-- | Module containing all the functions necessary to make a connection to
-- an active Redis server.

module Database.Redis.Connection
    ( defaultPort
    , localhost
    , connect
    , disconnect
    ) where

import           Network
import           System.IO

-- | The number @6379@ as a Network 'PortNumber'
defaultPort :: PortNumber
defaultPort = 6379 :: PortNumber

-- | The string @ as a Network 'HostName'
localhost :: HostName
localhost = "" :: HostName

connect :: HostName
        -> PortNumber
        -> IO Handle  -- ^ handle used by all the redis-hs functions
connect host port =
    withSocketsDo $ do
        h <- connectTo host (PortNumber port)
        hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
        return h

disconnect :: Handle -> IO ()
disconnect h = hClose h