module Text.Reform.Backend where
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Reform.Result (FormId)
data CommonFormError input
= InputMissing FormId
| NoStringFound input
| NoFileFound input
| MultiFilesFound input
| MultiStringsFound input
| MissingDefaultValue
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
commonFormErrorStr :: (input -> String)
-> CommonFormError input
-> String
commonFormErrorStr showInput cfe =
case cfe of
(InputMissing formId) -> "Input field missing for " ++ show formId
(NoStringFound input) -> "Could not extract a string value from: " ++ showInput input
(NoFileFound input) -> "Could not find a file associated with: " ++ showInput input
(MultiFilesFound input) -> "Found multiple files associated with: " ++ showInput input
(MultiStringsFound input) -> "Found multiple strings associated with: " ++ showInput input
MissingDefaultValue -> "Missing default value."
class FormError e where
type ErrorInputType e
commonFormError :: (CommonFormError (ErrorInputType e)) -> e
class FormInput input where
type FileType input
getInputString :: (FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ input) => input -> Either error String
getInputString input =
case getInputStrings input of
[] -> Left (commonFormError $ NoStringFound input)
[s] -> Right s
_ -> Left (commonFormError $ MultiStringsFound input)
getInputStrings :: input -> [String]
getInputText :: (FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ input) => input -> Either error Text
getInputText input =
case getInputTexts input of
[] -> Left (commonFormError $ NoStringFound input)
[s] -> Right s
_ -> Left (commonFormError $ MultiStringsFound input)
getInputTexts :: input -> [Text]
getInputTexts = map T.pack . getInputStrings
getInputFile :: (FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ input) => input -> Either error (FileType input)