-- |The Core module provides the fundamental types,
-- type classes, and functions of the library.

-- TODO: update writeT to writeTriple, etc.

module Data.RDF (
  -- * Parsing RDF
  RdfParser(parseString, parseFile, parseURL),
  -- * Serializing RDF
  RdfSerializer(hWriteRdf, writeRdf, hWriteH, writeH, hWriteTs, writeTs, hWriteT, writeT, hWriteN, writeN),
  -- * RDF type
  RDF(empty, mkRdf, triplesOf, select, query, baseUrl, prefixMappings, addPrefixMappings),
  -- * RDF triples, nodes, and literals
  Triple(Triple), triple, Triples, sortTriples,
  Node(UNode, BNode, BNodeGen, LNode),
  LValue(PlainL, PlainLL, TypedL),

  -- * Supporting types and functions
  PrefixMappings(PrefixMappings), toPMList, PrefixMapping(PrefixMapping),
  NodeSelector, isUNode, isBNode, isLNode,
  equalSubjects, equalPredicates, equalObjects,
  subjectOf, predicateOf, objectOf, isEmpty,
  Subject, Predicate, Object,
  View, view,
  fromEither, maybeHead, removeDupes

import Data.RDF.Namespace
import Data.RDF.Utils
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8(ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Data.List
import System.IO
import Text.Printf

-- |A type class for ADTs that expose views to clients.
class View a b where
  view :: a -> b

-- |An alias for 'Node', defined for convenience and readability purposes.
type Subject = Node

-- |An alias for 'Node', defined for convenience and readability purposes.
type Predicate = Node

-- |An alias for 'Node', defined for convenience and readability purposes.
type Object = Node

-- |An RDF value is a set of (unique) RDF triples, together with the
-- operations defined upon them.
-- For information about the efficiency of the functions, see the
-- documentation for the particular RDF instance.
-- For more information about the concept of an RDF graph, see
-- the following: <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#section-rdf-graph>.
class RDF rdf where

  -- |Return the base URL of this RDF, if any.
  baseUrl :: rdf -> Maybe BaseUrl

  -- |Return the prefix mappings defined for this RDF, if any.
  prefixMappings :: rdf -> PrefixMappings

  -- |Return an RDF with the specified prefix mappings merged with
  -- the existing mappings. If the Bool arg is True, then a new mapping
  -- for an existing prefix will replace the old mapping; otherwise,
  -- the new mapping is ignored.
  addPrefixMappings :: rdf -> PrefixMappings -> Bool -> rdf

  -- |Return an empty RDF.
  empty  :: rdf

  -- |Return a RDF containing all the given triples. Handling of duplicates
  -- in the input depend on the particular RDF implementation.
  mkRdf :: Triples -> Maybe BaseUrl -> PrefixMappings -> rdf

  -- |Return all triples in the RDF, as a list.
  triplesOf :: rdf -> Triples

  -- |Select the triples in the RDF that match the given selectors.
  -- The three NodeSelector parameters are optional functions that match
  -- the respective subject, predicate, and object of a triple. The triples
  -- returned are those in the given graph for which the first selector
  -- returns true when called on the subject, the second selector returns
  -- true when called on the predicate, and the third selector returns true
  -- when called on the ojbect. A 'Nothing' parameter is equivalent to a
  -- function that always returns true for the appropriate node; but
  -- implementations may be able to much more efficiently answer a select
  -- that involves a 'Nothing' parameter rather than an @(id True)@ parameter.
  -- The following call illustrates the use of select, and would result in
  -- the selection of all and only the triples that have a blank node
  -- as subject and a literal node as object:
  -- > select gr (Just isBNode) Nothing (Just isLNode)
  -- Note: this function may be very slow; see the documentation for the
  -- particular RDF implementation for more information.
  select    :: rdf -> NodeSelector -> NodeSelector -> NodeSelector -> Triples

  -- |Return the triples in the RDF that match the given pattern, where
  -- the pattern (3 Maybe Node parameters) is interpreted as a triple pattern.
  -- The @Maybe Node@ params are interpreted as the subject, predicate, and
  -- object of a triple, respectively. @Just n@ is true iff the triple has
  -- a node equal to @n@ in the appropriate location; @Nothing@ is always
  -- true, regardless of the node in the appropriate location.
  -- For example, @ query rdf (Just n1) Nothing (Just n2) @ would return all
  -- and only the triples that have @n1@ as subject and @n2@ as object,
  -- regardless of the predicate of the triple.
  query         :: rdf -> Maybe Node -> Maybe Node -> Maybe Node -> Triples

-- |An RdfParser is a parser that knows how to parse 1 format of RDF and
-- can parse an RDF document of that type from a string, a file, or a URL.
-- Required configuration options will vary from instance to instance.
class RdfParser p where

  -- |Parse RDF from the given bytestring, yielding a failure with error message or
  -- the resultant RDF.
  parseString :: forall rdf. (RDF rdf) => p -> ByteString -> Either ParseFailure rdf

  -- |Parse RDF from the local file with the given path, yielding a failure with error
  -- message or the resultant RDF in the IO monad.
  parseFile   :: forall rdf. (RDF rdf) => p -> String     -> IO (Either ParseFailure rdf)

  -- |Parse RDF from the remote file with the given HTTP URL (https is not supported),
  -- yielding a failure with error message or the resultant graph in the IO monad.
  parseURL    :: forall rdf. (RDF rdf) => p -> String -> IO (Either ParseFailure rdf)

-- |An RdfSerializer is a serializer of RDF to some particular output format, such as
-- NTriples or Turtle.
class RdfSerializer s where
  -- |Write the RDF to a file handle using whatever configuration is specified by
  -- the first argument.
  hWriteRdf     :: forall rdf. (RDF rdf) => s -> Handle -> rdf -> IO ()

  -- |Write the RDF to stdout; equivalent to @'hWriteRdf' stdout@.
  writeRdf      :: forall rdf. (RDF rdf) => s -> rdf -> IO ()

  -- |Write to the file handle whatever header information is required based on
  -- the output format. For example, if serializing to Turtle, this method would
  -- write the necessary \@prefix declarations and possibly a \@baseUrl declaration,
  -- whereas for NTriples, there is no header section at all, so this would be a no-op.
  hWriteH     :: forall rdf. (RDF rdf) => s -> Handle -> rdf -> IO ()

  -- |Write header information to stdout; equivalent to @'hWriteRdf' stdout@.
  writeH      :: forall rdf. (RDF rdf) => s -> rdf -> IO ()

  -- |Write some triples to a file handle using whatever configuration is specified
  -- by the first argument. 
  -- WARNING: if the serialization format has header-level information 
  -- that should be output (e.g., \@prefix declarations for Turtle), then you should
  -- use 'hWriteG' instead of this method unless you're sure this is safe to use, since
  -- otherwise the resultant document will be missing the header information and 
  -- will not be valid.
  hWriteTs    :: s -> Handle  -> Triples -> IO ()

  -- |Write some triples to stdout; equivalent to @'hWriteTs' stdout@.
  writeTs     :: s -> Triples -> IO ()

  -- |Write a single triple to the file handle using whatever configuration is 
  -- specified by the first argument. The same WARNING applies as to 'hWriteTs'.
  hWriteT     :: s -> Handle  -> Triple  -> IO ()

  -- |Write a single triple to stdout; equivalent to @'hWriteT' stdout@.
  writeT      :: s -> Triple  -> IO ()

  -- |Write a single node to the file handle using whatever configuration is 
  -- specified by the first argument. The same WARNING applies as to 'hWriteTs'.
  hWriteN     :: s -> Handle  -> Node    -> IO ()

  -- |Write a single node to sdout; equivalent to @'hWriteN' stdout@.
  writeN      :: s -> Node    -> IO ()

-- |An RDF node, which may be either a URIRef node ('UNode'), a blank
-- node ('BNode'), or a literal node ('LNode').
data Node =

  -- |An RDF URI reference. See
  -- <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#section-Graph-URIref> for more
  -- information.
  UNode !FastString

  -- |An RDF blank node. See
  -- <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#section-blank-nodes> for more
  -- information.
  | BNode !FastString

  -- |An RDF blank node with an auto-generated identifier, as used in
  -- Turtle.
  | BNodeGen !Int

  -- |An RDF literal. See
  -- <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#section-Graph-Literal> for more
  -- information.
  | LNode !LValue

-- ==============================
-- Constructor functions for Node

-- |Return a URIRef node for the given bytetring URI.
{-# INLINE unode #-}
unode :: ByteString -> Node
unode = UNode . mkFastString

-- |Return a blank node using the given string identifier.
{-# INLINE bnode #-}
bnode :: ByteString ->  Node
bnode = BNode . mkFastString

-- |Return a literal node using the given LValue.
{-# INLINE lnode #-}
lnode :: LValue ->  Node
lnode = LNode

-- Constructor functions for Node
-- ==============================

-- |A list of triples. This is defined for convenience and readability.
type Triples = [Triple]

-- |An RDF triple is a statement consisting of a subject, predicate,
-- and object, respectively.
-- See <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#section-triples> for
-- more information.
data Triple = Triple !Node !Node !Node

-- |A smart constructor function for 'Triple' that verifies the node arguments
-- are of the correct type and creates the new 'Triple' if so or calls 'error'.
-- /subj/ must be a 'UNode' or 'BNode', and /pred/ must be a 'UNode'.
triple :: Subject -> Predicate -> Object -> Triple
triple subj pred obj
  | isLNode subj     =  error $ "subject must be UNode or BNode: "     ++ show subj
  | isLNode pred     =  error $ "predicate must be UNode, not LNode: " ++ show pred
  | isBNode pred     =  error $ "predicate must be UNode, not BNode: " ++ show pred
  | otherwise        =  Triple subj pred obj

-- |The actual value of an RDF literal, represented as the 'LValue'
-- parameter of an 'LNode'.
data LValue =
  -- Constructors are not exported, because we need to have more
  -- control over the format of the literal bytestring that we store.

  -- |A plain (untyped) literal value in an unspecified language.
  PlainL !ByteString

  -- |A plain (untyped) literal value with a language specifier.
  | PlainLL !ByteString !ByteString

  -- |A typed literal value consisting of the literal value and
  -- the URI of the datatype of the value, respectively.
  | TypedL !ByteString  !FastString

-- ================================
-- Constructor functions for LValue

-- |Return a PlainL LValue for the given string value.
{-# INLINE plainL #-}
plainL :: ByteString -> LValue
plainL =  PlainL

-- |Return a PlainLL LValue for the given string value and language,
-- respectively.
{-# INLINE plainLL #-}
plainLL :: ByteString -> ByteString -> LValue
plainLL = PlainLL

-- |Return a TypedL LValue for the given string value and datatype URI,
-- respectively.
{-# INLINE typedL #-}
typedL :: ByteString -> FastString -> LValue
typedL val dtype = TypedL (canonicalize dtype val) dtype

-- Constructor functions for LValue
-- ================================

-- |The base URL of an RDF.
newtype BaseUrl = BaseUrl ByteString
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- |A 'NodeSelector' is either a function that returns 'True'
--  or 'False' for a node, or Nothing, which indicates that all
-- nodes would return 'True'.
-- The selector is said to select, or match, the nodes for
-- which it returns 'True'.
-- When used in conjunction with the 'select' method of 'Graph', three
-- node selectors are used to match a triple.
type NodeSelector = Maybe (Node -> Bool)

-- |Represents a failure in parsing an N-Triples document, including
-- an error message with information about the cause for the failure.
newtype ParseFailure = ParseFailure String
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |A node is equal to another node if they are both the same type
-- of node and if the field values are equal.
instance Eq Node where
  (UNode fs1)    ==  (UNode fs2)     =  uniq fs1 == uniq fs2
  (BNode fs1)    ==  (BNode fs2)     =  uniq fs1 == uniq fs2
  (BNodeGen i1)  ==  (BNodeGen i2)   =  i1 == i2
  (LNode l1)     ==  (LNode l2)      =  l1 == l2
  _              ==  _               =  False

-- |Node ordering is defined first by type, with Unode < BNode < BNodeGen
-- < LNode PlainL < LNode PlainLL < LNode TypedL, and secondly by
-- the natural ordering of the node value.
-- E.g., a '(UNode _)' is LT any other type of node, and a
-- '(LNode (TypedL _ _))' is GT any other type of node, and the ordering
-- of '(BNodeGen 44)' and '(BNodeGen 3)' is that of the values, or
-- 'compare 44 3', GT.
instance Ord Node where
  compare = compareNode

compareNode :: Node -> Node -> Ordering
compareNode (UNode fs1)                      (UNode fs2)                      = compareFS fs1 fs2
compareNode (UNode _)                        _                                = LT
compareNode (BNode fs1)                      (BNode fs2)                      = compareFS fs1 fs2
compareNode (BNode _)                        (UNode _)                        = GT
compareNode (BNode _)                        _                                = LT
compareNode (BNodeGen i1)                    (BNodeGen i2)                    = compare i1 i2
compareNode (BNodeGen _)                     (LNode _)                        = LT
compareNode (BNodeGen _)                     _                                = GT
compareNode (LNode (PlainL bs1))             (LNode (PlainL bs2))             = compare bs1 bs2
compareNode (LNode (PlainL _))               (LNode _)                        = LT
compareNode (LNode (PlainLL bs1 bs1'))       (LNode (PlainLL bs2 bs2'))       =
  case compare bs1' bs2' of
    EQ -> compare bs1 bs2
    LT -> LT
    GT -> GT
compareNode (LNode (PlainLL _ _))            (LNode (PlainL _))               = GT
compareNode (LNode (PlainLL _ _))            (LNode _)                        = LT
compareNode (LNode (TypedL bs1 fs1))         (LNode (TypedL bs2 fs2))         =
  case compare fs1 fs2 of
    EQ -> compare bs1 bs2
    LT -> LT
    GT -> GT
compareNode (LNode (TypedL _ _))             (LNode _)                        = GT
compareNode (LNode _)                        _                                = GT

-- |Two triples are equal iff their respective subjects, predicates, and objects
-- are equal.
instance Eq Triple where
  (Triple s1 p1 o1) == (Triple s2 p2 o2) = s1 == s2 && p1 == p2 && o1 == o2

-- |The ordering of triples is based on that of the subject, predicate, and object
-- of the triple, in that order.
instance Ord Triple where
  (Triple s1 p1 o1) `compare` (Triple s2 p2 o2) =
    case compareNode s1 s2 of
      EQ -> case compareNode p1 p2 of
              EQ -> compareNode o1 o2
              LT -> LT
              GT -> GT
      GT -> GT
      LT -> LT

-- |Two 'LValue' values are equal iff they are of the same type and all fields are
-- equal.
instance Eq LValue where
  (PlainL bs1)        ==  (PlainL bs2)        =  bs1 == bs2
  (PlainLL bs1 bs1')  ==  (PlainLL bs2 bs2')  =  bs1' == bs2'    &&  bs1 == bs2
  (TypedL bs1 fs1)    ==  (TypedL bs2 fs2)    =  equalFS fs1 fs2 &&  bs1 == bs2
  _                   ==  _                   =  False

-- |Ordering of 'LValue' values is as follows: (PlainL _) < (PlainLL _ _)
-- < (TypedL _ _), and values of the same type are ordered by field values,
-- with '(PlainLL literalValue language)' being ordered by language first and
-- literal value second, and '(TypedL literalValue datatypeUri)' being ordered
-- by datatype first and literal value second.
instance Ord LValue where
  compare = compareLValue

{-# INLINE compareLValue #-}
compareLValue :: LValue -> LValue -> Ordering
compareLValue (PlainL bs1)       (PlainL bs2)       = compare bs1 bs2
compareLValue (PlainL _)         _                  = LT
compareLValue _                  (PlainL _)         = GT
compareLValue (PlainLL bs1 bs1') (PlainLL bs2 bs2') =
  case compare bs1' bs2' of
    EQ -> compare bs1 bs2
    GT -> GT
    LT -> LT
compareLValue (PlainLL _ _)       _                 = LT
compareLValue _                   (PlainLL _ _)     = GT
compareLValue (TypedL l1 t1) (TypedL l2 t2) =
  case compareFS t1 t2 of
    EQ -> compare l1 l2
    GT -> GT
    LT -> LT

-- String representations of the various data types; generally NTriples-like.

instance Show Triple where
  show (Triple s p o) =
    printf "Triple(%s,%s,%s)" (show s) (show p) (show o)

instance Show Node where
  show (UNode uri)                   = "UNode(" ++ show uri ++ ")"
  show (BNode  i)                    = "BNode(" ++ show i ++ ")"
  show (BNodeGen genId)              = "BNodeGen(" ++ show genId ++ ")"
  show (LNode lvalue)                = "LNode(" ++ show lvalue ++ ")"

instance Show LValue where
  show (PlainL lit)               = "PlainL(" ++ B.unpack lit ++ ")"
  show (PlainLL lit lang)         = "PlainLL(" ++ B.unpack lit ++ ", " ++ B.unpack lang ++ ")"
  show (TypedL lit dtype)         = "TypedL(" ++ B.unpack lit ++ "," ++ show dtype ++ ")"

-- |Answer the given list of triples in sorted order.
sortTriples :: Triples -> Triples
sortTriples = sort

-- |Answer the subject node of the triple.
{-# INLINE subjectOf #-}
subjectOf :: Triple -> Node
subjectOf (Triple s _ _) = s

-- |Answer the predicate node of the triple.
{-# INLINE predicateOf #-}
predicateOf :: Triple -> Node
predicateOf (Triple _ p _) = p

-- |Answer the object node of the triple.
{-# INLINE objectOf #-}
objectOf :: Triple -> Node
objectOf (Triple _ _ o)   = o

-- |Answer if rdf contains node.
rdfContainsNode :: forall rdf. (RDF rdf) => rdf -> Node -> Bool
rdfContainsNode rdf node =
  let ts = triplesOf rdf
      xs = map (tripleContainsNode node) ts
  in elem True xs

-- |Answer if triple contains node.
tripleContainsNode :: Node -> Triple -> Bool
{-# INLINE tripleContainsNode #-}
tripleContainsNode node t = 
 subjectOf t == node || predicateOf t == node || objectOf t == node

-- |Answer if given node is a URI Ref node.
{-# INLINE isUNode #-}
isUNode :: Node -> Bool
isUNode (UNode _) = True
isUNode _         = False

-- |Answer if given node is a blank node.
{-# INLINE isBNode #-}
isBNode :: Node -> Bool
isBNode (BNode _)    = True
isBNode (BNodeGen _) = True
isBNode _            = False

-- |Answer if given node is a literal node.
{-# INLINE isLNode #-}
isLNode :: Node -> Bool
isLNode (LNode _) = True
isLNode _         = False

-- |Determine whether two triples have equal subjects.
equalSubjects :: Triple -> Triple -> Bool
equalSubjects (Triple s1 _ _) (Triple s2 _ _) = s1 == s2

-- |Determine whether two triples have equal predicates.
equalPredicates :: Triple -> Triple -> Bool
equalPredicates (Triple _ p1 _) (Triple _ p2 _) = p1 == p2

-- |Determine whether two triples have equal objects.
equalObjects :: Triple -> Triple -> Bool
equalObjects (Triple _ _ o1) (Triple _ _ o2) = o1 == o2

-- |Determines whether the 'RDF' contains zero triples.
isEmpty :: RDF rdf => rdf -> Bool
isEmpty rdf =
  let ts = triplesOf rdf
  in null ts

-- |Lists of all subjects of triples with the given predicate.
listSubjectsWithPredicate :: RDF rdf => rdf -> Predicate -> [Subject]
listSubjectsWithPredicate rdf pred =
  listNodesWithPredicate rdf pred subjectOf

-- |Lists of all objects of triples with the given predicate.
listObjectsOfPredicate :: RDF rdf => rdf -> Predicate -> [Object]
listObjectsOfPredicate rdf pred =
  listNodesWithPredicate rdf pred objectOf

listNodesWithPredicate :: RDF rdf => rdf -> Predicate -> (Triple -> Node) -> [Node]
listNodesWithPredicate rdf pred f =
  let ts = triplesOf rdf
      xs = filter (\t -> predicateOf t == pred) ts
  in map f xs

-- |Convert a parse result into an RDF if it was successful
-- and error and terminate if not.
fromEither :: RDF rdf => Either ParseFailure rdf -> rdf
fromEither res =
  case res of
    (Left err) -> error (show err)
    (Right rdf) -> rdf

-- |Remove duplicate triples, returning unique triples. This 
-- function may return the triples in a different order than 
-- given.
removeDupes :: Triples -> Triples
removeDupes =  map head . group . sort

-- |This determines if two RDF representations are equal regardless of blank
-- nodc names, triple order and prefixes.  In math terms, this is the \simeq
-- latex operator, or ~=
isIsomorphic :: forall rdf1 rdf2. (RDF rdf1, RDF rdf2) => rdf1 -> rdf2 -> Bool
isIsomorphic g1 g2 = normalize g1 == normalize g2
  where normalize :: forall rdf. (RDF rdf) => rdf -> Triples
        normalize = sort . nub . expandTriples

-- |Expand the triples in a graph with the prefix map and base URL for that
-- graph.
expandTriples :: (RDF rdf) => rdf -> Triples
expandTriples rdf = expandTriples' [] (baseUrl rdf) (prefixMappings rdf) (triplesOf rdf)

expandTriples' :: Triples -> Maybe BaseUrl -> PrefixMappings -> Triples -> Triples
expandTriples' acc _ _ [] = acc
expandTriples' acc baseUrl prefixMappings (t:rest) = expandTriples' (normalize baseUrl prefixMappings t : acc) baseUrl prefixMappings rest
  where normalize baseUrl prefixMappings = expandPrefixes prefixMappings . expandBaseUrl baseUrl
        expandBaseUrl (Just _) triple = triple
        expandBaseUrl Nothing triple = triple
        expandPrefixes _ triple = triple