{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, ViewPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmFhsx2hs #-}
module Text.Reform.HSP.Common where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mconcat)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Reform.Backend
import Text.Reform.Core
import Text.Reform.Generalized as G
import Text.Reform.Result (FormId, Result(Ok), unitRange)
import HSP.XMLGenerator
import HSP.XML
instance (EmbedAsAttr m (Attr Text Text)) => (EmbedAsAttr m (Attr Text FormId)) where
asAttr (n := v) = asAttr (n := (pack $ show v))
inputText :: (Monad m, FormError error, XMLGenerator x, StringType x ~ Text, EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text FormId), EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text text)) =>
(input -> Either error text)
-> text
-> Form m input error [XMLGenT x (XMLType x)] () text
inputText getInput initialValue = G.input getInput inputField initialValue
inputField i a = []
inputPassword :: (Monad m, FormError error, XMLGenerator x, StringType x ~ Text, EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text FormId), EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text text)) =>
(input -> Either error text)
-> text
-> Form m input error [XMLGenT x (XMLType x)] () text
inputPassword getInput initialValue = G.input getInput inputField initialValue
inputField i a = []
inputSubmit :: (Monad m, FormError error, XMLGenerator x, StringType x ~ Text, EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text FormId), EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text text)) =>
(input -> Either error text)
-> text
-> Form m input error [XMLGenT x (XMLType x)] () (Maybe text)
inputSubmit getInput initialValue = G.inputMaybe getInput inputField initialValue
inputField i a = []
inputReset :: (Monad m, FormError error, XMLGenerator x, StringType x ~ Text, EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text FormId), EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text text)) =>
-> Form m input error [XMLGenT x (XMLType x)] () ()
inputReset lbl = G.inputNoData inputField lbl
inputField i a = []
inputHidden :: (Monad m, FormError error, XMLGenerator x, StringType x ~ Text, EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text FormId), EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text text)) =>
(input -> Either error text)
-> text
-> Form m input error [XMLGenT x (XMLType x)] () text
inputHidden getInput initialValue = G.input getInput inputField initialValue
inputField i a = []
inputButton :: (Monad m, FormError error, XMLGenerator x, StringType x ~ Text, EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text FormId), EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text text)) =>
-> Form m input error [XMLGenT x (XMLType x)] () ()
inputButton label = G.inputNoData inputField label
inputField i a = []
textarea :: (Monad m, FormError error, XMLGenerator x, StringType x ~ Text, EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text FormId), EmbedAsChild x text) =>
(input -> Either error text)
-> Int -- ^ cols
-> Int -- ^ rows
-> text -- ^ initial text
-> Form m input error [XMLGenT x (XMLType x)] () text
textarea getInput cols rows initialValue = G.input getInput textareaView initialValue
textareaView i txt = []
-- | Create an @\@ element
-- This control may succeed even if the user does not actually select a file to upload. In that case the uploaded name will likely be "" and the file contents will be empty as well.
inputFile :: (Monad m, FormError error, FormInput input, ErrorInputType error ~ input, XMLGenerator x, StringType x ~ Text, EmbedAsAttr x (Attr Text FormId)) =>
Form m input error [XMLGenT x (XMLType x)] () (FileType input)
inputFile = G.inputFile fileView
fileView i = []
-- | Create a @\