reform-happstack- Happstack support for reform.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Support for using Reform with the Haskell Web Framework Happstack.



environment :: Happstack m => Environment m [Input] Source #

create an Environment to be used with runForm

happstackEitherForm Source #


:: Happstack m 
=> ([(Text, Text)] -> view -> view)

wrap raw form html inside a form tag

-> Text

form prefix

-> Form m [Input] error view proof a

Form to run

-> m (Either view a)


similar to 'eitherForm environment' but includes double-submit (Cross Site Request Forgery) CSRF protection.

The form must have been created using happstackViewForm

see also: happstackViewForm

happstackViewForm Source #


:: Happstack m 
=> ([(Text, Text)] -> view -> view)

wrap raw form html inside a <form> tag

-> Text 
-> Form m input error view proof a 
-> m view 

similar to viewForm but includes double-submit (Cross Site Request Forgery) CSRF protection.

Must be used with happstackEitherForm.

see also: happstackEitherForm.

happstackView Source #


:: Happstack m 
=> ([(Text, Text)] -> view -> view)

wrap raw form html inside a <form> tag

-> Text 
-> view 
-> m view 

Utility Function: wrap the view in a <form> that includes double-submit CSRF protection.

calls addCSRFCookie to set the cookie and adds the token as a hidden field.

see also: happstackViewForm, happstackEitherForm, checkCSRF

addCSRFCookie Source #


:: Happstack m 
=> Text

name to use for the cookie

-> m Text 

Utility Function: add a cookie for CSRF protection

getCSRFCookie :: Happstack m => Text -> m Text Source #

Utility Function: get CSRF protection cookie

checkCSRF :: Happstack m => Text -> m () Source #

Utility Function: check that the CSRF cookie and hidden field exist and are equal

If the check fails, this function will call:

escape $ forbidden (toResponse "CSRF check failed.")

csrfName :: Text Source #

generate the name to use for the csrf cookie

Currently this returns the static cookie "reform-csrf". Using the prefix would allow

reformSingle Source #


:: (ToMessage b, Happstack m, Alternative m, Monoid view) 
=> ([(Text, Text)] -> view -> view)

wrap raw form html inside a form tag

-> Text


-> (a -> m b)

handler used when form validates

-> Maybe ([(FormRange, error)] -> view -> m b)

handler used when form does not validate

-> Form m [Input] error view proof a

the formlet

-> m view 

This function allows you to embed a a single Form into a HTML page.

In general, you will want to use the reform function instead, which allows more than one Form to be used on the same page.

see also: reform

reform Source #


:: (ToMessage b, Happstack m, Alternative m, Monoid view) 
=> ([(Text, Text)] -> view -> view)

wrap raw form html inside a <form> tag

-> Text


-> (a -> m b)

success handler used when form validates

-> Maybe ([(FormRange, error)] -> view -> m b)

failure handler used when form does not validate

-> Form m [Input] error view proof a

the formlet

-> m view 

this function embeds a Form in an HTML page.

When the page is requested with a GET request, the form view will be rendered.

When the page is requested with a POST request, the form data will be extracted and validated.

If a value is successfully produced the success handler will be called with the value.

On failure the failure handler will be called. If no failure handler is provided, then the page will simply be redisplayed. The form will be rendered with the errors and previous submit data shown.

The first argument to reform is a function which generates the <form> tag. It should generally come from the template library you are using, such as the form function from reform-hsp.

The [(String, String)] argument is a list of '(name, value)' pairs for extra hidden fields that should be added to the <form> tag. These hidden fields are used to provide cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection, and to support multiple forms on the same page.

Orphan instances

FormInput [Input] Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type FileType [Input] #


getInputString :: (FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ [Input]) => [Input] -> Either error String #

getInputStrings :: [Input] -> [String] #

getInputText :: (FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ [Input]) => [Input] -> Either error Text #

getInputTexts :: [Input] -> [Text] #

getInputFile :: (FormError error, ErrorInputType error ~ [Input]) => [Input] -> Either error (FileType [Input]) #