{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Structured data interfaces from Sentry core: -- module System.Log.Raven.Interfaces ( -- * Core sentry interfaces -- ** Message message -- ** Exception , exception -- ** Http , http, HttpArgs(..) -- ** User , user -- ** Query , query -- * Generic interface helpers , interface , fields, (.=:), fromMaybe, fromAssoc ) where import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(toJSON), Value, object, (.=)) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import System.Log.Raven.Types -- | 'sentry.interfaces.Message': -- A standard message consisting of a message arg, and an optional params -- arg for formatting. message :: String -- ^ Message text (no more than 1000 characters in length). -> [Value] -- ^ Formatting arguments -> SentryRecord -- ^ Record to update -> SentryRecord message msg args = interface "sentry.interfaces.Message" info where info = object [ "message" .= take 1000 msg , "params" .= args ] -- | 'sentry.interfaces.Exception': -- A standard exception with a mandatory value argument, -- and optional type and``module`` argument describing -- the exception class type and module namespace. exception :: String -- ^ Value -> Maybe String -- ^ Type -> Maybe String -- ^ Module -> SentryRecord -- ^ Record to update -> SentryRecord exception v t m = interface "sentry.interfaces.Exception" info where info = fields [ "value" .=: v , fromMaybe "type" t , fromMaybe "module" m ] -- | Optional and optionally parsed HTTP query data HttpArgs = EmptyArgs | RawArgs String | QueryArgs [(String, String)] deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'sentry.interfaces.Http': -- The Request information is stored in the Http interface. -- -- Sentry will explicitly look for REMOTE_ADDR in env for things -- which require an IP address. -- -- The data variable should only contain the request body -- (not the query string). It can either be a dictionary -- (for standard HTTP requests) or a raw request body. -- -- > import System.Log.RavenInterfaces as SI -- > let upd = SI.http -- > "http://absolute.uri/foo" -- > "POST" -- > (SI.QueryArgs [("foo", "bar")]) -- > (Just "hello=world") -- > (Just "foo=bar") -- > [("Content-Type", "text/html")] -- > [("REMOTE_ADDR", "")] http :: String -- ^ URL -> String -- ^ Method -> HttpArgs -- ^ Arguments -> Maybe String -- ^ Query string -> Maybe String -- ^ Cookies -> [(String, String)] -- ^ Headers -> [(String, String)] -- ^ Environment -> SentryRecord -- ^ Record to update -> SentryRecord http url m args q c hs env = interface "sentry.interfaces.Http" info where info = fields [ "url" .=: url , "method" .=: m , fromHttpArgs args , fromMaybe "query_string" q , fromMaybe "cookies" c , fromAssoc "headers" hs , fromAssoc "env" env ] fromHttpArgs EmptyArgs = [] fromHttpArgs (RawArgs s) = "data" .=: s fromHttpArgs (QueryArgs kvs) = "data" .=: HM.fromList kvs -- | 'sentry.interfaces.User': -- An interface which describes the authenticated User for a request. -- -- > let upd = SI.user "unique_id" [ ("username", "my_user") -- > , ("email", "foo@example.com") ] user :: String -- ^ User's unique identifier -> [(String, String)] -- ^ Optional user data -> SentryRecord -- ^ Record to update -> SentryRecord user uid kwargs = interface "sentry.interfaces.User" info where info = HM.fromList $ ("id", uid) : kwargs -- | 'sentry.interfaces.Query': -- A SQL query with an optional string describing the SQL driver, engine. query :: Maybe String -- ^ SQL Driver -> String -- ^ Query -> SentryRecord -- ^ Record to update -> SentryRecord query d q = interface "sentry.interfaces.Query" info where info = fields [ "query" .=: q , fromMaybe "engine" d ] -- | Generic interface helper. interface :: (ToJSON v) => String -> v -> SentryRecord -> SentryRecord interface k v rec = rec { srInterfaces = HM.insert k (toJSON v) $ srInterfaces rec } -- | JSON object with optional fields removed. fields :: [[(String, Value)]] -> HM.HashMap String Value fields = HM.fromList . concat -- | A mandatory field. (.=:) :: (ToJSON v) => String -> v -> [(String, Value)] k .=: v = [(k, toJSON v)] -- | Optional simple field. fromMaybe :: (ToJSON v) => String -> Maybe v -> [(String, Value)] fromMaybe k = maybe [] (\v -> [ (k, toJSON v) ]) -- | Optional dict-like field. fromAssoc :: String -> [(String, String)] -> [(String, Value)] fromAssoc _ [] = [] fromAssoc k vs = [(k, toJSON . HM.fromList $ vs)]