{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Monoid import Data.Time import Network.WebSockets import Control.Monad.Fix import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Map as Map import Cache import Reanimate.Misc main :: IO () main = do runServerWith "" 9161 opts $ \pending -> do conn <- acceptRequest pending thread <- newEmptyMVar forkPingThread conn 30 forever $ do msg <- receiveData conn :: IO T.Text stopWorker conn thread putMVar thread =<< forkIO (generateResponse conn msg >> tryTakeMVar thread >> return ()) where opts = defaultConnectionOptions { connectionCompressionOptions = PermessageDeflateCompression defaultPermessageDeflate } stopWorker conn mvar = do mbTid <- tryTakeMVar mvar case mbTid of Nothing -> return () Just tid -> do putStrLn "Interrupt" killThread tid sendTextData conn $ T.pack $ "Error" ++ "Reset" generateResponse conn msg = do mbCached <- lookupCache msg case mbCached of Just svgs -> do putStrLn "Returning cached svg." sendTextDatas conn (T.pack "Success!" : svgs) sendTextData conn (T.pack "Done") Nothing -> withTempFile ".exe" $ \tmpExecutable -> withTempFile ".hs" $ \tmpSource -> withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do T.writeFile tmpSource $ T.unlines ["{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, OverloadedStrings, CPP #-}" ,"module Main where" ,"import Reanimate.Monad" ,"import Reanimate.Combinators" ,"import Reanimate.LaTeX" ,"import Codec.Picture.Types" ,"import Reanimate.Svg" ,"import Reanimate.Render" ,"import Data.Monoid" ,"import Graphics.Svg as S" ,"main = renderSvgs animation " <> T.pack (show tmpDir) ,"#line 1 \"animation.hs\"" ] <> msg putStrLn $ "Compiling program:\n" ++ T.unpack msg sendTextData conn (T.pack "Compiling") ret <- timeIt "compile" $ runCmd_ "stack" $ ["ghc", "--"] ++ ghcOptions ++ [tmpSource, "-o", tmpExecutable] case ret of Left err -> do sendTextData conn $ T.pack $ "Error" ++ unlines (drop 3 (lines err)) Right{} -> do queue <- newChan tid <- forkIO $ forever $ sendTextData conn =<< readChan queue sendTextData conn (T.pack "Rendering") flip onException (killThread tid) $ timeIt "render" $ withTimeout queue conn 60 $ do getFrame <- runCmdLazy tmpExecutable ["+RTS", "-N", "-M50M", "-RTS"] flip fix [] $ \loop acc -> do frame <- getFrame case frame of Left "" -> do writeChan queue (T.pack "Done") insertCache msg (reverse acc) Left err -> do _ <- getChanContents queue writeChan queue $ T.pack $ "Error" ++ err Right frame -> do writeChan queue frame loop (frame : acc) ghcOptions :: [String] ghcOptions = ["-rtsopts", "--make", "-threaded", "-O"] withTimeout queue conn t action = do finished <- newEmptyMVar worker <- forkIO (action >> putMVar finished ()) timer <- forkIO $ do threadDelay (10^6 * t) putMVar finished () putStrLn "Timeout" killThread worker _ <- getChanContents queue writeChan queue $ T.pack $ "Error" ++ "Timeout" takeMVar finished `onException` do killThread worker killThread timer timeIt :: String -> IO a -> IO a timeIt label fn = do t1 <- getCurrentTime a <- fn t2 <- getCurrentTime putStrLn $ label ++ ": " ++ show (diffUTCTime t2 t1) return a