reactive-0.5: Simple foundation for functional reactive programmingSource codeContentsIndex
Events and reactive values
Event extras
Reactive extras
Reactive behaviors
To be moved elsewhere

Functional events and reactive values. An Event is stream of future values in time order. A Reactive value is a discretly time-varying value. These two types are closely linked: a reactive value is defined by an initial value and an event that yields future values; while an event is simply a future reactive value.

Many of the operations on events and reactive values are packaged as instances of the standard type classes Monoid, Functor, Applicative, and Monad.

Although the basic Reactive type describes discretely-changing values, continuously-changing values are modeled simply as reactive functions. For convenience, this module defines ReactiveB as a type composition of Reactive and a constant-optimized representation of functions of time.

The exact packaging of discrete vs continuous will probably change with more experience.

newtype Event a = Event {
eFuture :: Future (Reactive a)
data Reactive a = Stepper {
rInit :: a
rEvent :: Event a
type Source = Reactive
inEvent :: (Future (Reactive a) -> Future (Reactive b)) -> Event a -> Event b
inEvent2 :: (Future (Reactive a) -> Future (Reactive b) -> Future (Reactive c)) -> Event a -> Event b -> Event c
stepper :: a -> Event a -> Reactive a
switcher :: Reactive a -> Event (Reactive a) -> Reactive a
mkEvent :: IO (Event a, Sink a)
mkEventTrace :: (a -> String) -> IO (Event a, Sink a)
mkEventShow :: Show a => String -> IO (Event a, Sink a)
runE :: Event (IO b) -> IO a
forkE :: Event (IO b) -> IO ThreadId
subscribe :: Event a -> Sink a -> IO ThreadId
forkR :: Reactive (IO b) -> IO ThreadId
accumE :: a -> Event (a -> a) -> Event a
scanlE :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Event b -> Event a
monoidE :: Monoid o => Event o -> Event o
withPrevE :: Event a -> Event (a, a)
countE :: Num n => Event b -> Event (b, n)
countE_ :: Num n => Event b -> Event n
diffE :: Num n => Event n -> Event n
snapshot :: Event a -> Reactive b -> Event (a, b)
snapshot_ :: Event a -> Reactive b -> Event b
whenE :: Event a -> Reactive Bool -> Event a
once :: Event a -> Event a
traceE :: (a -> String) -> Unop (Event a)
eventX :: IO (Event a, Sink (Event a))
mkReactive :: a -> IO (Reactive a, Sink a)
accumR :: a -> Event (a -> a) -> Reactive a
scanlR :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Event b -> Reactive a
monoidR :: Monoid a => Event a -> Reactive a
maybeR :: Event a -> Event b -> Reactive (Maybe a)
flipFlop :: Event a -> Event b -> Reactive Bool
countR :: Num n => Event a -> Reactive n
traceR :: (a -> String) -> Unop (Reactive a)
type Time = Double
type ReactiveB = Reactive :. Fun Time
replace :: Functor f => b -> f a -> f b
forget :: Functor f => f a -> f ()
type Action = IO ()
type Sink a = a -> Action
joinMaybes :: MonadPlus m => m (Maybe a) -> m a
filterMP :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
Events and reactive values
newtype Event a Source

Event, i.e., a stream of future values. Instances:

  • Monoid: mempty is the event that never occurs, and e mappend e' is the event that combines occurrences from e and e'. (Fran's neverE and (.|.).)
  • Functor: fmap f e is the event that occurs whenever e occurs, and whose occurrence values come from applying f to the values from e. (Fran's (==>).)
  • Applicative: pure a is an event with a single occurrence, available from the beginning of time. ef <*> ex is an event whose occurrences are made from the product of the occurrences of ef and ex. For every occurrence f at time tf of ef and occurrence x at time tx of ex, ef <*> ex has an occurrence f x at time max tf tx.
  • Monad: return a is the same as pure a (as always). In e >>= f, each occurrence of e leads, through f, to a new event. Similarly for join ee, which is somehow simpler for me to think about. The occurrences of e >>= f (or join ee) correspond to the union of the occurrences of all such events. For example, suppose we're playing Asteroids and tracking collisions. Each collision can break an asteroid into more of them, each of which has to be tracked for more collisions. Another example: A chat room has an enter event, whose occurrences contain new events like speak. An especially useful monad-based function is joinMaybes, which filters a Maybe-valued event.
eFuture :: Future (Reactive a)
show/hide Instances
data Reactive a Source

Reactive value: a discretely changing value. Reactive values can be understood in terms of (a) a simple denotational semantics of reactive values as functions of time, and (b) the corresponding instances for functions. The semantics is given by the function (%$) :: Reactive a -> (Time -> a). A reactive value also has a current value and an event (stream of future values).

Instances for Reactive

  • Monoid: a typical lifted monoid. If o is a monoid, then Reactive o is a monoid, with mempty = pure mempty, and mappend = liftA2 mappend. In other words, mempty %$ t == mempty, and (r mappend s) %$ t == (r %$ t) mappend (s %$ t).
  • Functor: fmap f r %$ t == f (r %$ t).
  • Applicative: pure a %$ t == a, and (s <*> r) %$ t == (s %$ t) (r %$ t).
  • Monad: return a %$ t == a, and join rr %$ t == (rr %$ t) %$ t. As always, (r >>= f) == join (fmap f r).
rInit :: ainitial value
rEvent :: Event awaiting for event
show/hide Instances
type Source = ReactiveSource
Compatibility synonym (for ease of transition from DataDriven)
inEvent :: (Future (Reactive a) -> Future (Reactive b)) -> Event a -> Event bSource
Apply a unary function inside an Event representation.
inEvent2 :: (Future (Reactive a) -> Future (Reactive b) -> Future (Reactive c)) -> Event a -> Event b -> Event cSource
Apply a unary function inside an Event representation.
stepper :: a -> Event a -> Reactive aSource
Reactive value from an initial value and a new-value event.
switcher :: Reactive a -> Event (Reactive a) -> Reactive aSource
Switch between reactive values.
mkEvent :: IO (Event a, Sink a)Source
Make an event and a sink for feeding the event. Each value sent to the sink becomes an occurrence of the event.
mkEventTrace :: (a -> String) -> IO (Event a, Sink a)Source
Tracing variant of mkEvent
mkEventShow :: Show a => String -> IO (Event a, Sink a)Source
Show specialization of mkEventTrace
runE :: Event (IO b) -> IO aSource
Run an event in the current thread.
forkE :: Event (IO b) -> IO ThreadIdSource
Run an event in a new thread.
subscribe :: Event a -> Sink a -> IO ThreadIdSource
Subscribe a listener to an event. Wrapper around forkE and fmap.
forkR :: Reactive (IO b) -> IO ThreadIdSource
Run a reactive value in a new thread. The initial action happens in the current thread.
Event extras
accumE :: a -> Event (a -> a) -> Event aSource
Accumulating event, starting from an initial value and a update-function event. See also accumR.
scanlE :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Event b -> Event aSource
Like scanl for events. See also scanlR.
monoidE :: Monoid o => Event o -> Event oSource
Accumulate values from a monoid-valued event. Specialization of scanlE, using mappend and mempty. See also monoidR.
withPrevE :: Event a -> Event (a, a)Source
Pair each event value with the previous one, given an initial value.
countE :: Num n => Event b -> Event (b, n)Source
Count occurrences of an event, remembering the occurrence values. See also countE_.
countE_ :: Num n => Event b -> Event nSource
Count occurrences of an event, forgetting the occurrence values. See also countE. See also countR.
diffE :: Num n => Event n -> Event nSource
Difference of successive event occurrences.
snapshot :: Event a -> Reactive b -> Event (a, b)Source
Snapshot a reactive value whenever an event occurs.
snapshot_ :: Event a -> Reactive b -> Event bSource
Like snapshot but discarding event data (often a is ()).
whenE :: Event a -> Reactive Bool -> Event aSource
Filter an event according to whether a boolean source is true.
once :: Event a -> Event aSource
Just the first occurrence of an event.
traceE :: (a -> String) -> Unop (Event a)Source
Tracing of events.
eventX :: IO (Event a, Sink (Event a))Source
Make an extensible event. The returned sink is a way to add new events to mix. You can often use '(>>=)' or join instead. Warning: this function might be removed at some point.
Reactive extras
mkReactive :: a -> IO (Reactive a, Sink a)Source
accumR :: a -> Event (a -> a) -> Reactive aSource
Reactive value from an initial value and an updater event. See also accumE.
scanlR :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Event b -> Reactive aSource
Like scanl for reactive values. See also scanlE.
monoidR :: Monoid a => Event a -> Reactive aSource
Accumulate values from a monoid-valued event. Specialization of scanlE, using mappend and mempty. See also monoidE.
maybeR :: Event a -> Event b -> Reactive (Maybe a)Source
Start out blank (Nothing), latching onto each new a, and blanking on each b. If you just want to latch and not blank, then use mempty for lose.
flipFlop :: Event a -> Event b -> Reactive BoolSource
Flip-flopping source. Turns true when ea occurs and false when eb occurs.
countR :: Num n => Event a -> Reactive nSource
Count occurrences of an event. See also countE.
traceR :: (a -> String) -> Unop (Reactive a)Source
Tracing of reactive values
Reactive behaviors
type Time = DoubleSource
Time for continuous behaviors
type ReactiveB = Reactive :. Fun TimeSource
Reactive behaviors. Simply a reactive Function value. Wrapped in a type composition to get Functor and Applicative for free.
To be moved elsewhere
replace :: Functor f => b -> f a -> f bSource
Replace a functor value with a given one.
forget :: Functor f => f a -> f ()Source
Forget a functor value, replace with ()
type Action = IO ()Source
Convenient alias for dropping parentheses.
type Sink a = a -> ActionSource
Value sink
joinMaybes :: MonadPlus m => m (Maybe a) -> m aSource
Pass through Just occurrences.
filterMP :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m aSource
Pass through values satisfying p.
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