{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

module Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Foreign where

import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import System.Glib.FFI
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebView
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSBase
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSObjectRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSStringRef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.JavaScriptCore.JSValueRef
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr.ResponseType
import Reflex.Dom.Xhr.Exception
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception.Base
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.Types hiding (Text)

import Reflex.Dom.Internal.Foreign

import Text.RawString.QQ

data XMLHttpRequest
   = XMLHttpRequest { xhrValue :: JSValueRef
                    , xhrContext :: JSContextRef
   deriving (Eq, Ord)

stringToJSValue :: JSContextRef -> String -> IO JSValueRef
stringToJSValue ctx s = jsvaluemakestring ctx =<< jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring s

fromResponseType :: XhrResponseType -> String
fromResponseType XhrResponseType_Default = ""
fromResponseType XhrResponseType_ArrayBuffer = "arraybuffer"
fromResponseType XhrResponseType_Blob = "blob"
fromResponseType XhrResponseType_Text = "text"

toResponseType :: String -> Maybe XhrResponseType
toResponseType "" = Just XhrResponseType_Default
toResponseType "arraybuffer" = Just XhrResponseType_ArrayBuffer
toResponseType "blob" = Just XhrResponseType_Blob
toResponseType "text" = Just XhrResponseType_Text
toResponseType _ = Nothing

xmlHttpRequestNew :: WebView -> IO XMLHttpRequest
xmlHttpRequestNew wv = withWebViewContext wv $ \jsContext -> do
  xhrScript <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "new XMLHttpRequest()"
  xhr' <- jsevaluatescript jsContext xhrScript nullPtr nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  jsvalueprotect jsContext xhr'
  return $ XMLHttpRequest xhr' jsContext

xmlHttpRequestOpen :: XMLHttpRequest -> String -> String -> Bool -> String -> String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestOpen xhr method url async user password = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  method' <- stringToJSValue c method
  url' <- stringToJSValue c url
  async' <- jsvaluemakeboolean (xhrContext xhr) async
  user' <- stringToJSValue c user
  password' <- stringToJSValue c password
  o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, method', url', async', user', password']
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].open(this[1], this[2], this[3], this[4], this[5])"
  _ <- jsevaluatescript c script o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  return ()

xmlHttpRequestOnreadystatechange :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO () -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestOnreadystatechange xhr userCallback = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  fp <- wrapper $ \_ _ _ _ _ _ -> do
    jsvaluemakeundefined c
  cb <- jsobjectmakefunctionwithcallback c nullPtr fp
  o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, cb]
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].onreadystatechange=this[1]"
  _ <- jsevaluatescript c script o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  return ()

xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetReadyState xhr = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.readyState"
  rs <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  d <- jsvaluetonumber c rs nullPtr
  return $ truncate d

xmlHttpRequestGetResponseType :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe XhrResponseType)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseType xhr = do
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.responseType"
  rt <- jsevaluatescript (xhrContext xhr) script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  ms <- fromJSStringMaybe (xhrContext xhr) rt
  return $ join $ fmap toResponseType ms

xmlHttpRequestGetResponse :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe XhrResponseBody)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponse xhr = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  mrt <- xmlHttpRequestGetResponseType xhr
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.response"
  t <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  isNull <- jsvalueisnull c t
  case isNull of
       True -> return Nothing
       False ->  case mrt of
         Just XhrResponseType_ArrayBuffer -> Just . XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer <$> bsFromArrayBuffer c t
         Just XhrResponseType_Blob -> Just . XhrResponseBody_Blob . Blob . castForeignPtr <$> newForeignPtr_ t
         Just XhrResponseType_Default -> fmap (XhrResponseBody_Default . T.pack) <$> fromJSStringMaybe c t
         Just XhrResponseType_Text -> fmap (XhrResponseBody_Text . T.pack) <$> fromJSStringMaybe c t
         _ -> return Nothing

xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO (Maybe Text)
xmlHttpRequestGetResponseText xhr = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.responseText"
  t <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  fmap (fmap T.pack) $ fromJSStringMaybe c t

xmlHttpRequestSend :: XMLHttpRequest -> Maybe String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSend xhr payload = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  result <- newEmptyMVar
  let wrapper' x = wrapper $ \_ _ _ _ _ _ -> putMVar result x >> jsvaluemakeundefined c
  bracket (wrapper' $ Just XhrException_Aborted) freeHaskellFunPtr $ \a -> do
    onAbort <- jsobjectmakefunctionwithcallback c nullPtr a
    bracket (wrapper' $ Just XhrException_Error) freeHaskellFunPtr $ \e -> do
      onError <- jsobjectmakefunctionwithcallback c nullPtr e
      bracket (wrapper' Nothing) freeHaskellFunPtr $ \l -> do
        onLoad <- jsobjectmakefunctionwithcallback c nullPtr l
        (o,s) <- case payload of
                  Nothing -> do
                    d <- jsvaluemakeundefined c
                    o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, d, onError, onAbort, onLoad]
                    s <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring send
                    return (o,s)
                  Just payload' -> do
                    d <- stringToJSValue c payload'
                    o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, d, onError, onAbort, onLoad]
                    s <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring send
                    return (o,s)
        _ <- jsevaluatescript c s o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
        takeMVar result >>= mapM_ throwIO
    send = [r|
      (function (xhr, d, onError, onAbort, onLoad) {
          var clear;
          var error = function () {
              clear(); onError();
          var abort = function () {
              clear(); onAbort();
          var load = function () {
              clear(); onLoad();
          clear = function () {
              xhr.removeEventListener('error', error);
              xhr.removeEventListener('abort', abort);
              xhr.removeEventListener('load', load);
          xhr.addEventListener('error', error);
          xhr.addEventListener('abort', abort);
          xhr.addEventListener('load', load);
          if(d) {
          } else {
      })(this[0], this[1], this[2], this[3], this[4])

xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader :: XMLHttpRequest -> String -> String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetRequestHeader xhr header value = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  header' <- stringToJSValue c header
  value' <- stringToJSValue c value
  o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, header', value']
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].setRequestHeader(this[1], this[2])"
  _ <- jsevaluatescript c script o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  return ()

xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType :: XMLHttpRequest -> String -> IO ()
xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType xhr t = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  t' <- stringToJSValue c t
  o <- toJSObject c [xhrValue xhr, t']
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this[0].responseType = this[1]"
  _ <- jsevaluatescript c script o nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  return ()

xmlHttpRequestGetStatus :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Word
xmlHttpRequestGetStatus xhr = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.status"
  s <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  d <- jsvaluetonumber c s nullPtr
  return $ truncate d

xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText :: XMLHttpRequest -> IO Text
xmlHttpRequestGetStatusText xhr = do
  let c = xhrContext xhr
  script <- jsstringcreatewithutf8cstring "this.statusText"
  t <- jsevaluatescript c script (xhrValue xhr) nullPtr 1 nullPtr
  j <- jsvaluetostringcopy c t nullPtr
  l <- jsstringgetmaximumutf8cstringsize j
  s <- allocaBytes (fromIntegral l) $ \ps -> do
         _ <- jsstringgetutf8cstring'_ j ps (fromIntegral l)
         peekCString ps
  return $ T.pack s