rasa-0.1.7: A modular text editor

Safe HaskellNone




doAsync :: IO (Action ()) -> Action () Source #

doAsync allows you to perform a task asynchronously and then apply the result. In doAsync asyncAction, asyncAction is an IO which resolves to an Action, note that the context in which the second action is executed is NOT the same context in which doAsync is called; it is likely that text and other state have changed while the IO executed, so it's a good idea to check (inside the applying Action) that things are in a good state before making changes. Here's an example:

asyncCapitalize :: Action ()
asyncCapitalize = do
  txt <- focusDo $ use text
  -- We give doAsync an IO which resolves in an action
  doAsync $ ioPart txt

ioPart :: Text -> IO (Action ())
ioPart txt = do
  result <- longAsyncronousCapitalizationProgram txt
  -- Note that this returns an Action, but it's still wrapped in IO
  return $ maybeApplyResult txt result

maybeApplyResult :: Text -> Text -> Action ()
maybeApplyResult oldTxt capitalized = do
  -- We get the current buffer's text, which may have changed since we started
  newTxt <- focusDo (use text)
  if newTxt == oldTxt
    -- If the text is the same as it was, we can apply the transformation
    then focusDo (text .= capitalized)
    -- Otherwise we can choose to re-queue the whole action and try again
    -- Or we could just give up.
    else asyncCapitalize

eventProvider :: Typeable a => IO a -> Action () Source #

This function takes an IO which results in some Event, it runs the IO asynchronously and dispatches the event, then repeats the process all over again. Use this inside the onInit scheduler to register an event listener for some event (e.g. keypresses or network activity)