#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc --package reanimate {-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-} module Main(main) where import Codec.Picture import Data.List (transpose) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Graphics.SvgTree (LineJoin (..)) import Linear.V2 import Linear.Vector import Reanimate import Reanimate.Math.Polygon import Reanimate.Morph.Common import Reanimate.Morph.Linear import Reanimate.Morph.Rotational bgColor :: PixelRGBA8 bgColor = PixelRGBA8 252 252 252 0xFF spike1 :: Polygon spike1 = pScale 2.5 $ mkPolygon $ V.map (\x -> x - V2 1 1) $ V.fromList [ V2 0 0, V2 2 0 , V2 2 1 ] spike2 :: Polygon spike2 = pScale 2.5 $ mkPolygon $ V.map (\x -> x - V2 1 1) $ V.fromList [ V2 0 0, V2 2 0 , V2 0 1 ] polygonShape :: Polygon -> SVG polygonShape p = mkLinePathClosed [ (x,y) | V2 x y <- map (fmap realToFrac) $ V.toList (polygonPoints p) ] main :: IO () main = reanimate $ addStatic (mkBackgroundPixel bgColor) $ mapA (withStrokeWidth defaultStrokeWidth) $ mapA (withStrokeColor "black") $ mapA (withStrokeLineJoin JoinRound) $ mapA (withFillOpacity 1) $ sceneAnimation $ do _ <- newSpriteSVG $ withStrokeWidth 0 $ translate (-4) 4 $ center $ latex "linear" _ <- newSpriteSVG $ withStrokeWidth 0 $ translate (4) 4 $ center $ latex "rotational" originVar <- newVar (0.5, 0.5) showTrails originVar let pushLeft newOrigin = do fork $ tweenVar originVar 0.5 $ \(x,y) t -> let t' = curveS 2 t in (fromToS x (fst newOrigin) t', fromToS y (snd newOrigin) t') showPair originVar spike1 spike2 pushRight newOrigin = do fork $ tweenVar originVar 0.5 $ \(x,y) t -> let t' = curveS 2 t in (fromToS x (fst newOrigin) t', fromToS y (snd newOrigin) t') showPair originVar spike2 spike1 pushLeft (1, 0.5) pushRight (0.1, 0.95) pushLeft (0.5, 1) pushRight (0.5, 2) pushLeft (-0.3, -0.2) pushRight (0.5, 0.5) where showTrails originVar = do _ <- newSpriteSVG $ translate (-4) (-0.5) $ genTrails (map linearTrajectory [(spike1, spike2)]) _ <- newSprite $ do origin <- unVar originVar pure $ translate (4) (-0.5) $ genTrails (map (rotationalTrajectory origin) [(spike1, spike2)]) return () showPair originVar from to = waitOn $ do fork $ play $ mkAnimation 2 (morph linear (polygonShape from) (polygonShape to)) # mapA (translate (-4) (-0.5)) # mapA (withFillColor "lightgreen") # signalA (curveS 4) s <- fork $ newSprite $ do origin <- unVar originVar t <- spriteT d <- spriteDuration pure $ let localTime = curveS 4 (t/d) myMorph = linear{morphTrajectory = rotationalTrajectory origin } originSrc = polygonOrigin from origin originDst = polygonOrigin to origin V2 originX originY = lerp localTime originDst originSrc in translate (4) (-0.5) $ mkGroup [ withFillColor "cyan" $ morph myMorph (polygonShape from) (polygonShape to) localTime , withFillColor "red" $ translate originX originY $ mkCircle 0.1 ] wait 2 destroySprite s genTrails :: [(Double -> Polygon)] -> SVG genTrails plotters = withFillOpacity 0 $ withStrokeWidth (defaultStrokeWidth*0.5) $ withStrokeColor "black" $ withStrokeDashArray [0.1,0.05] $ mkGroup $ map mkTrail $ transpose $ concat [ [ V.toList $ V.map (fmap realToFrac) (polygonPoints poly) | n <- [0..steps] , let poly = plotter (fromIntegral n / fromIntegral steps) ] | plotter <- plotters ] where steps = 100 :: Int mkTrail lst = mkLinePath [ (x,y) | V2 x y <- lst ]