-- | This module contains the definitions for creating properties to pass to javascript elements and
-- foreign javascript classes.  In addition, it contains definitions for the
-- <https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/events.html React Event System>.
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module React.Flux.PropertiesAndEvents (

  -- * Creating Properties
  , property
  , elementProperty
  , nestedProperty
  , CallbackFunction
  , callback
  , callbackView
  , ArgumentsToProps
  , ReturnProps(..)
  , callbackViewWithProps

  -- ** Combinators
  , (@=)
  , ($=)
  , (&=)
  , classNames

  -- * Creating Events
  , Event(..)
  , EventTarget(..)
  , eventTargetProp
  , target
  , preventDefault
  , stopPropagation
  , capturePhase
  , on

  -- ** Keyboard
  , KeyboardEvent(..)
  , onKeyDown
  , onKeyPress
  , onKeyUp

  -- ** Focus
  , FocusEvent(..)
  , onBlur
  , onFocus

  -- ** Form
  , onChange
  , onInput
  , onSubmit

  -- ** Mouse
  , MouseEvent(..)
  , onClick
  , onContextMenu
  , onDoubleClick
  , onDrag
  , onDragEnd
  , onDragEnter
  , onDragExit
  , onDragLeave
  , onDragOver
  , onDragStart
  , onDrop
  , onMouseDown
  , onMouseEnter
  , onMouseLeave
  , onMouseMove
  , onMouseOut
  , onMouseOver
  , onMouseUp

  -- ** Touch
  , initializeTouchEvents
  , Touch(..)
  , TouchEvent(..)
  , onTouchCancel
  , onTouchEnd
  , onTouchMove
  , onTouchStart

  -- ** UI
  , onScroll

  -- ** Wheel
  , WheelEvent(..)
  , onWheel

  -- ** Image
  , onLoad
  , onError
) where

import           Control.Monad (forM)
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar)
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import           Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import           Data.Word
import           Data.Int

import           React.Flux.Internal
import           React.Flux.Store
import           React.Flux.Views (ReactView(..), ViewEventHandler, StatefulViewEventHandler, ArgumentsToProps(..), ReturnProps(..))

#ifdef __GHCJS__
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import           GHCJS.Foreign (fromJSBool)
import           GHCJS.Marshal (FromJSVal(..))
import           GHCJS.Types (JSVal, nullRef, IsJSVal)
import           JavaScript.Array as JSA
import qualified Data.JSString.Text as JSS

type JSVal = ()
type JSArray = ()
class FromJSVal a
instance FromJSVal ()
instance FromJSVal a => FromJSVal [a]
instance FromJSVal a => FromJSVal (Maybe a)
instance FromJSVal T.Text
instance FromJSVal Char
instance FromJSVal Bool
instance FromJSVal Int
instance FromJSVal Int8
instance FromJSVal Int16
instance FromJSVal Int32
instance FromJSVal Word
instance FromJSVal Word8
instance FromJSVal Word16
instance FromJSVal Word32
instance FromJSVal Float
instance FromJSVal Double
instance FromJSVal A.Value
instance (FromJSVal a, FromJSVal b) => FromJSVal (a,b)
instance (FromJSVal a, FromJSVal b, FromJSVal c) => FromJSVal (a,b,c)
instance (FromJSVal a, FromJSVal b, FromJSVal c, FromJSVal d) => FromJSVal (a,b,c,d)
instance (FromJSVal a, FromJSVal b, FromJSVal c, FromJSVal d, FromJSVal e) => FromJSVal (a,b,c,d,e)
instance (FromJSVal a, FromJSVal b, FromJSVal c, FromJSVal d, FromJSVal e, FromJSVal f) => FromJSVal (a,b,c,d,e,f)
instance (FromJSVal a, FromJSVal b, FromJSVal c, FromJSVal d, FromJSVal e, FromJSVal f, FromJSVal g) => FromJSVal (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
instance (FromJSVal a, FromJSVal b, FromJSVal c, FromJSVal d, FromJSVal e, FromJSVal f, FromJSVal g, FromJSVal h) => FromJSVal (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
class IsJSVal a
nullRef :: ()
nullRef = ()

-- | Some third-party React classes allow passing React elements as properties.  This function
-- will first run the given 'ReactElementM' to obtain an element or elements, and then use that
-- element as the value for a property with the given key.
elementProperty :: JSString -> ReactElementM handler () -> PropertyOrHandler handler
elementProperty = ElementProperty

-- | Allows you to create nested object properties.  The list of properties passed in will be
-- converted to an object which is then set as the value for a property with the given name.  For
-- example,
-- >[ nestedProperty "Hello" [ "a" @= (100 :: Int), "b" $= "World" ]
-- >, "c" $= "!!!"
-- >]
-- would create a javascript object
-- >{"Hello": {a: 100, b: "World"}, "c": "!!!"}
nestedProperty :: JSString -> [PropertyOrHandler handler] -> PropertyOrHandler handler
nestedProperty = NestedProperty

-- | A class which is used to implement <https://wiki.haskell.org/Varargs variable argument functions>.
-- Any function where each argument implements 'FromJSVal' and the result is either
-- 'ViewEventHandler' or 'StatefulViewEventHandler' is an instance of this class.
class CallbackFunction handler a | a -> handler  where
    applyFromArguments :: JSArray -> Int -> a -> IO handler

instance CallbackFunction ViewEventHandler ViewEventHandler where
    applyFromArguments _ _ h = return h

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} CallbackFunction (StatefulViewEventHandler s) (StatefulViewEventHandler s) where
    applyFromArguments _ _ h = return h

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (FromJSVal a, CallbackFunction handler b) => CallbackFunction handler (a -> b) where
#if __GHCJS__
    applyFromArguments args k f = do
        ma <- fromJSVal $ if k >= JSA.length args then nullRef else JSA.index k args
        a <- maybe (error "Unable to decode callback argument") return ma
        applyFromArguments args (k+1) $ f a
    applyFromArguments _ _ _ = error "Not supported in GHC"

-- | Create a callback property.  This is primarily intended for foreign React classes which expect
-- callbacks to be passed to them as properties.  For events on DOM elements, you should instead use
-- the handlers below.
-- The function @func@ can be any function, as long as each argument to the function is an instance
-- of 'FromJSVal' and the result of the function is @handler@.  Internally, 'callback' creates a
-- javascript function which accesses the @arguments@ javascript object and then matches entries in
-- @arguments@ to the parameters of @func@.  If @func@ has more parameters than the javascript
-- @arguments@ object, a javascript null is used for the conversion.  Since the 'Maybe' instance of
-- 'FromJSVal' converts a null reference to 'Nothing', you can exploit this to create
-- variable-argument javascript callbacks.
-- For example, all three of the following functions could be passed as @func@ inside a view.
-- >foo :: Int -> Maybe String -> ViewEventHandler
-- >bar :: Aeson.Value -> ViewEventHandler
-- >baz :: ViewEventHandler
-- For another example, see the haddock comments in "React.Flux.Addons.Bootstrap".
callback :: CallbackFunction handler func => JSString -> func -> PropertyOrHandler handler
callback name func = CallbackPropertyWithArgumentArray name $ \arr -> applyFromArguments arr 0 func

-- | Create a zero-argument callback property.  When this callback function is executed, it
-- will render the given view and return the resulting React element.  If you need to 
-- create a callback which expects arguments, use 'callbackViewWithProps' instead.
callbackView :: JSString -> ReactView () -> PropertyOrHandler handler
callbackView name v = CallbackPropertyReturningView name (const $ return ()) (reactView v)

-- | Create a callback that when called will render a view.  This is useful for interacting with third-party React classes that expect
-- a property which is a function which when called returns a React element.   The way this works is
-- as follows:
-- 1. You create a Haskell function which translates the javascript arguments of the callback into a Haskell
-- value of type @ReturnProps props@.  This is a variable-argument function using the 'ArgumentsToProps' class.
-- For example,
--       @
--       data MyProps = MyProps { theInt :: Int, theString :: String }
--       myArgsToProps :: Int -> String -> ReturnProps MyProps
--       myArgsToProps i s = ReturnProps $ MyProps i s
--       @
-- 2. You create a view which receives these properties and renders itself.  This view will not
-- receive any children.
--       @
--       myView :: ReactView MyProps
--       mYView = defineView "my view" $ \\myProps -> ...
--       @
-- 3. You can then use 'callbackViewWithProps' to create a property which is a JavaScript function.
-- When this JavaScript function is executed, the JavaScript arguments are converted to the props,
-- the view is rendered using the props, and the resulting React element is returned from the
-- JavaScript function.
--       @
--       someOtherView :: ReactView ()
--       someOtherView = defineView "some other view" $ \\() ->
--           div_ $
--              foreignClass_ "theForeginThing"
--                  [ callbackViewWithProps "the_propname_to_pass_to_theForeignThing" myView myArgsToProps
--                  , "hello" $= "world"
--                  ] mempty
--      @
--      @theForeignThing@ React class will receive a property called
--      @the_propname_to_pass_to_theForeignThing@.  The value of this property is a JavaScript
--      function which when executed will convert the arguments to @props@, render the view, and
--      return the resulting React element.
callbackViewWithProps :: (Typeable props, ArgumentsToProps props func) => JSString -> ReactView props -> func -> PropertyOrHandler handler
callbackViewWithProps name v func = CallbackPropertyReturningView name (\arr -> returnViewFromArguments arr 0 func) (reactView v)

--- Combinators

-- | Create a property from any aeson value (the at sign looks like "A" for aeson)
(@=) :: A.ToJSON a => JSString -> a -> PropertyOrHandler handler
n @= a = Property n (A.toJSON a)

-- | Create a text-valued property.  This is here to avoid problems when OverloadedStrings extension
-- is enabled
($=) :: JSString -> JSString -> PropertyOrHandler handler
n $= a = Property n a

-- | Set the <https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/class-name-manipulation.html className> property to consist
-- of all the names which are matched with True, allowing you to easily toggle class names based on
-- a computation.
classNames :: [(T.Text, Bool)] -> PropertyOrHandler handler
classNames xs = "className" @= T.intercalate " " names
        names = M.keys $ M.filter id $ M.fromList xs

--- Generic Event

-- | A reference to the object that dispatched the event.
-- <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/target>
newtype EventTarget = EventTarget JSVal
instance IsJSVal EventTarget

instance Show (EventTarget) where
    show _ = "EventTarget"

-- | Access a property in an event target
eventTargetProp :: FromJSVal val => EventTarget -> JSString -> val
eventTargetProp (EventTarget ref) key = ref .: key

-- | Every event in React is a synthetic event, a cross-browser wrapper around the native event.
data Event = Event
    { evtType :: T.Text
    , evtBubbles :: Bool
    , evtCancelable :: Bool
    , evtCurrentTarget :: EventTarget
    , evtDefaultPrevented :: Bool
    , evtPhase :: Int
    , evtIsTrusted :: Bool
    -- evtNativeEvent
    , evtTarget :: EventTarget
    , evtTimestamp :: Int
    , evtHandlerArg :: HandlerArg
    } deriving (Show)

-- | A version of 'eventTargetProp' which accesses the property of 'evtTarget' in the event.  This
-- is useful for example:
-- >div_ $
-- >    input_ [ "type" @= "checked"
-- >           , onChange $ \evt -> let val = target evt "value" in ...
-- >           ]
-- In this case, @val@ would coorespond to the javascript expression @evt.target.value@.
target :: FromJSVal val => Event -> JSString -> val
target e s = eventTargetProp (evtTarget e) s

parseEvent :: HandlerArg -> Event
parseEvent arg@(HandlerArg o) = Event
    { evtType = o .: "type"
    , evtBubbles = o .: "bubbles"
    , evtCancelable = o .: "cancelable"
    , evtCurrentTarget = EventTarget $ js_getProp o "currentTarget"
    , evtDefaultPrevented = o .: "defaultPrevented"
    , evtPhase = o .: "eventPhase"
    , evtIsTrusted = o .: "isTrusted"
    , evtTarget = EventTarget $ js_getProp o "target"
    , evtTimestamp = o .: "timeStamp"
    , evtHandlerArg = arg

-- | Use this to create an event handler for an event not covered by the rest of this module.
-- (Events are not covered if they don't have extra arguments that require special handling.)
-- For example, onPlay and onPause are events you could use with @on@.
on :: JSString -> (Event -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
on name f = CallbackPropertyWithSingleArgument
    { csPropertyName = name
    , csFunc = f . parseEvent

-- | Construct a handler from a detail parser, used by the various events below.
on2 :: JSString -- ^ The event name
    -> (HandlerArg -> detail) -- ^ A function parsing the details for the specific event.
    -> (Event -> detail -> handler) -- ^ The function implementing the handler.
    -> PropertyOrHandler handler
on2 name parseDetail f = CallbackPropertyWithSingleArgument
    { csPropertyName = name
    , csFunc = \raw -> f (parseEvent raw) (parseDetail raw)

-- | In a hack, the prevent default and stop propagation are actions since that is the easiest way
-- of allowing users to specify these actions (IO is not available in view event handlers).  We
-- create a fake store to handle these actions.
data FakeEventStoreData = FakeEventStoreData

-- | The fake store, doesn't store any data.  Also, the dispatch function correctly detects
-- nullRef and will not attempt to notify any controller-views.
fakeEventStore :: ReactStore FakeEventStoreData
fakeEventStore = unsafePerformIO (ReactStore (ReactStoreRef nullRef) <$> newMVar FakeEventStoreData)
{-# NOINLINE fakeEventStore #-}

-- | The actions for the fake store
data FakeEventStoreAction = PreventDefault HandlerArg
                          | StopPropagation HandlerArg

instance StoreData FakeEventStoreData where
    type StoreAction FakeEventStoreData = FakeEventStoreAction
    transform _ _ = return FakeEventStoreData

#ifdef __GHCJS__

-- | What a hack!  React re-uses event objects in a pool.  To make sure this is OK, we must perform
-- all computation involving the event object before it is returned to React.  But the callback
-- registered in the handler will return anytime the Haskell thread blocks, and the Haskell thread
-- will continue asynchronously.  If this occurs, the event object is no longer valid.  Thus, inside
-- the event handlers in Views.hs, the handler will use 'deepseq' to force all the actions before
-- starting any of the transforms (which could block).  We rely on this call plus use
-- unsafePerformIO to call the appropriate functions on the event object.
instance NFData FakeEventStoreAction where
    rnf (PreventDefault (HandlerArg ref)) = unsafePerformIO (js_preventDefault ref) `deepseq` ()
    rnf (StopPropagation (HandlerArg ref)) = unsafePerformIO (js_stopProp ref) `deepseq` ()

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_preventDefault :: JSVal -> IO ()

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_stopProp :: JSVal -> IO ()


instance NFData FakeEventStoreAction where
    rnf _ = ()


-- | Prevent the default browser action from occuring in response to this event.
preventDefault :: Event -> SomeStoreAction
preventDefault = SomeStoreAction fakeEventStore . PreventDefault . evtHandlerArg

-- | Stop propagating this event, either down the DOM tree during the capture phase or up the DOM
-- tree during the bubbling phase.
stopPropagation :: Event -> SomeStoreAction
stopPropagation = SomeStoreAction fakeEventStore . StopPropagation . evtHandlerArg

-- | By default, the handlers below are triggered during the bubbling phase.  Use this to switch
-- them to trigger during the capture phase.
capturePhase :: PropertyOrHandler handler -> PropertyOrHandler handler
capturePhase (CallbackPropertyWithSingleArgument n h) = CallbackPropertyWithSingleArgument (n <> "Capture") h
capturePhase _ = error "You must use React.Flux.PropertiesAndEvents.capturePhase on an event handler"

--- Clipboard

--- Keyboard

-- | The data for the keyboard events
data KeyboardEvent = KeyboardEvent
  { keyEvtAltKey :: Bool
  , keyEvtCharCode :: Int
  , keyEvtCtrlKey :: Bool
  , keyGetModifierState :: T.Text -> Bool
  , keyKey :: T.Text
  , keyCode :: Int
  , keyLocale :: Maybe T.Text
  , keyLocation :: Int
  , keyMetaKey :: Bool
  , keyRepeat :: Bool
  , keyShiftKey :: Bool
  , keyWhich :: Int

instance Show KeyboardEvent where
    show (KeyboardEvent k1 k2 k3 _ k4 k5 k6 k7 k8 k9 k10 k11) =
        show (k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10, k11)

parseKeyboardEvent :: HandlerArg -> KeyboardEvent
parseKeyboardEvent (HandlerArg o) = KeyboardEvent
    { keyEvtAltKey = o .: "altKey"
    , keyEvtCharCode = o .: "charCode"
    , keyEvtCtrlKey = o .: "ctrlKey"
    , keyGetModifierState = getModifierState o
    , keyKey = o .: "key"
    , keyCode = o .: "keyCode"
    , keyLocale = o .: "locale"
    , keyLocation = o .: "location"
    , keyMetaKey = o .: "metaKey"
    , keyRepeat = o .: "repeat"
    , keyShiftKey = o .: "shiftKey"
    , keyWhich = o .: "which"

onKeyDown :: (Event -> KeyboardEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onKeyDown = on2 "onKeyDown" parseKeyboardEvent

onKeyPress :: (Event -> KeyboardEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onKeyPress = on2 "onKeyPress" parseKeyboardEvent

onKeyUp :: (Event -> KeyboardEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onKeyUp = on2 "onKeyUp" parseKeyboardEvent

-- Focus Events

data FocusEvent = FocusEvent {
    focusRelatedTarget :: EventTarget
} deriving (Show)

parseFocusEvent :: HandlerArg -> FocusEvent
parseFocusEvent (HandlerArg ref) = FocusEvent $ EventTarget $ js_getProp ref "relatedTarget"

onBlur :: (Event -> FocusEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onBlur = on2 "onBlur" parseFocusEvent

onFocus :: (Event -> FocusEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onFocus = on2 "onFocus" parseFocusEvent

-- Form Events

-- | The onChange event is special in React and should be used for all input change events.  For
-- details, see <https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/forms.html>
onChange :: (Event -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onChange = on "onChange"

onInput :: (Event -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onInput = on "onInput"

onSubmit :: (Event -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onSubmit = on "onSubmit"

-- Mouse Events

data MouseEvent = MouseEvent
  { mouseAltKey :: Bool
  , mouseButton :: Int
  , mouseButtons :: Int
  , mouseClientX :: Int
  , mouseClientY :: Int
  , mouseCtrlKey :: Bool
  , mouseGetModifierState :: T.Text -> Bool
  , mouseMetaKey :: Bool
  , mousePageX :: Int
  , mousePageY :: Int
  , mouseRelatedTarget :: EventTarget
  , mouseScreenX :: Int
  , mouseScreenY :: Int
  , mouseShiftKey :: Bool

instance Show MouseEvent where
    show (MouseEvent m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 _ m7 m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 m13)
        = show (m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10, m11, m12, m13)

parseMouseEvent :: HandlerArg -> MouseEvent
parseMouseEvent (HandlerArg o) = MouseEvent
    { mouseAltKey = o .: "altKey"
    , mouseButton = o .: "button"
    , mouseButtons = o .: "buttons"
    , mouseClientX = o .: "clientX"
    , mouseClientY = o .: "clientY"
    , mouseCtrlKey = o .: "ctrlKey"
    , mouseGetModifierState = getModifierState o
    , mouseMetaKey = o .: "metaKey"
    , mousePageX = o .: "pageX"
    , mousePageY = o .: "pageY"
    , mouseRelatedTarget = EventTarget $ js_getProp o "relatedTarget"
    , mouseScreenX = o .: "screenX"
    , mouseScreenY = o .: "screenY"
    , mouseShiftKey = o .: "shiftKey"

onClick :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onClick = on2 "onClick" parseMouseEvent

onContextMenu :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onContextMenu = on2 "onContextMenu" parseMouseEvent

onDoubleClick :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onDoubleClick = on2 "onDoubleClick" parseMouseEvent

onDrag :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onDrag = on2 "onDrag" parseMouseEvent

onDragEnd :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onDragEnd = on2 "onDragEnd" parseMouseEvent

onDragEnter :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onDragEnter = on2 "onDragEnter" parseMouseEvent

onDragExit :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onDragExit = on2 "onDragExit" parseMouseEvent

onDragLeave :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onDragLeave = on2 "onDragLeave" parseMouseEvent

onDragOver :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onDragOver = on2 "onDragOver" parseMouseEvent

onDragStart :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onDragStart = on2 "onDragStart" parseMouseEvent

onDrop :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onDrop = on2 "onDrop" parseMouseEvent

onMouseDown :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onMouseDown = on2 "onMouseDown" parseMouseEvent

onMouseEnter :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onMouseEnter = on2 "onMouseEnter" parseMouseEvent

onMouseLeave :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onMouseLeave = on2 "onMouseLeave" parseMouseEvent

onMouseMove :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onMouseMove = on2 "onMouseMove" parseMouseEvent

onMouseOut :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onMouseOut = on2 "onMouseOut" parseMouseEvent

onMouseOver :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onMouseOver = on2 "onMouseOver" parseMouseEvent

onMouseUp :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onMouseUp = on2 "onMouseUp" parseMouseEvent

-- Touch

-- | Initialize touch events is only needed with React 0.13, in version 0.14 it was removed.
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
    "React['initializeTouchEvents'] ? React['initializeTouchEvents'](true) : null"
    initializeTouchEvents :: IO ()
initializeTouchEvents :: IO ()
initializeTouchEvents = return ()

data Touch = Touch {
    touchIdentifier :: Int
  , touchTarget :: EventTarget
  , touchScreenX :: Int
  , touchScreenY :: Int
  , touchClientX :: Int
  , touchClientY :: Int
  , touchPageX :: Int
  , touchPageY :: Int
} deriving (Show)

data TouchEvent = TouchEvent {
    touchAltKey :: Bool
  , changedTouches :: [Touch]
  , touchCtrlKey :: Bool
  , touchGetModifierState :: T.Text -> Bool
  , touchMetaKey :: Bool
  , touchShiftKey :: Bool
  , touchTargets :: [Touch]
  , touches :: [Touch]

instance Show TouchEvent where
    show (TouchEvent t1 t2 t3 _ t4 t5 t6 t7)
        = show (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7)

parseTouch :: JSVal -> Touch
parseTouch o = Touch
    { touchIdentifier = o .: "identifier"
    , touchTarget = EventTarget $ js_getProp o "target"
    , touchScreenX = o .: "screenX"
    , touchScreenY = o .: "screenY"
    , touchClientX = o .: "clientX"
    , touchClientY = o .: "clientY"
    , touchPageX = o .: "pageX"
    , touchPageY = o .: "pageY"

parseTouchList :: JSVal -> JSString -> [Touch]
parseTouchList obj key = unsafePerformIO $ do
    let arr = js_getArrayProp obj key
        len = arrayLength arr
    forM [0..len-1] $ \idx -> do
        let jsref = arrayIndex idx arr
        return $ parseTouch jsref
parseTouchEvent :: HandlerArg -> TouchEvent
parseTouchEvent (HandlerArg o) = TouchEvent
    { touchAltKey = o .: "altKey"
    , changedTouches = parseTouchList o "changedTouches"
    , touchCtrlKey = o .: "ctrlKey"
    , touchGetModifierState = getModifierState o
    , touchMetaKey = o .: "metaKey"
    , touchShiftKey = o .: "shiftKey"
    , touchTargets = parseTouchList o "targetTouches"
    , touches = parseTouchList o "touches"

onTouchCancel :: (Event -> TouchEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onTouchCancel = on2 "onTouchCancel" parseTouchEvent

onTouchEnd :: (Event -> TouchEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onTouchEnd = on2 "onTouchEnd" parseTouchEvent

onTouchMove :: (Event -> TouchEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onTouchMove = on2 "onTouchMove" parseTouchEvent

onTouchStart :: (Event -> TouchEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onTouchStart = on2 "onTouchStart" parseTouchEvent

-- UI Events

onScroll :: (Event -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onScroll = on "onScroll"

-- Wheel

data WheelEvent = WheelEvent {
    wheelDeltaMode :: Int
  , wheelDeltaX :: Int
  , wheelDeltaY :: Int
  , wheelDeltaZ :: Int
} deriving (Show)

parseWheelEvent :: HandlerArg -> WheelEvent
parseWheelEvent (HandlerArg o) = WheelEvent
    { wheelDeltaMode = o .: "deltaMode"
    , wheelDeltaX = o .: "deltaX"
    , wheelDeltaY = o .: "deltaY"
    , wheelDeltaZ = o .: "deltaZ"

onWheel :: (Event -> MouseEvent -> WheelEvent -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onWheel f = CallbackPropertyWithSingleArgument
    { csPropertyName = "onWheel"
    , csFunc = \raw -> f (parseEvent raw) (parseMouseEvent raw) (parseWheelEvent raw)

--- Image

onLoad :: (Event -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onLoad = on "onLoad"

onError :: (Event -> handler) -> PropertyOrHandler handler
onError = on "onError"

--- JS Utils

#ifdef __GHCJS__

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_getProp :: JSVal -> JSString -> JSVal

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_getArrayProp :: JSVal -> JSString -> JSArray

-- | Access a property from an object.  Since event objects are immutable, we can use
-- unsafePerformIO without worry.
(.:) :: FromJSVal b => JSVal -> JSString -> b
obj .: key = fromMaybe (error "Unable to decode event target") $ unsafePerformIO $
    fromJSVal $ js_getProp obj key

foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_GetModifierState :: JSVal -> JSString -> JSVal

getModifierState :: JSVal -> T.Text -> Bool
getModifierState ref = fromJSBool . js_GetModifierState ref . JSS.textToJSString

arrayLength :: JSArray -> Int
arrayLength = JSA.length

arrayIndex :: Int -> JSArray -> JSVal
arrayIndex = JSA.index


js_getProp :: a -> JSString -> JSVal
js_getProp _ _ = ()

js_getArrayProp :: a -> JSString -> JSVal
js_getArrayProp _ _ = ()

(.:) :: JSVal -> JSString -> b
_ .: _ = undefined

getModifierState :: JSVal -> T.Text -> Bool
getModifierState _ _ = False

arrayLength :: JSArray -> Int
arrayLength _ = 0

arrayIndex :: Int -> JSArray -> JSVal
arrayIndex _ _ = ()
