module Feldspar.Frontend where import Prelude (Integral, Ord, RealFloat, RealFrac) import qualified Prelude as P import Prelude.EDSL import Control.Monad.Identity import Data.Bits (Bits, FiniteBits) import qualified Data.Bits as Bits import Data.Complex (Complex) import Data.Int import Data.List (genericLength) import Language.Syntactic (Internal) import Language.Syntactic.Functional import qualified Language.Syntactic as Syntactic import qualified Control.Monad.Operational.Higher as Oper import Language.Embedded.Imperative (IxRange) import qualified Language.Embedded.Imperative as Imp import qualified Data.Inhabited as Inhabited import Data.TypedStruct import Feldspar.Primitive.Representation import Feldspar.Representation import Feldspar.Sugar () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Pure expressions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -- ** General constructs ---------------------------------------- -- | Force evaluation of a value and share the result. Note that due to common -- sub-expression elimination, this function is rarely needed in practice. share :: (Syntax a, Syntax b) => a -- ^ Value to share -> (a -> b) -- ^ Body in which to share the value -> b share = shareTag "" -- Explicit sharing can be useful e.g. when the value to share contains a -- function or when the code motion algorithm for some reason doesn't work -- find opportunities for sharing. -- | Explicit tagged sharing shareTag :: (Syntax a, Syntax b) => String -- ^ A tag (that may be empty). May be used by a back end to -- generate a sensible variable name. -> a -- ^ Value to share -> (a -> b) -- ^ Body in which to share the value -> b shareTag tag = sugarSymFeld (Let tag) -- | For loop forLoop :: Syntax st => Data Length -> st -> (Data Index -> st -> st) -> st forLoop = sugarSymFeld ForLoop -- | Conditional expression cond :: Syntax a => Data Bool -- ^ Condition -> a -- ^ True branch -> a -- ^ False branch -> a cond = sugarSymFeld Cond -- | Condition operator; use as follows: -- -- @ -- cond1 `?` a $ -- cond2 `?` b $ -- cond3 `?` c $ -- default -- @ (?) :: Syntax a => Data Bool -- ^ Condition -> a -- ^ True branch -> a -- ^ False branch -> a (?) = cond infixl 1 ? -- | Multi-way conditional expression -- -- The first association @(a,b)@ in the list of cases for which @a@ is equal to -- the scrutinee is selected, and the associated @b@ is returned as the result. -- If no case matches, the default value is returned. switch :: (Syntax a, Syntax b, PrimType (Internal a)) => b -- ^ Default result -> [(a,b)] -- ^ Cases (match, result) -> a -- ^ Scrutinee -> b -- ^ Result switch def [] _ = def switch def cs s = P.foldr (\(c,a) b -> desugar c == desugar s ? a $ b) def cs ---------------------------------------- -- ** Literals ---------------------------------------- -- | Literal value :: Syntax a => Internal a -> a value = sugarSymFeld . Lit false :: Data Bool false = value False true :: Data Bool true = value True instance Syntactic.Syntactic () where type Domain () = FeldDomain type Internal () = Int32 desugar () = unData 0 sugar _ = () -- | Example value -- -- 'example' can be used similarly to 'undefined' in normal Haskell, i.e. to -- create an expression whose value is irrelevant. -- -- Note that it is generally not possible to use 'undefined' in Feldspar -- expressions, as this will crash the compiler. example :: Syntax a => a example = value Inhabited.example ---------------------------------------- -- ** Primitive functions ---------------------------------------- instance (Bounded a, Type a) => Bounded (Data a) where minBound = value minBound maxBound = value maxBound instance (Num a, PrimType a) => Num (Data a) where fromInteger = value . fromInteger (+) = sugarSymFeld Add (-) = sugarSymFeld Sub (*) = sugarSymFeld Mul negate = sugarSymFeld Neg abs = sugarSymFeld Abs signum = sugarSymFeld Sign instance (Fractional a, PrimType a) => Fractional (Data a) where fromRational = value . fromRational (/) = sugarSymFeld FDiv instance (Floating a, PrimType a) => Floating (Data a) where pi = sugarSymFeld Pi exp = sugarSymFeld Exp log = sugarSymFeld Log sqrt = sugarSymFeld Sqrt (**) = sugarSymFeld Pow sin = sugarSymFeld Sin cos = sugarSymFeld Cos tan = sugarSymFeld Tan asin = sugarSymFeld Asin acos = sugarSymFeld Acos atan = sugarSymFeld Atan sinh = sugarSymFeld Sinh cosh = sugarSymFeld Cosh tanh = sugarSymFeld Tanh asinh = sugarSymFeld Asinh acosh = sugarSymFeld Acosh atanh = sugarSymFeld Atanh -- | Alias for 'pi' π :: (Floating a, PrimType a) => Data a π = pi -- | Integer division truncated toward zero quot :: (Integral a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a quot = sugarSymFeld Quot -- | Integer remainder satisfying -- -- > (x `quot` y)*y + (x `rem` y) == x rem :: (Integral a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a rem = sugarSymFeld Rem -- | Simultaneous @quot@ and @rem@ quotRem :: (Integral a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> (Data a, Data a) quotRem a b = (q,r) where q = quot a b r = a - b * q -- | Integer division truncated toward negative infinity div :: (Integral a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a div = sugarSymFeld Div -- | Integer modulus, satisfying -- -- > (x `div` y)*y + (x `mod` y) == x mod :: (Integral a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a mod = sugarSymFeld Mod -- | Integer division assuming `unsafeBalancedDiv x y * y == x` (i.e. no -- remainder) -- -- The advantage of using 'unsafeBalancedDiv' over 'quot' or 'div' is that the -- above assumption can be used for simplifying the expression. unsafeBalancedDiv :: (Integral a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a unsafeBalancedDiv a b = guardValLabel InternalAssertion (rem a b == 0) "unsafeBalancedDiv: division not balanced" (sugarSymFeld DivBalanced a b) -- Note: We can't check that `result * b == a`, because `result * b` gets -- simplified to `a`. -- | Construct a complex number complex :: (Num a, PrimType a, PrimType (Complex a)) => Data a -- ^ Real part -> Data a -- ^ Imaginary part -> Data (Complex a) complex = sugarSymFeld Complex -- | Construct a complex number polar :: (Floating a, PrimType a, PrimType (Complex a)) => Data a -- ^ Magnitude -> Data a -- ^ Phase -> Data (Complex a) polar = sugarSymFeld Polar -- | Extract the real part of a complex number realPart :: (PrimType a, PrimType (Complex a)) => Data (Complex a) -> Data a realPart = sugarSymFeld Real -- | Extract the imaginary part of a complex number imagPart :: (PrimType a, PrimType (Complex a)) => Data (Complex a) -> Data a imagPart = sugarSymFeld Imag -- | Extract the magnitude of a complex number's polar form magnitude :: (RealFloat a, PrimType a, PrimType (Complex a)) => Data (Complex a) -> Data a magnitude = sugarSymFeld Magnitude -- | Extract the phase of a complex number's polar form phase :: (RealFloat a, PrimType a, PrimType (Complex a)) => Data (Complex a) -> Data a phase = sugarSymFeld Phase -- | Complex conjugate conjugate :: (RealFloat a, PrimType (Complex a)) => Data (Complex a) -> Data (Complex a) conjugate = sugarSymFeld Conjugate -- `RealFloat` could be replaced by `Num` here, but it seems more consistent -- to use `RealFloat` for all functions. -- | Integral type casting i2n :: (Integral i, Num n, PrimType i, PrimType n) => Data i -> Data n i2n = sugarSymFeld I2N -- | Cast integer to 'Bool' i2b :: (Integral a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data Bool i2b = sugarSymFeld I2B -- | Cast 'Bool' to integer b2i :: (Integral a, PrimType a) => Data Bool -> Data a b2i = sugarSymFeld B2I -- | Round a floating-point number to an integer round :: (RealFrac a, Num b, PrimType a, PrimType b) => Data a -> Data b round = sugarSymFeld Round -- | Boolean negation not :: Data Bool -> Data Bool not = sugarSymFeld Not -- | Boolean conjunction (&&) :: Data Bool -> Data Bool -> Data Bool (&&) = sugarSymFeld And infixr 3 && -- | Boolean disjunction (||) :: Data Bool -> Data Bool -> Data Bool (||) = sugarSymFeld Or infixr 2 || -- | Equality (==) :: PrimType a => Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool (==) = sugarSymFeld Eq -- | Inequality (/=) :: PrimType a => Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool a /= b = not (a==b) -- | Less than (<) :: (Ord a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool (<) = sugarSymFeld Lt -- | Greater than (>) :: (Ord a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool (>) = sugarSymFeld Gt -- | Less than or equal (<=) :: (Ord a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool (<=) = sugarSymFeld Le -- | Greater than or equal (>=) :: (Ord a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool (>=) = sugarSymFeld Ge infix 4 ==, /=, <, >, <=, >= -- | Return the smallest of two values min :: (Ord a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a min a b = a<=b ? a $ b -- There's no standard definition of min/max in C: -- -- -- There is `fmin`/`fminf` for floating-point numbers, but these are -- implemented essentially as above (except that they handle `NaN` -- specifically: -- -- | Return the greatest of two values max :: (Ord a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a max a b = a>=b ? a $ b ---------------------------------------- -- ** Bit manipulation ---------------------------------------- -- | Bit-wise \"and\" (.&.) :: (Bits a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a (.&.) = sugarSymFeld BitAnd -- | Bit-wise \"or\" (.|.) :: (Bits a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a (.|.) = sugarSymFeld BitOr -- | Bit-wise \"xor\" xor :: (Bits a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a xor = sugarSymFeld BitXor -- | Bit-wise \"xor\" (⊕) :: (Bits a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a (⊕) = xor -- | Bit-wise complement complement :: (Bits a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a complement = sugarSymFeld BitCompl -- | Left shift shiftL :: (Bits a, PrimType a) => Data a -- ^ Value to shift -> Data Int32 -- ^ Shift amount (negative value gives right shift) -> Data a shiftL = sugarSymFeld ShiftL -- | Right shift shiftR :: (Bits a, PrimType a) => Data a -- ^ Value to shift -> Data Int32 -- ^ Shift amount (negative value gives left shift) -> Data a shiftR = sugarSymFeld ShiftR -- | Left shift (.<<.) :: (Bits a, PrimType a) => Data a -- ^ Value to shift -> Data Int32 -- ^ Shift amount (negative value gives right shift) -> Data a (.<<.) = shiftL -- | Right shift (.>>.) :: (Bits a, PrimType a) => Data a -- ^ Value to shift -> Data Int32 -- ^ Shift amount (negative value gives left shift) -> Data a (.>>.) = shiftR infixl 8 `shiftL`, `shiftR`, .<<., .>>. infixl 7 .&. infixl 6 `xor` infixl 5 .|. bitSize :: forall a . FiniteBits a => Data a -> Length bitSize _ = P.fromIntegral $ Bits.finiteBitSize (a :: a) where a = P.error "finiteBitSize evaluates its argument" -- | Set all bits to one allOnes :: (Bits a, Num a, PrimType a) => Data a allOnes = complement 0 -- | Set the @n@ lowest bits to one oneBits :: (Bits a, Num a, PrimType a) => Data Int32 -> Data a oneBits n = complement (allOnes .<<. n) -- | Extract the @k@ lowest bits lsbs :: (Bits a, Num a, PrimType a) => Data Int32 -> Data a -> Data a lsbs k i = i .&. oneBits k -- | Integer logarithm in base 2. Returns \(\lfloor log_2(x) \rfloor\). -- Assumes \(x>0\). ilog2 :: (FiniteBits a, Integral a, PrimType a) => Data a -> Data a ilog2 a = guardValLabel InternalAssertion (a >= 1) "ilog2: argument < 1" $ snd $ P.foldr (\ffi vr -> share vr (step ffi)) (a,0) ffis where step (ff,i) (v,r) = share (b2i (v > fromInteger ff) .<<. value i) $ \shift -> (v .>>. i2n shift, r .|. shift) -- [(0x1, 0), (0x3, 1), (0xF, 2), (0xFF, 3), (0xFFFF, 4), ...] ffis = (`` [0..]) $ P.takeWhile (P.<= (2 P.^ (bitSize a `P.div` 2) - 1 :: Integer)) $ ((subtract 1) . (2 P.^) . (2 P.^)) $ [(0::Integer)..] -- Based on this algorithm: -- ---------------------------------------- -- ** Arrays ---------------------------------------- -- | Index into an array arrIx :: Syntax a => IArr a -> Data Index -> a arrIx arr i = resugar $ mapStruct ix $ unIArr arr where ix :: forall b . PrimType' b => Imp.IArr Index b -> Data b ix arr' = sugarSymFeldPrim (GuardVal InternalAssertion "arrIx: index out of bounds") (i < length arr) (sugarSymFeldPrim (ArrIx arr') (i + iarrOffset arr) :: Data b) class Indexed a where type IndexedElem a -- | Indexing operator. If @a@ is 'Finite', it is assumed that -- @i < `length` a@ in any expression @a `!` i@. (!) :: a -> Data Index -> IndexedElem a infixl 9 ! -- | Linear structures with a length. If the type is also 'Indexed', the length -- is the successor of the maximal allowed index. class Finite a where -- | The length of a finite structure length :: a -> Data Length instance Finite (Arr a) where length = arrLength instance Finite (IArr a) where length = iarrLength -- | Linear structures that can be sliced class Slicable a where -- | Take a slice of a structure slice :: Data Index -- ^ Start index -> Data Length -- ^ Slice length -> a -- ^ Structure to slice -> a instance Syntax a => Indexed (IArr a) where type IndexedElem (IArr a) = a (!) = arrIx instance Slicable (Arr a) where slice from len (Arr o l arr) = Arr o' l' arr where o' = guardValLabel InternalAssertion (from<=l) "invalid Arr slice" (o+from) l' = guardValLabel InternalAssertion (from+len<=l) "invalid Arr slice" len instance Slicable (IArr a) where slice from len (IArr o l arr) = IArr o' l' arr where o' = guardValLabel InternalAssertion (from<=l) "invalid IArr slice" (o+from) l' = guardValLabel InternalAssertion (from+len<=l) "invalid IArr slice" len ---------------------------------------- -- ** Syntactic conversion ---------------------------------------- desugar :: Syntax a => a -> Data (Internal a) desugar = Data . Syntactic.desugar sugar :: Syntax a => Data (Internal a) -> a sugar = Syntactic.sugar . unData -- | Cast between two values that have the same syntactic representation resugar :: (Syntax a, Syntax b, Internal a ~ Internal b) => a -> b resugar = Syntactic.resugar ---------------------------------------- -- ** Assertions ---------------------------------------- -- | Guard a value by an assertion (with implicit label @`UserAssertion` ""@) guardVal :: Syntax a => Data Bool -- ^ Condition that is expected to be true -> String -- ^ Error message -> a -- ^ Value to attach the assertion to -> a guardVal = guardValLabel $ UserAssertion "" -- | Like 'guardVal' but with an explicit assertion label guardValLabel :: Syntax a => AssertionLabel -- ^ Assertion label -> Data Bool -- ^ Condition that is expected to be true -> String -- ^ Error message -> a -- ^ Value to attach the assertion to -> a guardValLabel c cond msg = sugarSymFeld (GuardVal c msg) cond ---------------------------------------- -- ** Unsafe operations ---------------------------------------- -- | Turn a 'Comp' computation into a pure value. For this to be safe, the -- computation should be free of side effects and independent of its -- environment. unsafePerform :: Syntax a => Comp a -> a unsafePerform = sugarSymFeld . UnsafePerform . fmap desugar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Programs with computational effects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Monads that support computational effects: mutable data structures and -- control flow class Monad m => MonadComp m where -- | Lift a 'Comp' computation liftComp :: Comp a -> m a -- | Conditional statement iff :: Data Bool -> m () -> m () -> m () -- | For loop for :: (Integral n, PrimType n) => IxRange (Data n) -> (Data n -> m ()) -> m () -- | While loop while :: m (Data Bool) -> m () -> m () instance MonadComp Comp where liftComp = id iff c t f = Comp $ Imp.iff c (unComp t) (unComp f) for range body = Comp $ Imp.for range (unComp . body) while cont body = Comp $ Imp.while (unComp cont) (unComp body) ---------------------------------------- -- ** References ---------------------------------------- -- | Create an uninitialized reference newRef :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => m (Ref a) newRef = newNamedRef "r" -- | Create an uninitialized named reference -- -- The provided base name may be appended with a unique identifier to avoid name -- collisions. newNamedRef :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => String -- ^ Base name -> m (Ref a) newNamedRef base = liftComp $ fmap Ref $ mapStructA (const $ Comp $ Imp.newNamedRef base) typeRep -- | Create an initialized named reference initRef :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => a -> m (Ref a) initRef = initNamedRef "r" -- | Create an initialized reference -- -- The provided base name may be appended with a unique identifier to avoid name -- collisions. initNamedRef :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => String -- ^ Base name -> a -- ^ Initial value -> m (Ref a) initNamedRef base = liftComp . fmap Ref . mapStructA (Comp . Imp.initNamedRef base) . resugar -- | Get the contents of a reference. getRef :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => Ref a -> m a getRef = liftComp . fmap resugar . mapStructA (Comp . Imp.getRef) . unRef -- | Set the contents of a reference. setRef :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => Ref a -> a -> m () setRef r = liftComp . sequence_ . zipListStruct (\r' a' -> Comp $ Imp.setRef r' a') (unRef r) . resugar -- | Modify the contents of reference. modifyRef :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => Ref a -> (a -> a) -> m () modifyRef r f = setRef r . f =<< unsafeFreezeRef r -- | Freeze the contents of reference (only safe if the reference is not updated -- as long as the resulting value is alive). unsafeFreezeRef :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => Ref a -> m a unsafeFreezeRef = liftComp . fmap resugar . mapStructA (Comp . Imp.unsafeFreezeRef) . unRef ---------------------------------------- -- ** Arrays ---------------------------------------- -- | Create an uninitialized array newArr :: (Type (Internal a), MonadComp m) => Data Length -> m (Arr a) newArr = newNamedArr "a" -- | Create an uninitialized named array -- -- The provided base name may be appended with a unique identifier to avoid name -- collisions. newNamedArr :: (Type (Internal a), MonadComp m) => String -- ^ Base name -> Data Length -> m (Arr a) newNamedArr base l = liftComp $ fmap (Arr 0 l) $ mapStructA (const (Comp $ Imp.newNamedArr base l)) typeRep -- | Create an array and initialize it with a constant list constArr :: (PrimType (Internal a), MonadComp m) => [Internal a] -- ^ Initial contents -> m (Arr a) constArr = constNamedArr "a" -- | Create a named array and initialize it with a constant list -- -- The provided base name may be appended with a unique identifier to avoid name -- collisions. constNamedArr :: (PrimType (Internal a), MonadComp m) => String -- ^ Base name -> [Internal a] -- ^ Initial contents -> m (Arr a) constNamedArr base as = liftComp $ fmap (Arr 0 len . Single) $ Comp $ Imp.constNamedArr base as where len = value $ genericLength as -- | Get an element of an array getArr :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => Arr a -> Data Index -> m a getArr arr i = do assertLabel InternalAssertion (i < length arr) "getArr: index out of bounds" liftComp $ fmap resugar $ mapStructA (Comp . flip Imp.getArr (i + arrOffset arr)) $ unArr arr -- | Set an element of an array setArr :: forall m a . (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => Arr a -> Data Index -> a -> m () setArr arr i a = do assertLabel InternalAssertion (i < length arr) "setArr: index out of bounds" liftComp $ sequence_ $ zipListStruct (\a' arr' -> Comp $ Imp.setArr arr' (i + arrOffset arr) a') rep $ unArr arr where rep = resugar a :: Struct PrimType' Data (Internal a) -- | Copy the contents of an array to another array. The length of the -- destination array must not be less than that of the source array. -- -- In order to copy only a part of an array, use 'slice' before calling -- 'copyArr'. copyArr :: MonadComp m => Arr a -- ^ Destination -> Arr a -- ^ Source -> m () copyArr arr1 arr2 = do assertLabel InternalAssertion (length arr1 >= length arr2) "copyArr: destination too small" liftComp $ sequence_ $ zipListStruct (\a1 a2 -> Comp $ Imp.copyArr (a1, arrOffset arr1) (a2, arrOffset arr2) (length arr2) ) (unArr arr1) (unArr arr2) -- | Freeze a mutable array to an immutable one. This involves copying the array -- to a newly allocated one. freezeArr :: (Type (Internal a), MonadComp m) => Arr a -> m (IArr a) freezeArr arr = liftComp $ do arr2 <- newArr (length arr) copyArr arr2 arr unsafeFreezeArr arr2 -- This is better than calling `freezeArr` from imperative-edsl, since that -- one copies without offset. -- | A version of 'freezeArr' that slices the array from 0 to the given length freezeSlice :: (Type (Internal a), MonadComp m) => Data Length -> Arr a -> m (IArr a) freezeSlice len = fmap (slice 0 len) . freezeArr -- | Freeze a mutable array to an immutable one without making a copy. This is -- generally only safe if the the mutable array is not updated as long as the -- immutable array is alive. unsafeFreezeArr :: MonadComp m => Arr a -> m (IArr a) unsafeFreezeArr arr = liftComp $ fmap (IArr (arrOffset arr) (length arr)) $ mapStructA (Comp . Imp.unsafeFreezeArr) $ unArr arr -- | A version of 'unsafeFreezeArr' that slices the array from 0 to the given -- length unsafeFreezeSlice :: MonadComp m => Data Length -> Arr a -> m (IArr a) unsafeFreezeSlice len = fmap (slice 0 len) . unsafeFreezeArr -- | Thaw an immutable array to a mutable one. This involves copying the array -- to a newly allocated one. thawArr :: (Type (Internal a), MonadComp m) => IArr a -> m (Arr a) thawArr arr = liftComp $ do arr2 <- unsafeThawArr arr arr3 <- newArr (length arr) copyArr arr3 arr2 return arr3 -- | Thaw an immutable array to a mutable one without making a copy. This is -- generally only safe if the the mutable array is not updated as long as the -- immutable array is alive. unsafeThawArr :: MonadComp m => IArr a -> m (Arr a) unsafeThawArr arr = liftComp $ fmap (Arr (iarrOffset arr) (length arr)) $ mapStructA (Comp . Imp.unsafeThawArr) $ unIArr arr -- | Create an immutable array and initialize it with a constant list constIArr :: (PrimType (Internal a), MonadComp m) => [Internal a] -> m (IArr a) constIArr = constArr >=> unsafeFreezeArr ---------------------------------------- -- ** Control-flow ---------------------------------------- -- | Conditional statement that returns an expression ifE :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => Data Bool -- ^ Condition -> m a -- ^ True branch -> m a -- ^ False branch -> m a ifE c t f = do res <- newRef iff c (t >>= setRef res) (f >>= setRef res) unsafeFreezeRef res -- | Break out from a loop break :: MonadComp m => m () break = liftComp $ Comp Imp.break -- | Assertion (with implicit label @`UserAssertion` ""@) assert :: MonadComp m => Data Bool -- ^ Expression that should be true -> String -- ^ Message in case of failure -> m () assert = assertLabel $ UserAssertion "" -- | Like 'assert' but tagged with an explicit assertion label assertLabel :: MonadComp m => AssertionLabel -- ^ Assertion label -> Data Bool -- ^ Expression that should be true -> String -- ^ Message in case of failure -> m () assertLabel c cond msg = liftComp $ Comp $ Oper.singleInj $ Assert c cond msg ---------------------------------------- -- ** Misc. ---------------------------------------- -- | Force evaluation of a value and share the result (monadic version of -- 'share') shareM :: (Syntax a, MonadComp m) => a -> m a shareM = initRef >=> unsafeFreezeRef -- This function is more commonly needed than `share`, since code motion -- doesn't work across monadic binds.