{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Test.Hspec import Control.Exception (evaluate) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Aeson (object, (.=)) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) import Data.List (sort) import Data.Time (UTCTime(..), Day(..)) import System.Log.Raven import qualified System.Log.Raven.Interfaces as SI import System.Log.Raven.Types as LT import System.Log.Raven.Transport.Debug (dumpRecord, briefRecord, catchRecord) import System.Log.Raven.Transport.HttpConduit (sendRecord) ts :: UTCTime ts = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 40587) 0 main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Types" $ do it "parses empty DSN into SentryDisabled" $ do fromDSN "" `shouldBe` SentryDisabled it "carps on invalid DSN" $ do evaluate (fromDSN "lol://haha") `shouldThrow` anyException evaluate (fromDSN "http://haha") `shouldThrow` anyException it "parses example DSN" $ do fromDSN dsn `shouldBe` ss it "generates correct endpoint" $ do endpointURL SentryDisabled `shouldBe` Nothing endpointURL ss `shouldBe` Just "http://example.com/sentry/api/project-id/store/" it "generates empty record" $ do newRecord "" "" ts Debug "" `shouldBe` emptyRecord it "generates record template" $ do r <- strip `fmap` test r `shouldBe` testRecord it "serializes as JSON" $ do r <- strip `fmap` test recordLBS r `shouldBe` testRecordLBS describe "Service" $ do it "ignores record when service is disabled" $ do l <- disabledRaven ok <- register l "test.logger" Debug "Fly me to /dev/null" id ok `shouldBe` () it "uses a fallback" $ do v <- newEmptyMVar l <- initRaven "http://bad:boo@localhost:1/raven" id undefined (\_ -> putMVar v True) sent <- register l "test.logger" Debug "Ready or not, here i come!" id sent `shouldBe` () fbUsed <- takeMVar v fbUsed `shouldBe` True describe "Transport: HttpConduit" $ do it "sends a record" $ do l <- initRaven "http://test:test@localhost:19876/raven" id sendRecord errorFallback ok <- register l "test.logger" Debug "Like a record, baby, right round." id ok `shouldBe` () describe "Transport: Debug" $ do it "shows brief message" $ do l <- initRaven "http://not:really@whatever.fake/project" id briefRecord errorFallback ok <- register l "test.logger" Debug "Hi there!" id ok `shouldBe` () it "dumps event record" $ do l <- initRaven "http://not:really@whatever.fake/project" id dumpRecord errorFallback ok <- register l "test.logger" Debug "Hi there!" id ok `shouldBe` () it "catches record into MVar" $ do v <- newEmptyMVar l <- initRaven "http://not:really@whatever.fake/project" id (catchRecord v) errorFallback ok <- register l "test.logger" Debug "Hi there!" id ok `shouldBe` () rec <- takeMVar v srMessage rec `shouldBe` "Hi there!" describe "Updaters" $ do let make = record "test.logger" Debug "test record please ignore" it "updates culprit" $ do r <- make $ culprit "Test.main" srCulprit r `shouldBe` Just "Test.main" it "updates tags" $ do r <- make $ tags [] srTags r `shouldBe` HM.empty r <- make $ tags [("test", "shmest")] srTags r `shouldBe` HM.fromList [("test", "shmest")] it "updates extra" $ do r <- make $ extra [] srExtra r `shouldBe` HM.empty r <- make $ extra [("bru", "haha")] srExtra r `shouldBe` HM.fromList [("bru", "haha")] it "fills in service defaults" $ do v <- newEmptyMVar l <- initRaven "http://not:really@whatever.fake/project" ( tags [("spam", "eggs"), ("test", "")] . extra [("sausage", "salad")] ) (catchRecord v) errorFallback r <- register l "test.logger" Debug "test record please ignore" $ tags [("test", "shmest")] rec <- takeMVar v srTags rec `shouldBe` HM.fromList [("spam", "eggs"), ("test", "shmest")] srExtra rec `shouldBe` HM.fromList [("sausage", "salad")] describe "Interfaces" $ do let make = record "test.logger" Debug "test record please ignore" let send r = do ok <- sendRecord (fromDSN "http://test:test@localhost:19876/raven") r ok `shouldBe` () it "registers messages" $ do r <- make $ SI.message "My raw message with interpreted strings like %s" ["this"] let ex = object [ "message" .= ("My raw message with interpreted strings like %s" :: String) , "params" .= ["this" :: String] ] HM.lookup "sentry.interfaces.Message" (srInterfaces r) `shouldBe` Just ex send r it "registers exceptions" $ do r <- make $ SI.exception "Wattttt!" (Just "SyntaxError") (Just "__buitins__") let ex = object [ "type" .= ("SyntaxError" :: String) , "value" .= ("Wattttt!" :: String) , "module" .= ("__buitins__" :: String) ] HM.lookup "sentry.interfaces.Exception" (srInterfaces r) `shouldBe` Just ex send r it "registers HTTP queries" $ do r <- make $ SI.http "http://absolute.uri/foo" "POST" (SI.QueryArgs [("foo", "bar")]) (Just "hello=world") (Just "foo=bar") [("Content-Type", "text/html")] [("REMOTE_ADDR", "")] let ex = object [ "url" .= ("http://absolute.uri/foo" :: String) , "method" .= ("POST" :: String) , "data" .= object [ "foo" .= ("bar" :: String) ] , "query_string" .= ("hello=world" :: String) , "cookies" .= ("foo=bar" :: String) , "headers" .= object [ "Content-Type" .= ("text/html" :: String) ] , "env" .= object [ "REMOTE_ADDR" .= ("" :: String)] ] HM.lookup "sentry.interfaces.Http" (srInterfaces r) `shouldBe` Just ex send r it "registers User data" $ do r <- make $ SI.user "0" [ ("username", "root") , ("email", "root@localhost") , ("is_superuser", "True") -- wart ] let ex = object [ "id" .= ("0" :: String) , "username" .= ("root" :: String) , "email" .= ("root@localhost" :: String) , "is_superuser" .= ("True" :: String) ] HM.lookup "sentry.interfaces.User" (srInterfaces r) `shouldBe` Just ex send r it "registers SQL queries" $ do r <- make $ SI.query (Just "postgresql-simple") "SELECT 1" let ex = object [ "query" .= ("SELECT 1" :: String) , "engine" .= ("postgresql-simple" :: String) ] HM.lookup "sentry.interfaces.Query" (srInterfaces r) `shouldBe` Just ex send r it "combines interface parts" $ do r <- make $ SI.exception "Please ignore" (Just "TestException") (Just "Test") . SI.http "http://localhost:8000/im/trapped/at/request/factory" "GET" SI.EmptyArgs (Just "help") Nothing [] [] . SI.user "1001" [ ("username", "test"), ("email", "test@localhost")] . SI.query Nothing "SELECT title, body FROM pages WHERE url=?" sort (HM.keys $ srInterfaces r) `shouldBe` [ "sentry.interfaces.Exception" , "sentry.interfaces.Http" , "sentry.interfaces.Query" , "sentry.interfaces.User" ] send r dsn = "http://public_key:secret_key@example.com/sentry/project-id" ss = SentrySettings { sentryURI = "http://example.com/sentry/", sentryPublicKey = "public_key", sentryPrivateKey = "secret_key", sentryProjectId = "project-id" } strip rec = rec { srEventId = "" , srTimestamp = ts } test = record "test.logger" Debug "test record please ignore" id emptyRecord = SentryRecord { srEventId = "" , srMessage = "" , srTimestamp = ts , srLevel = Debug , srLogger = "" , srPlatform = Nothing , srCulprit = Nothing , srTags = HM.empty , srServerName = Nothing , srModules = HM.empty , srExtra = HM.empty , srInterfaces = HM.empty , srRelease = Nothing , srEnvironment = Nothing } testRecord = emptyRecord { srMessage = "test record please ignore" , srLevel = Debug , srLogger = "test.logger" } testRecordLBS = LBS.pack "{\"logger\":\"test.logger\",\"message\":\"test record please ignore\",\"event_id\":\"\",\"timestamp\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\",\"level\":\"debug\"}"