snd elems

        intervalMap = IM.fromAscList $ computeIntervals 0 elems

        preprocess = map (second toRational) . filter ((> 0) . snd)

        computeIntervals _ [] = undefined
        computeIntervals lower ((v, f) : []) = let upper = (lower + f) in
            [(IM.ClosedInterval lower upper, v)]
        computeIntervals lower ((v, f) : xs) = let upper = (lower + f) in
            (IM.IntervalCO lower upper, v) : computeIntervals upper xs

-- | Alias for @(,)@.
withFreq :: Real b => a -> b -> (a, b)
withFreq = (,)

newtype RandT m a = RandT { runRandT :: RandomGen g => g -> m (a, g) }

instance Functor m => Functor (RandT m) where
    fmap f r = RandT (\ g -> fmap (first f) $ r `runRandT` g)

instance Applicative m => Applicative (RandT m) where
    pure x = RandT (\ g -> pure (x, g))
    f <*> x = RandT (\ g -> let (g', g'') = split g in
        fmap (\ (h, g3') x -> (h x, g3')) (f `runRandT` g') <*>
        fmap fst (x `runRandT` g''))

instance Monad m => Monad (RandT m) where
    return x = RandT (\ g -> return (x, g))
    r >>= f = RandT (runRandT r >=> (\ ( x, g) -> f x `runRandT` g))
    fail err = RandT (\ _ -> fail err)

instance Monad m => RandPicker (RandT m) where
    pick r = RandT (\ g -> return $ r `runRand` g)

instance MonadTrans RandT where
    lift m = RandT (\ g -> m >>= (\ x -> return (x, g)))

instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (RandT m) where
    ask = lift ask
    local f m = RandT (\ g -> do
        (x, g') <- m `runRandT` g
        y <- local f (return x)
        return (y, g'))

instance MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (RandT m) where
    tell = lift . tell
    listen r = RandT (\ g -> do
        ((x, g'), w) <- listen $ r `runRandT` g
        return ((x, w), g'))
    pass r = RandT (\ g -> pass $ do
        ((x, f), g') <- r `runRandT` g
        return ((x, g'), f))

instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (RandT m) where
    get = lift get
    put = lift . put

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (RandT m) where
    liftIO = lift . liftIO

instance MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (RandT m) where
    mzero = lift mzero
    mplus a b = RandT (\ g -> let (g', g'') = split g in
        (a `runRandT` g') `mplus` (b `runRandT` g''))

-- | Similar to 'evalRand'.
evalRandT :: (RandomGen g, Monad m) => RandT m a -> g -> m a
evalRandT r g = (r `runRandT` g) >>= (\ (x, _) -> return x)

-- | Similar to 'execRand'.
execRandT :: (RandomGen g, Monad m) => RandT m a -> g -> m g
execRandT r g = (r `runRandT` g) >>= (\ (_, g') -> return g')