-- From Beelsebob's: http://hpaste.org/13096 -- *FRP.Reactive.Behavior FRP.Reactive.Reactive FRP.Reactive.Improving FRP.Reactive.Fun FRP.Reactive.Internal.Fun> paddlePosR -- 0.0 `Stepper` (1.0,5.0e-2)->(2.0,0.0)->(3.0,5.0e-2)->(*** Exception: Prelude.undefined -- *FRP.Reactive.Behavior FRP.Reactive.Reactive FRP.Reactive.Improving FRP.Reactive.Fun FRP.Reactive.Internal.Fun> paddlePosR `FRP.Reactive.Reactive.snapshot_` (listEG [(exactly (2.5 :: TimeT), ()),(exactly 3.5, ())]) -- (2.5,0.0)->(3.5,0.0) -- I was unable to reproduce the error: import FRP.Reactive.Improving import FRP.Reactive.PrimReactive import FRP.Reactive.Reactive r :: Reactive Int r = 0 `stepper` listEG [(exactly 1,1),(exactly 2,2),(exactly 3,3),(after 4,17)] e :: Event () e = listEG [(exactly 2.5, ()),(exactly 3.5, ())] e1 :: Event Int e1 = r `snapshot_` e -- (Imp 2.5,2)->(Imp 3.5,3) e2 :: EventG ITime (Maybe (), Int) e2 = r `snap` e -- (Imp 1.0,(Nothing,1))->(Imp 2.0,(Nothing,2))->(Imp 2.5,(Just (),2))->(Imp 3.0,(Nothing,3))->(Imp 3.5,(Just (),3))->(Imp *** Exception: Prelude.undefined