module Reanimate.Driver.Compile ( compile ) where import Reanimate.Driver.Server (findOwnSource) import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Process import System.IO compile :: [String] -> IO () compile opts = do mbSelf <- findOwnSource case mbSelf of Nothing -> do hPutStrLn stderr "Failed to find source code. Did you already compile the animations?\n\ \Try running again without the --compile flag." exitFailure Just self -> do let selfDir = takeDirectory self selfName = takeBaseName self outDir = selfDir ".reanimate" selfName target = outDir selfName ghcOptions = ["-rtsopts", "--make", "-threaded", "-O2"] ++ ["-odir", outDir, "-hidir", outDir] ++ [self, "-o", target] createDirectoryIfMissing True outDir withCurrentDirectory selfDir $ do checkExitCode =<< rawSystem "stack" (["ghc", "--"] ++ ghcOptions) checkExitCode =<< rawSystem target opts checkExitCode :: ExitCode -> IO () checkExitCode ExitSuccess = return () checkExitCode (ExitFailure n) = exitWith (ExitFailure n)