reflex-gadt-api =============== [![Haskell](]( [![Hackage](]( [![Hackage CI](]( [![Travis CI](]( [![Github CI](]( [![BSD3 License](]( This package is designed to be used in full-stack Haskell applications where the API is defined as a GADT, the wire format is JSON, and the frontend is using reflex-dom(-core). reflex-gadt-api provides the basic FRP and encoding/decoding infrastructure to support this architecture. To serialize the GADT API definition, we use [aeson-gadt-th]( with a little help from [constraints-extras]( Example Usage: -------------- Let's start with some imports and language pragmas. ```haskell > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} > {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} > {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} > {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} > {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} > {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} > {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} > {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} > {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} > {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} > {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} > > module Readme where > > import Control.Monad (void) > import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) > import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix) > import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..)) > import Data.Aeson.GADT.TH (deriveJSONGADT) > import Data.Constraint.Extras (Has) > import Data.Constraint.Extras.TH (deriveArgDict) > import Data.Text as T (Text, null, pack) > import Data.Time (UTCTime, Day) > import GHC.Generics (Generic) > import Reflex.Dom.Core > import Reflex.Dom.GadtApi > ``` The code that follows would typically go in a common module, since it would be used on the frontend and on the backend. It sets up the basic data type definitions and a couple of GADTs that describe the API. ```haskell > data Dog = Dog > { _dog_name :: Text > , _dog_sighted :: UTCTime > , _dog_suspicious :: Bool > , _dog_imageUri :: Maybe Text > } > deriving (Generic) > > instance ToJSON Dog > instance FromJSON Dog > ``` Here we have an API for retrieving and interacting with the `Dog` data: ```haskell > data DogApi :: * -> * where > DogApi_GetByDay :: Day -> DogApi [Dog] > DogApi_GetByName :: Text -> DogApi [Dog] > DogApi_GetLastSeen :: DogApi (Maybe Dog) > DogApi_ReportSighting :: Text -> Bool -> Maybe Text -> DogApi (Either Text ()) > DogApi_GetSuspiciousSightings :: DogApi [Dog] > > newtype Token = Token { unToken :: Text } > deriving (Generic) > > instance ToJSON Token > instance FromJSON Token > ``` We can take the `DogApi` and embed it in another GADT API. This outer API will handle authentication. (Note that we're not actually implementing a secure authentication scheme or anything here. This is just a toy example.) ```haskell > data CatApi a where > CatApi_Identify :: Text -> CatApi (Either Text Token) > CatApi_DogApi :: Token -> DogApi a -> CatApi a > > deriveJSONGADT ''DogApi > deriveJSONGADT ''CatApi > deriveArgDict ''DogApi > deriveArgDict ''CatApi > ``` On the frontend, we'll run a `RequesterT` widget that allows us to emit an event of requests, and we'll transform those requests into XHR calls to the API endpoint. ```haskell > type Catnet t m = (RequesterT t CatApi (Either Text) m) > ``` This synonym is just here for convenience. The right-hand-side describes a `RequesterT` widget that issues `CatApi` requests and receives responses. In other words, when we're inside this `RequesterT` we can call the `requesting` function to send API requests and receive responses. The `Either` here represents the possibility that we'll receive an error instead of the response we expected. Now, we'll actually start up the `RequesterT`: ```haskell > startCatnet > :: forall t m. > ( Prerender t m, MonadHold t m > , MonadIO (Performable m), MonadFix m > , DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m > , TriggerEvent t m, PerformEvent t m > , Has FromJSON CatApi > , forall a. ToJSON (CatApi a) > ) > => Either ApiEndpoint WebSocketEndpoint > -> m () > startCatnet endpoint = do ``` `runRequesterT` expects us to provide some reflex widget as its first argument (here `start`). The reflex widget is able to issue API requests, and one of the results of `runRequesterT` is an `Event` of those requests. The second argument to `runRequesterT` is an `Event` of responses. Because we need to get this `Event` of requests and feed it into a function that can produce the responses, and then feed those responses back into `runRequesterT`, we have to use `RecursiveDo`. If we didn't we wouldn't have access to the responses inside of the reflex widget that issued the requests. This is the main loop of a `RequesterT` widget. ```haskell > rec (_, requests) <- runRequesterT start responses ``` The `Event` of responses comes, in this case, from a function that will take the requests emitted on the previous line and fetch responses to those requests. It produces an `Event` of responses. We can use either `Reflex.Dom.GadtApi.XHR.performXhrRequests` if we want to send requests using XHR or `Reflex.Dom.GadtApi.WebSocket.performWebSocketRequests` to use WebSockets. ```haskell > responses <- case endpoint of > Left xhr -> performXhrRequests xhr (requests :: Event t (RequesterData CatApi)) > Right ws -> performWebSocketRequests ws (requests :: Event t (RequesterData CatApi)) > pure () > where ``` Our `start` widget has the type `Catnet t m ()`, so it (and its child widgets) can potentially issue `CatApi` requests. The actual widget code here isn't important to the way that `RequesterT` works, nor is this meant to be production-grade application. Nevertheless, there are a few interesting bits that we'll point out. We're using reflex `Workflow`s to switch between pages, but we could accomplish the same result in other ways. Each `Workflow` can run a widget and send the user to another page based on the firing of some `Event` (either produced by the child widget or in scope from somewhere else). ```haskell > start :: Catnet t m () > start = void $ workflowView loginW > loginW :: Workflow t (Catnet t m) () > loginW = Workflow $ do > token <- login > pure ((), catnetW <$> token) -- Go to catnet after "logging in" > catnetW token = Workflow $ do > addDog <- catnet token > pure ((), dogSightingW token <$ addDog) -- Go to sighting submission form > dogSightingW token = Workflow $ do > rsp <- dogSighting token > leave <- delay 3 rsp > pure ((), catnetW token <$ leave) -- Go back to catnet > ``` If you're building your frontend in a context where the user interface needs to be susceptible to server-side rendering (for example, if you're using [obelisk]('s "prerendering" functionality to serve static pages that are "hydrated" once the JS loads), you'll need to wrap any code relying on Javascript (e.g., your XHR requests) in a `prerender`. The function below does this for us. ```haskell > requestingJs > :: (Reflex t, MonadFix m, Prerender t m) > => Event t (Request (Client (Catnet t m)) a) > -> Catnet t m (Event t (Response (Client (Catnet t m)) a)) > requestingJs r = fmap (switch . current) $ prerender (pure never) $ requesting r > ``` On the login page, we construct a `Behavior` of a `CatApi_Identify` request and send it when the user clicks the submit button. The response from the server is an `Event` that can be used to update the user interface or perform other actions. ```haskell > login > :: (DomBuilder t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Prerender t m) > => Catnet t m (Event t Token) > login = do > el "h1" $ text "Identify Yourself" > cat <- inputElement def > click <- button "submit" > rsp <- requestingJs $ > tag (current $ CatApi_Identify <$> value cat) click > let token = fforMaybe rsp $ \case > Right (Right catToken) -> Just catToken > _ -> Nothing > pure token > ``` This function builds a UI with a few buttons. Depending on which button is clicked, we'll issue an API request and display the result, with one exception: the "Report a Sighting" button click event is returned (and used by the `Workflow` above to navigate to another page). ```haskell > catnet > :: (DomBuilder t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Prerender t m) > => Token > -> Catnet t m (Event t ()) > catnet token = do > el "h1" $ text "Welcome, Fellow Cat." > addDog <- button "Report a Sighting" > -- Issue a request for the last seen dog and display the result or error. > getLastSeen <- button "Get Last Seen" > lastSeen <- requestingJs $ > CatApi_DogApi token DogApi_GetLastSeen <$ getLastSeen > widgetHold_ blank $ ffor lastSeen $ \case > Left err -> text err > Right Nothing -> text "No dogs reported. Rest easy, catizen." > Right (Just dog) -> showDog dog > -- Issue a request for suspicious dogs and display the result or error. > showSuspicious <- button "Suspicious Dogs" > suspicious <- requestingJs $ > CatApi_DogApi token DogApi_GetSuspiciousSightings <$ showSuspicious > widgetHold_ blank $ ffor suspicious $ \case > Left err -> text err > Right dogs -> el "ul" $ mapM_ (el "li" . showDog) dogs > -- Return the "Report a sighting" click event > pure addDog > ``` The `showDog` widget below does not have `Catnet` or `RequesterT` in its type signature, so we know that it doesn't issue requests. It just builds a display widget for a particular `Dog`. ```haskell > showDog :: DomBuilder t m => Dog -> m () > showDog dog = divClass "dog" $ el "dl" $ do > el "dt" $ text "Name" > el "dd" $ text $ _dog_name dog > el "dt" $ text "Last Seen: " > el "dd" $ text $ pack $ show $ _dog_sighted dog > el "dt" $ text "Suspicious?" > el "dd" $ text $ case _dog_suspicious dog of > True -> "very" > False -> "not sure" > el "dt" $ text "Mugshot" > el "dd" $ case _dog_imageUri dog of > Just img -> elAttr "img" ("src" =: img <> "alt" =: "dog mugshot") blank > Nothing -> text "None" > ``` This rudimentary form allows us to assemble a `Dynamic` `DogApi` request, embed it in a `CatApi` request, and send it. ```haskell > dogSighting > :: (DomBuilder t m, MonadHold t m, PostBuild t m, Prerender t m, MonadFix m) > => Token > -> Catnet t m (Event t (Either Text ())) > dogSighting token = do ``` The input elements below produce `Dynamic` text and bool values that we will use to construct our `DogApi_ReportSighting` request. Recall that `DogApi_ReportSighting` has the type: DogApi_ReportSighting :: Text -> Bool -> Maybe Text -> DogApi (Either Text ()) We need to get some text for the name, a bool indicating the dog's suspiciousness, and, optionally, some text for the url of the dog's picture. ```haskell > name <- el "label" $ do > text "Name" > _inputElement_value <$> inputElement def > suspect <- el "label" $ do > text "Suspicious?" > value <$> checkbox False def > img <- el "label" $ do > text "Image URI (if available)" > v <- _inputElement_value <$> inputElement def > pure $ ffor v $ \v' -> if T.null v' then Nothing else Just v' > send <- button "submit" ``` Once we've got those three values, we can apply them to the `DogApi_ReportSighting` constructor. We're using some infix functions from [Control.Applicative]( to apply the constructor to `Dynamic` values, and, as a result, we get a `Dynamic` `DogApi` request. When the submit `Event` fires, we take the `current` value of that `Dynamic` and send it. ```haskell > let dogApi = DogApi_ReportSighting <$> name <*> suspect <*> img > rsp <- requestingJs $ tag (current $ CatApi_DogApi token <$> dogApi) send > widgetHold_ blank $ ffor rsp $ \case > Right (Right ()) -> text "Dog reported! Returning to catnet..." > _ -> text "Couldn't submit." > pure $ ffor rsp $ \case > Right (Left err) -> Left err > Left err -> Left err > Right (Right result) -> Right result > > main :: IO () > main = return () ``` Go to the [example](example) directory to run this example (including the [backend](example/backend/src/