{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  FRP.Reactive.Internal.Timing
-- Copyright   :  (c) Conal Elliott 2008
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  conal@conal.net
-- Stability   :  experimental

module FRP.Reactive.Internal.Timing (adaptE,mkUpdater,sleepPast) where

import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.IORef
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.SampleVar

-- For IO monoid
import Control.Instances ()

import FRP.Reactive.Reactive (TimeT,Event)
import FRP.Reactive.Improving (Improving,exact)
import FRP.Reactive.Behavior (Behavior)

import FRP.Reactive.Internal.Misc (Action,Sink)
import FRP.Reactive.Internal.Reactive (forkR,runE)
import FRP.Reactive.Internal.Behavior (unb)
import FRP.Reactive.Internal.Fun
import FRP.Reactive.Internal.Clock (makeClock,cGetTime)

-- | Execute an action-valued event.
adaptE :: Sink (Event Action)
adaptE e = do clock <- makeClock
              runE (sleepPast (cGetTime clock) . exact) e

-- | If a sample variable is full, act on the contents, leaving it empty.
drainS :: SampleVar a -> Sink (Sink a)
drainS sv snk = do emptySVar <- isEmptySampleVar sv
                   unless emptySVar (readSampleVar sv >>= snk)

-- TODO: Generalize from TimeT below, using BehaviorG.

noSink :: Sink t
noSink = mempty -- const (putStrLn "noSink")

-- | Make an action to be executed regularly, given a time-source and a
-- action-behavior.  The generated action is optimized to do almost no
-- work during known-constant phases of the given behavior.
mkUpdater :: IO TimeT -> Behavior Action -> IO Action
mkUpdater getT acts =
  -- The plan: Stash new phases (time functions) in a sample variable as
  -- they arise.  Every minPeriod, check the sample var for a new value.
  do actSVar <- newEmptySampleVar
     _       <- forkR (sleepPast getT . exact)
                      (writeSampleVar' actSVar <$> unb acts) 
     tfunRef <- newIORef (noSink :: Sink TimeT)
     return $
       do -- When there's a new time fun, execute it once if
          -- constant, or remember for repeated execution if
          -- non-constant.
          now <- getT
          -- putStrLn ("scheduler: time == " ++ show now)
          drainS actSVar $ \ actF ->
            case actF of 
              K   c -> do -- putStrLn "K"
                          writeIORef tfunRef noSink >> c
              Fun f -> do -- putStrLn "Fun"
                          writeIORef tfunRef f
          readIORef tfunRef >>= ($ now)
          -- yield  -- experiment
   writeSampleVar' v x = do -- putStrLn "writeSampleVar"
                            writeSampleVar v x

-- | Pause a thread for the given duration in seconds
sleep :: Sink TimeT
sleep = threadDelay . ceiling . (1.0e6 *)

-- | Sleep past a given time
sleepPast :: IO TimeT -> Sink TimeT
sleepPast getT !target = loop
   -- Snooze until strictly after the target.
   loop = do -- The strict evaluation of target is essential here.
             -- (See bang pattern.)  Otherwise, the next line will grab a
             -- time before a possibly long block, and then sleep much
             -- longer than necessary.
             now <- getT
             -- putStrLn $ "sleep loop: now == " ++ show now
             --            ++ ", target == " ++ show target
             unless (now > target) $
                sleep (target-now) -- >> loop