{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns #-}

-- | Consider the following function, which, given 'i' and 'k', finds the index of 
-- the minimum element in the range @i..i+k-1@. 
-- @
-- rangeMin :: 'G.Vector' v a => (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> v a -> 'Int' -> 'Int' -> 'Int'
-- rangeMin cmp xs i k = i + 'G.minIndexBy' cmp ('G.slice' i k xs)
-- @
-- This module implements functions which, given a fixed comparison function, preprocess
-- an array in /O(n)/ time to support queries of this form in /O(1)/ time.
-- For all methods in this module, ties are broken by which element comes first in the array.
-- When certain methods are called on an element type which has a natural, order-preserving 
-- injection into 'Int' -- specifically, on instances of 'Injective' -- this module is 
-- smart enough to (fusibly) convert the vector into a @'PV.Vector' 'Int'@, and to use 
-- 'unsafeIntRangeMin' or 'intRangeMin' as appropriate.  Though you cannot make your
-- own instances of 'Injective', 'unsafeInjectRangeMin' and 'injectRangeMin' work the same
-- way.
module Data.RangeMin (
	-- * Utility types
	-- * Specialized range-mins
	-- * @Vector@ range-mins
	-- * General range-mins
	-- * Specialized types
	injectRangeMin) where

import Control.Exception

import Data.RangeMin.Common
import qualified Data.RangeMin.Int.Linear as N
import qualified Data.RangeMin.Int.NearLinear as NearN
import qualified Data.RangeMin.Int.Linearithmic as Nlogn
import qualified Data.RangeMin.Int.Quadratic as N2
import Data.RangeMin.Cartesian.Spec

import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as PV

import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G

negativeStart :: Int -> String
negativeStart i = "Data.RangeMin: starting index " ++ shows i " must be nonnegative" 

nonPositiveWidth :: Int -> String
nonPositiveWidth m = "Data.RangeMin: query width " ++ shows m " must be positive"

outOfBoundsQuery :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
outOfBoundsQuery n i m = "Data.RangeMin: query " ++ shows (i, m) 
	(" is too big for a vector of size " ++ show n)

checkBounds :: Int -> (Int -> Int -> a) -> Int -> Int -> a
checkBounds !n f !i !m
	| i < 0	= throw (IndexOutOfBounds (negativeStart i))
	| m < 1 = throw (IndexOutOfBounds (nonPositiveWidth m))
	| i + m > n
		= throw (IndexOutOfBounds (outOfBoundsQuery n i m))
	| otherwise
		= f i m

internalIntRangeMin :: PV.Vector Int -> RM
internalIntRangeMin !xs
  | n <= n2Cross	= N2.rangeMin xs
  | n <= nlognCross	= Nlogn.rangeMin xs
  | n <= nearNCross	= NearN.rangeMin xs
  | otherwise		= N.rangeMin xs
  where !n = PV.length xs

-- | /O(n)/.  Returns a range-min function on the vector, under the natural ordering of 'Int'.
-- This function can be, depending on the 'G.Vector' implementation, three to four
-- times as fast as @'unsafeVecRangeMinBy' ('<=')@.
-- Example:
-- @
-- 'unsafeIntRangeMin' ('PV.fromList' [0,7,-10,4,5,4]) 0 6 == 2
-- 'unsafeIntRangeMin' ('PV.fromList' [0,7,-10,4,5,4]) 2 3 == 2
-- 'unsafeIntRangeMin' ('PV.fromList' [0,7,-10,4,5,4]) 3 3 == 3
-- @
-- The returned function /does not/ do bounds checks.  If @n@ is the length of the vector,
-- and @i@ and @m@ are passed as arguments to the 'RangeMin', then if @i < 0@, @m < 1@, or
-- @i + m > n@, a segfault may occur.
unsafeIntRangeMin :: 
	PV.Vector Int	-- ^ A vector of 'Int's.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function on the vector which runs in /O(1)/.
unsafeIntRangeMin xs = runRM (internalIntRangeMin xs)

-- | /O(n)/.  Returns a range-min function on the vector, with the natural ordering of 'Int'.
-- This function can be, depending on the 'G.Vector' implementation, three to four
-- times as fast as @'vecRangeMinBy' ('<=')@.
-- Equivalent to 'unsafeIntRangeMin', except that the returned function /does/ do bounds checks.
-- When it receives a bad query, it throws an 'ArrayException'.
intRangeMin :: 
	PV.Vector Int	-- ^ A vector of 'Int's.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function on the vector which runs in /O(1)/.
intRangeMin !xs = 
  let !rM = internalIntRangeMin xs in checkBounds (PV.length xs) (runRM rM)

{-# INLINE [1] unsafeVecRangeMinBy #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Returns a range-min function on the vector, under the specified ordering.
-- The returned function /does not/ do bounds checks; see 'unsafeIntRangeMin' for details.
-- Example:
-- @
-- -- Finding the element with the /largest absolute value/ in a subrange.
-- 'unsafeVecRangeMinBy' (\\ i j -> 'abs' i '>=' 'abs' j) ('PV.fromList' [0,7,-10,4,5,4]) 0 6 == 2
-- 'unsafeVecRangeMinBy' (\\ i j -> 'abs' i '>=' 'abs' j) ('PV.fromList' [0,7,-10,4,5,4]) 2 3 == 2
-- 'unsafeVecRangeMinBy' (\\ i j -> 'abs' i '>=' 'abs' j) ('PV.fromList' [0,7,-10,4,5,4]) 3 3 == 4
-- @
unsafeVecRangeMinBy :: G.Vector v a => 
	LEq a		-- ^ A total ordering on the type @a@.
	-> v a		-- ^ A vector of elements of type @a@.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function on the vector which runs in /O(1)/.
unsafeVecRangeMinBy (<=?) !xs = unsafeIntRangeMin (equivVectorBy (<=?) xs)

{-# INLINE unsafeVecRangeMin #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Equivalent to @'unsafeVecRangeMinBy' ('<=')@.  Specialized for instances of 'Injective'.
-- The returned function /does not/ do bounds checks; see 'unsafeIntRangeMin' for details.
-- Example:
-- @
-- -- In reality, these would be rewritten into calls to 'unsafeIntRangeMin', since 'Char' is an
-- -- instance of 'Injective'.
-- 'unsafeVecRangeMin' ('PV.fromList' \"banana\") 0 6 == 1
-- 'unsafeVecRangeMin' ('PV.fromList' \"banana\") 1 1 == 1
-- 'unsafeVecRangeMin' ('PV.fromList' \"banana\") 3 3 == 3
-- @
unsafeVecRangeMin :: (G.Vector v a, Ord a) => 
	v a		-- ^ A vector of elements of type @a@.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function (under the natural ordering)
			-- on the vector which runs in /O(1)/.
unsafeVecRangeMin xs = unsafeIntRangeMin (equivVectorMin xs)

{-# INLINE unsafeVecRangeMax #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Equivalent to @'unsafeVecRangeMinBy' ('>=')@.  Specialized for instances of 'Injective'.
-- The returned function /does not/ do bounds checks; see 'unsafeIntRangeMin' for details.
-- Example:
-- @
-- -- In reality, these would be rewritten into calls to 'unsafeIntRangeMin', since 'Char'
-- -- is an instance of 'Injective'.
-- 'unsafeVecRangeMax' ('PV.fromList' \"banana\") 0 6 == 2
-- 'unsafeVecRangeMax' ('PV.fromList' \"banana\") 1 1 == 1
-- 'unsafeVecRangeMax' ('PV.fromList' \"banana\") 3 3 == 4
-- @
unsafeVecRangeMax :: (G.Vector v a, Ord a) => 
	v a		-- ^ A vector of elements of type @a@.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-max function (under the natural ordering)
			-- on the vector which runs in /O(1)/.
unsafeVecRangeMax = unsafeIntRangeMin . equivVectorMax

{-# INLINE [1] vecRangeMinBy #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Returns a range-min function on the vector, under the specified ordering.
-- The returned function /does/ do bounds checks; see 'intRangeMin' for details.
vecRangeMinBy :: G.Vector v a =>
	LEq a		-- ^ A total ordering on the type @a@.
	-> v a		-- ^ A vector of elements of type @a@.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function on the vector which runs in /O(1)/.
vecRangeMinBy (<=?) xs = intRangeMin (equivVectorBy (<=?) xs)

{-# INLINE vecRangeMin #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Equivalent to @'vecRangeMinBy' ('<=')@; a safer version of 'unsafeVecRangeMin'.
-- Specialized for instances of 'Injective'.  The returned function /does/ do bounds checks; 
-- see 'intRangeMin' for details.
vecRangeMin :: (G.Vector v a, Ord a) =>
	v a		-- ^ A vector of elements of type @a@.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function (under the natural ordering)
			-- on the vector which runs in /O(1)/.
vecRangeMin xs = intRangeMin (equivVectorMin xs)

{-# INLINE vecRangeMax #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Equivalent to @'vecRangeMinBy' ('>=')@; a safer version of 'unsafeVecRangeMax'.
-- Specialized for instances of 'Injective'.  The returned function /does/ do bounds checks; 
-- see 'intRangeMin' for details.
vecRangeMax :: (G.Vector v a, Ord a) =>
	v a		-- ^ A vector of elements of type @a@.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-max function (under the natural ordering)
			-- on the vector which runs in /O(1)/.
vecRangeMax xs = intRangeMin (equivVectorMax xs)

{-# INLINE unsafeRangeMinBy #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  @'unsafeRangeMinBy' (<=?) n look@ is equivalent to 
-- @'unsafeVecRangeMinBy' (<=?) ('V.generate' n look)@.
-- The returned function /does not/ do bounds checks; see 'unsafeIntRangeMin' for details.
unsafeRangeMinBy :: 
	LEq a		-- ^ A total ordering on the type @a@.
	-> Length 	-- ^ The number of elements to generate.
	-> (Index -> a)	-- ^ A function to generate the element at each index.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function on the elements which runs in /O(1)/.
unsafeRangeMinBy (<=?) !n look = unsafeVecRangeMinBy (<=?) (V.generate n look)

{-# INLINE unsafeRangeMin #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Equivalent to @'unsafeRangeMinBy' ('<=')@.  Specialized for instances of 'Injective'.
-- The returned function /does not/ do bounds checks; see 'unsafeIntRangeMin' for details.
unsafeRangeMin :: Ord a => 
	Length 		-- ^ The number of elements to generate.
	-> (Index -> a)	-- ^ A function to generate the element at each index.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function on the elements (under their natural ordering)
			-- which runs in /O(1)/.
unsafeRangeMin n look = unsafeVecRangeMin (V.generate n look)

{-# INLINE unsafeRangeMax #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Equivalent to @'unsafeRangeMinBy' ('>=')@.  Specialized for instances of 'Injective'.
-- The returned function /does not/ do bounds checks; see 'unsafeIntRangeMin' for details.
unsafeRangeMax :: Ord a =>
	Length 		-- ^ The number of elements to generate.
	-> (Index -> a)	-- ^ A function to generate the element at each index.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-max function on the elements (under their natural ordering)
			-- which runs in /O(1)/.
unsafeRangeMax n look = unsafeVecRangeMax (V.generate n look)

{-# INLINE rangeMinBy #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  @'rangeMinBy' (<=?) n look@ is equivalent to  
-- @'vecRangeMinBy' (<=?) ('V.generate' n look)@, and is a safer version of
-- @'unsafeRangeMinBy' (<=?) n look@.  The returned function /does/ do bounds checks; see 
-- 'intRangeMin' for details.
rangeMinBy ::
	LEq a		-- ^ A total ordering on the type @a@.
	-> Length 	-- ^ The number of elements to generate.
	-> (Index -> a)	-- ^ A function to generate the element at each index.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function on the elements which runs in /O(1)/.
rangeMinBy (<=?) !n look = vecRangeMinBy (<=?) (V.generate n look)

{-# INLINE rangeMin #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Equivalent to @'rangeMinBy' ('<=')@, and a safer version of 'unsafeRangeMin'.
-- Specialized for instances of 'Injective'.
-- The returned function /does/ do bounds checks; see 'intRangeMin' for details.
rangeMin :: Ord a => 
	Length 		-- ^ The number of elements to generate.
	-> (Index -> a)	-- ^ A function to generate the element at each index.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-min function on the elements (under their natural ordering)
			-- which runs in /O(1)/.
rangeMin n look = vecRangeMin (V.generate n look)

{-# INLINE rangeMax #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  Equivalent to @'rangeMinBy' ('>=')@, and a safer version of 'unsafeRangeMax'.
-- Specialized for instances of 'Injective'.
-- The returned function /does/ do bounds checks; see 'intRangeMin' for details.
rangeMax :: Ord a => 
	Length 		-- ^ The number of elements to generate.
	-> (Index -> a)	-- ^ A function to generate the element at each index.
	-> RangeMin	-- ^ A range-max function on the elements (under their natural ordering)
			-- which runs in /O(1)/.
rangeMax n look = vecRangeMax (V.generate n look)

{-# INLINE unsafeInjectRangeMin #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  @'unsafeInjectRangeMin' inject xs@ is equivalent to
-- @'unsafeVecRangeMinBy' (\\ x y -> inject x '<=' inject y) xs@, but is frequently much faster,
-- fusing with the input vector and converting it directly to a @'PV.Vector' 'Int'@.
-- The returned function /does not/ do bounds checks; see 'unsafeIntRangeMin' for details.
unsafeInjectRangeMin :: G.Vector v a =>
	(a -> Int)
	-> v a
	-> RangeMin
unsafeInjectRangeMin inject xs = unsafeIntRangeMin (G.unstream (fmap inject (G.stream xs)))

{-# INLINE injectRangeMin #-}
-- | /O(n)/.  @'injectRangeMin' inject xs@ is equivalent to
-- @'vecRangeMinBy' (\\ x y -> inject x '<=' inject y) xs@, but is frequently much faster,
-- fusing with the input vector and converting it directly to a @'PV.Vector' 'Int'@.
-- The returned function /does/ do bounds checks; see 'intRangeMin' for details.
injectRangeMin :: G.Vector v a =>
	(a -> Int)
	-> v a
	-> RangeMin
injectRangeMin inject xs = intRangeMin (G.unstream (fmap inject (G.stream xs)))