{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, ViewPatterns #-}
{- |
This module provides helper functions for HTML input elements. These helper functions are not specific to any particular web framework or html library.
module Text.Reform.Generalized where

import Control.Applicative    ((<$>))
import qualified Data.IntSet  as IS
import Data.List              (find)
import Data.Maybe             (mapMaybe)
import Numeric                (readDec)
import Text.Reform.Backend
import Text.Reform.Core
import Text.Reform.Result

-- | used for constructing elements like @\<input type=\"text\"\>@, which return a single input value.
input :: (Monad m, FormError error) =>
         (input -> Either error a)
      -> (FormId -> a -> view)
      -> a
      -> Form m input error view () a
input fromInput toView initialValue =
    Form $ do i <- getFormId
              v <- getFormInput' i
              case v of
                Default ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i initialValue
                           , return $ Ok (Proved { proofs   = ()
                                                 , pos      = unitRange i
                                                 , unProved = initialValue
                (Found (fromInput -> (Right a))) ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i a
                           , return $ Ok (Proved { proofs   = ()
                                                 , pos      = unitRange i
                                                 , unProved = a
                (Found (fromInput -> (Left error))) ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i initialValue
                           , return $ Error [(unitRange i, error)]
                Missing ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i initialValue
                           , return $ Error [(unitRange i, commonFormError (InputMissing i))]

-- | used for elements like @\<input type=\"submit\"\>@ which are not always present in the form submission data.
inputMaybe :: (Monad m, FormError error) =>
         (input -> Either error a)
      -> (FormId -> a -> view)
      -> a
      -> Form m input error view () (Maybe a)
inputMaybe fromInput toView initialValue =
    Form $ do i <- getFormId
              v <- getFormInput' i
              case v of
                Default ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i initialValue
                           , return $ Ok (Proved { proofs   = ()
                                                 , pos      = unitRange i
                                                 , unProved = Just initialValue
                (Found (fromInput -> (Right a))) ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i a
                           , return $ Ok (Proved { proofs   = ()
                                                 , pos      = unitRange i
                                                 , unProved = (Just a)
                (Found (fromInput -> (Left error))) ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i initialValue
                           , return $ Error [(unitRange i, error)]
                Missing ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i initialValue
                           , return $ Ok (Proved { proofs   = ()
                                                 , pos      = unitRange i
                                                 , unProved = Nothing

-- | used for elements like @\<input type=\"reset\"\>@ which take a value, but are never present in the form data set.
inputNoData :: (Monad m) =>
              (FormId -> a -> view)
           -> a
           -> Form m input error view () ()
inputNoData toView a =
    Form $ do i <- getFormId
              return ( View $ const $ toView i a
                     , return $ Ok (Proved { proofs   = ()
                                           , pos      = unitRange i
                                           , unProved = ()

-- | used for @\<input type=\"file\"\>@
inputFile :: forall m input error view. (Monad m, FormInput input, FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ input) =>
             (FormId -> view)
          -> Form m input error view () (FileType input)
inputFile toView =
    Form $ do i <- getFormId
              v <- getFormInput' i
              case v of
                Default ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i
                           , return $ Error [(unitRange i, commonFormError (InputMissing i))]

                (Found (getInputFile' -> (Right a))) ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i
                           , return $ Ok (Proved { proofs   = ()
                                                 , pos      = unitRange i
                                                 , unProved = a

                (Found (getInputFile' -> (Left error))) ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i
                           , return $ Error [(unitRange i, error)]
                Missing ->
                    return ( View $ const $ toView i
                           , return $ Error [(unitRange i, commonFormError (InputMissing i))]
          -- just here for the type-signature to make the type-checker happy
          getInputFile' :: (FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ input) => input -> Either error (FileType input)
          getInputFile' = getInputFile

-- | used for groups of checkboxes, @\<select multiple=\"multiple\"\>@ boxes
inputMulti :: forall m input error view a lbl. (Functor m, FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ input, FormInput input, Monad m) =>
              [(a, lbl)]                                      -- ^ value, label, initially checked
           -> (FormId -> [(FormId, Int, lbl, Bool)] -> view)  -- ^ function which generates the view
           -> (a -> Bool)                                     -- ^ isChecked/isSelected initially
           -> Form m input error view () [a]
inputMulti choices mkView isSelected =
    Form $ do i <- getFormId
              inp <- getFormInput' i
              case inp of

                Default ->
                    do let (choices', vals) = foldr (\(a, lbl) (cs,vs) ->
                                                         if isSelected a
                                                         then ((a, lbl, True) :cs, a:vs)
                                                         else ((a, lbl, False):cs,   vs))
                       view     <- mkView i <$> augmentChoices choices'
                       mkOk i view vals

                Missing -> -- just means that no checkboxes were checked
                     do view <- mkView i <$> augmentChoices (map (\(x,y) -> (x,y,False)) choices)
                        mkOk i view []

                (Found v) ->
                    do let readDec' str = case readDec str of
                                            [(n,[])] -> n
                                            _ -> (-1) -- FIXME: should probably return an internal error?
                           keys   = IS.fromList $ map readDec' $ getInputStrings v
                           (choices', vals) =
                               foldr (\(i, (a,lbl)) (c,v) ->
                                          if IS.member i keys
                                          then ((a,lbl,True) : c, a : v)
                                          else ((a,lbl,False): c,     v)) ([],[]) $
                                 zip [0..] choices
                       view <- mkView i <$> augmentChoices choices'
                       mkOk i view vals

      augmentChoices :: (Monad m) => [(a, lbl, Bool)] -> FormState m input [(FormId, Int, lbl, Bool)]
      augmentChoices choices = mapM augmentChoice (zip [0..] choices)

      augmentChoice :: (Monad m) => (Int, (a, lbl, Bool)) -> FormState m input (FormId, Int, lbl, Bool)
      augmentChoice (vl, (a, lbl, checked)) =
          do i <- getFormId
             return (i, vl, lbl, checked)

-- | radio buttons, single @\<select\>@ boxes
inputChoice :: forall a m error input lbl view. (Functor m, FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ input, FormInput input, Monad m) =>
               (a -> Bool)                                     -- ^ is default
            -> [(a, lbl)]                                      -- ^ value, label
            -> (FormId -> [(FormId, Int, lbl, Bool)] -> view)  -- ^ function which generates the view
            -> Form m input error view () a
inputChoice isDefault choices mkView =
    Form $ do i <- getFormId
              inp <- getFormInput' i

              case inp of
                Default ->
                    do let (choices', def) = markSelected choices
                       view <- mkView i <$> augmentChoices choices'
                       mkOk' i view def

                Missing -> -- can happen if no choices where checked
                    do let (choices', def) = markSelected choices
                       view <- mkView i <$> augmentChoices choices'
                       mkOk' i view def

                (Found v) ->
                    do let readDec' str = case readDec str of
                                            [(n,[])] -> n
                                            _ -> (-1) -- FIXME: should probably return an internal error?
                           (Right str) = getInputString v :: Either error String -- FIXME
                           key = readDec' str
                           (choices', mval) =
                               foldr (\(i, (a, lbl)) (c, v) ->
                                          if i == key
                                          then ((a,lbl,True) : c, Just a)
                                          else ((a,lbl,False): c,     v))
                                     ([], Nothing) $
                                     zip [0..] choices
                       view <- mkView i <$> augmentChoices choices'
                       case mval of
                         Nothing ->
                             return ( View $ const $ view
                                    , return $ Error [(unitRange i, commonFormError (InputMissing i))]
                         (Just val) -> mkOk i view val

      mkOk' i view (Just val) = mkOk i view val
      mkOk' i view Nothing =
          return ( View $ const $ view
                 , return $ Error [(unitRange i, commonFormError MissingDefaultValue)]

      markSelected :: [(a,lbl)] -> ([(a, lbl, Bool)], Maybe a)
      markSelected cs = foldr (\(a,lbl) (vs, ma) ->
                                   if isDefault a
                                      then ((a,lbl,True):vs , Just a)
                                      else ((a,lbl,False):vs, ma))
                         ([], Nothing)

      augmentChoices :: (Monad m) => [(a, lbl, Bool)] -> FormState m input [(FormId, Int, lbl, Bool)]
      augmentChoices choices = mapM augmentChoice (zip [0..] choices)

      augmentChoice :: (Monad m) => (Int, (a, lbl, Bool)) -> FormState m input (FormId, Int, lbl, Bool)
      augmentChoice (vl, (a, lbl,selected)) =
          do i <- getFormId
             return (i, vl, lbl, selected)

-- | used to create @\<label\>@ elements
label :: Monad m =>
         (FormId -> view)
      -> Form m input error view () ()
label f = Form $ do
    id' <- getFormId
    return ( View (const $ f id')
           , return (Ok $ Proved { proofs   = ()
                                 , pos      = unitRange id'
                                 , unProved = ()
-- | used to add a list of error messages to a 'Form'
-- This function automatically takes care of extracting only the
-- errors that are relevent to the form element it is attached to via
-- '<++' or '++>'.
errors :: Monad m =>
          ([error] -> view) -- ^ function to convert the error messages into a view
       -> Form m input error view () ()
errors f = Form $ do
    range <- getFormRange
    return ( View (f . retainErrors range)
           , return (Ok $ Proved { proofs   = ()
                                 , pos      = range
                                 , unProved = ()

-- | similar to 'errors' but includes error messages from children of the form as well.
childErrors :: Monad m =>
               ([error] -> view)
            -> Form m input error view () ()
childErrors f = Form $ do
    range <- getFormRange
    return (View (f . retainChildErrors range)
           , return (Ok $ Proved { proofs   = ()
                                 , pos      = range
                                 , unProved = ()