name: random-fu version: stability: provisional cabal-version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple author: James Cook maintainer: James Cook license: PublicDomain homepage: category: Math synopsis: Random number generation description: Random number generation based on modeling random variables in two complementary ways: first, by the parameters of standard mathematical distributions and, second, by an abstract type ('RVar') which can be composed and manipulated monadically and sampled in either monadic or \"pure\" styles. . The primary purpose of this library is to support defining and sampling a wide variety of high quality random variables. Quality is prioritized over speed, but performance is an important goal too. . In my testing, I have found it capable of speed comparable to other Haskell libraries, but still a fair bit slower than straight C implementations of the same algorithms. . Changes in Exposed Categorical type (it had been hidden by accident a few version ago), gave it a Read instance, and dropped a no-longer-necessary Ord context from 'fromWeightedList'. Thank you Antal Spector-Zabusky for catching these! . Changes in None except setting \"Buildable: False\" under GHC 7.2.1 (see flexible-defaults for more detailed explanation). . Changes in 0.2: The old random-fu package has been split into three parts: random-source, rvar, and this new random-fu. The end-user interface is mostly the same. tested-with: GHC == 6.10.4, GHC == 6.12.1, GHC == 6.12.3, GHC == 7.0.1, GHC == 7.0.2, GHC == 7.0.4 source-repository head type: git location: subdir: random-fu Flag base4_2 Description: base-4.2 has an incompatible change in Data.Fixed (HasResolution) Flag mtl2 Description: mtl-2 has State, etc., as "type" rather than "newtype" Library ghc-options: -Wall -funbox-strict-fields hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Data.Random Data.Random.Distribution Data.Random.Distribution.Bernoulli Data.Random.Distribution.Beta Data.Random.Distribution.Binomial Data.Random.Distribution.Categorical Data.Random.Distribution.ChiSquare Data.Random.Distribution.Dirichlet Data.Random.Distribution.Exponential Data.Random.Distribution.Gamma Data.Random.Distribution.Multinomial Data.Random.Distribution.Normal Data.Random.Distribution.Poisson Data.Random.Distribution.Rayleigh Data.Random.Distribution.Triangular Data.Random.Distribution.Uniform Data.Random.Distribution.Weibull Data.Random.Distribution.Ziggurat Data.Random.Internal.Find Data.Random.Internal.Fixed Data.Random.Internal.TH Data.Random.Lift Data.Random.List Data.Random.RVar Data.Random.Sample if flag(base4_2) build-depends: base >= 4.2 && <5 else cpp-options: -Dold_Fixed build-depends: base >= 4 && <4.2 if flag(mtl2) build-depends: mtl == 2.* cpp-options: -DMTL2 else build-depends: mtl == 1.* build-depends: gamma, monad-loops >=, random-shuffle, random-source == 0.3.*, rvar == 0.2.*, syb, template-haskell, transformers, vector >= 0.7 if os(Windows) cpp-options: -Dwindows build-depends: erf-native else build-depends: erf if impl(ghc == 7.2.1) -- Doesn't work under GHC 7.2.1 due to -- Buildable: False