# readme-lhs [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tonyday567/readme-lhs.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/tonyday567/readme-lhs) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/readme-lhs.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/readme-lhs)
The language in which we express our ideas has a strong influence on our thought processes ~ Knuth
Support for literate programming in haskell including: - conversion between *.lhs and *.hs formats. - insertion of program output into *.lhs and *.md for fast feedback in development. - a simple wrapper for pandoc functionality. - a stack template, `readme-lhs` ## example insert ``` {.output .example} Simple example of an output ``` # template A bare bones stack template is located in [other/readme-lhs.hsfiles](other/readme-lhs.hsfiles). It contains what you need to quickly get started with literate programming and enjoy a rapid workflow Place this in a local directory and then: stack new xyzzy readme-lhs cd xyzzy stack build will get you bootstrapped and ready to hack! # development `stack build --test --exec "$(stack path --local-install-root)/bin/readme-lhs-example --file-watch`.