{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, NoMonomorphismRestriction               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances              #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Control.Effect.Random
       (module System.Random,
        -- * Execution
        runRand, evalRand, evalRandIO,
        -- * Generator functions
        getRandom, getRandomR, getRandoms, getRandomRs,
        fromList, uniform,
        -- * Misc
        ) where
import Control.Arrow  (first)
import Control.Effect (Effect, EffectLift, Is, MemberEffect, Row (..))
import Control.Effect (eliminate, intercept, lift, send)
import Control.Monad  (liftM)
import Data.Data      (Typeable)
import System.Random  (Random (..), RandomGen (..), StdGen, newStdGen)
import qualified Control.Monad.Random.Class as C

-- | Random number generator
-- Since
data Rand g a = RandomGen g => Rand (g -> (a, g))
              deriving (Typeable)

instance Functor (Rand g) where
  fmap g (Rand f) = Rand (first g . f)

type instance Is Rand f = IsRand f

type family IsRand f where
  IsRand (Rand g) = True
  IsRand f        = False

class (RandomGen g, MemberEffect Rand (Rand g) l) => EffectRandom g l
instance (RandomGen g, MemberEffect Rand (Rand g) l) => EffectRandom g l

instance EffectRandom g l => C.MonadRandom (Effect l) where
  getRandom   = getRandom
  getRandoms  = getRandoms
  getRandomR  = getRandomR
  getRandomRs = getRandomRs

-- | Return a randomly-selected value of type a. See 'random' for details.
-- Since
getRandom :: forall a g l . (Random a, EffectRandom g l) => Effect l a
getRandom = send $ Rand (random :: g -> (a, g))

-- | Return an infinite stream of random values of type a. See 'randoms' for details.
-- Since
getRandoms :: forall a g l. (Random a, EffectRandom g l) => Effect l [a]
getRandoms = send $ Rand $ \(g :: g) ->
  first randoms $ split g

-- | Return a randomly-selected value of type a in the range @(lo,hi)@. See 'randomR' for details.
-- Since
getRandomR :: forall a g l. (Random a, EffectRandom g l) => (a, a) -> Effect l a
getRandomR bd = send $ Rand $ \ (g :: g) -> randomR bd g

-- | Return an infinite stream of randomly-selected value
-- of type @a@ in the range @(lo,hi)@. See 'randomRs' for details.
-- Since
getRandomRs :: forall a g l. (Random a, EffectRandom g l) => (a, a) -> Effect l [a]
getRandomRs bd = send $  Rand $ \(g :: g) -> let (g', g'') = split g in (randomRs bd g', g'')

-- | Sample a random value from a weighted list. The total weight of all elements must not be 0.
-- Since
fromList :: EffectRandom g l => [(a, Rational)] -> Effect l a
fromList [] = error "Effect.Random.fromList called with empty list"
fromList [(x, _)] = return x
fromList xs = do
  let s  = fromRational $ sum $ map snd xs :: Double
      cs = scanl1 (\(_,q) (y,s') -> (y, s'+q)) xs
  p <- liftM toRational (getRandomR (0.0,s))
  return . fst . head $ dropWhile (\(_,q) -> q < p) cs

-- | Sample a value from a uniform distribution of a list of elements.
-- Since
uniform :: (EffectRandom g l) => [a] -> Effect l a
uniform xs = fromList $ map (flip (,) 1) xs

-- | Run a computation with random numbers
-- Since
runRand :: forall a l g. RandomGen g
        => g                         -- ^ initial internal random generator
        -> Effect (Rand g :+ l) a    -- ^ Effectect using random numbers
        -> Effect l (a, g)
runRand g0 act = eliminate ret handle act g0
    ret a g = return (a, g)
    handle :: Rand g (g -> Effect l (a, g)) -> g -> Effect l (a, g)
    handle (Rand tog) g = do
      let (cont, g') = tog g
      cont g'

-- | Run a computation with random numbers, discarding the final generator.
-- Since
evalRand :: RandomGen g => g -> Effect (Rand g :+ l) a -> Effect l a
evalRand g = liftM fst . runRand g

-- | Run a computation with random numbers, discarding the final generator.
-- Since
evalRandIO :: EffectLift IO l => Effect (Rand StdGen :+ l) a -> Effect l a
evalRandIO eff = do
  g <- lift newStdGen
  evalRand g eff

-- | Split the current generator and execute the given computation with it.
-- Since
withSplit :: forall g l a. EffectRandom g l => Effect l a -> Effect l a
withSplit eff = do
  g <- send $ Rand split
  let run (Rand fromg) = fst $ fromg (g :: g)
  intercept return run eff