{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  FRP.Reactive.Fun
-- Copyright   :  (c) Conal Elliott 2007
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  conal@conal.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Functions, with constant functions optimized.  With instances of
-- 'Functor', 'Applicative', 'Monad', and 'Arrow'

module FRP.Reactive.Fun (Fun, fun, apply, batch) where

import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..),liftA)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Arrow 
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 610
                     hiding (pure)
import Text.Show.Functions ()

import Control.Comonad

import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers
import Test.QuickCheck.Classes
import Test.QuickCheck.Applicative ()

import FRP.Reactive.Internal.Fun

-- TODO: write RULE for fun . const = K
fun :: (t -> a) -> Fun t a
fun = Fun

instance (Arbitrary a,Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Fun a b) where
  arbitrary = oneof [liftA K arbitrary, liftA Fun arbitrary]
  coarbitrary (K a)   = variant 0 . coarbitrary a
  coarbitrary (Fun x) = variant 1 . coarbitrary x

instance Show b => Show (Fun a b) where
  show (K x)   = "K " ++ show x
  show (Fun f) = "Fun " ++ show f

instance (Show a, Arbitrary a, EqProp a, EqProp b) => EqProp (Fun a b) where
  (=-=) = eqModels

instance Model (Fun a b) (a -> b) where
  model = apply

instance Model1 (Fun a) ((->) a) where
  model1 = apply

-- | 'Fun' as a function
apply :: Fun t a -> (t -> a)
apply (K   a) = const a
apply (Fun f) = f

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Fun t a) where
  mempty = K mempty
  K a  `mappend` K a' = K (a `mappend` a')
  funa `mappend` funb = Fun (apply funa `mappend` apply funb)

instance Functor (Fun t) where
  fmap f (K   a) = K   (f a)
  fmap f (Fun g) = Fun (f.g)
  -- Or use
  --  fmap f = (pure f <*>)

instance Applicative (Fun t) where
  pure        = K
  K f <*> K x = K   (f x)
  cf  <*> cx  = Fun (apply cf <*> apply cx)

instance Monad (Fun t) where
  return = pure
  K   a >>= h = h a
  Fun f >>= h = Fun (f >>= apply . h)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
instance Category Fun where
  id = Fun id
  K   b . _     = K   b
  Fun g . K   a = K   (g a)
  Fun f . Fun g = Fun (f . g)

instance Arrow Fun where
  arr             = Fun
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 609
  _     >>> K b   = K   b
  K a   >>> Fun g = K   (g a)
  Fun g >>> Fun f = Fun (g >>> f)
  first           = Fun . first  . apply
  second          = Fun . second . apply
  K a'  *** K b'  = K (a',b')
  f     *** g     = first f >>> second g

instance Monoid t => Copointed (Fun t) where
  extract = extract . apply

instance Monoid t => Comonad (Fun t) where
  duplicate (K   a) = K   (K a)
  duplicate (Fun f) = Fun (Fun . duplicate f)


batch :: TestBatch
batch = ( "FRP.Reactive.Fun"
        , concatMap unbatch
            [ monoid              (undefined :: Fun NumT
            , semanticMonoid      (undefined :: Fun NumT
            , functor             (undefined :: Fun NumT
            , semanticFunctor     (undefined :: Fun NumT ())
            , applicative         (undefined :: Fun NumT
            , semanticApplicative (undefined :: Fun NumT ())
            , monad               (undefined :: Fun NumT
            , semanticMonad       (undefined :: Fun NumT ())
            , arrow               (undefined :: Fun NumT
            , ("specifics",
                [("Constants are"
                 ,property (\x -> (K (x :: NumT)) =-=
                                  ((fun . const $ x) :: Fun T