{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, KindSignatures                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, TemplateHaskell                       #-}
module Control.Monad.Refresh
       ( -- * @'RefreshT'@ type and settings
         RefreshT, runRefreshT, evalRefreshT
       , -- ** Settings for Refreshing
       , defaultRefreshSetting
       , refresher
         -- | Environment refreshing function (default: @return@).
         --   Since
       , refreshDelay
         -- | Delay in microseconds before environmental refreshment (default: @100ms@).
         --   Since
       , shouldRefresh
         -- | Condition to determine if environment should be refreshed (default: @const True@).
         --   Since
       , isRefreshingError
         -- | If this exception should occur an envionment refreshment? (default: refresh for any exception).
         --   Since
       , -- * Transaction Combinators
       , atomicLift
       , atomicLiftIO
       , withEnv
       , refresh
       ) where
import Control.Concurrent  (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception   (SomeException (..))
import Control.Lens        (makeLenses, view, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch (..), MonadThrow (..), catchIf)
import Control.Monad.RWS   (MonadTrans (..), RWST (..), ask, evalRWST, get,
import Control.Monad.RWS   (MonadIO (liftIO), MonadReader (..), modify, runRWST)
import Data.Default        (Default (..))
import Data.Typeable       (Typeable)

-- | Settings for Refreshment
--   Since
data RefreshSetting s m =
  RefreshSetting { _refresher         :: s -> m s
                 , _refreshDelay      :: Int
                 , _isRefreshingError :: SomeException -> Bool
                 , _shouldRefresh     :: s -> m Bool
  deriving (Typeable)

-- | Since
instance Monad m => Default (RefreshSetting s m) where
  def = RefreshSetting return (10 ^ 5) (const True) (const $ return True)

defaultRefreshSetting :: Monad m => RefreshSetting s m
defaultRefreshSetting = def

makeLenses ''RefreshSetting

data Localed a = Localed { modifier :: !(a -> a)
                         , original :: !a

runLocaled :: forall t. Localed t -> t
runLocaled (Localed f a) = f a

-- | Reader monad transformer with an automatic environment refreshment.
--   Since
newtype RefreshT s m a =
  RefreshT { runRefreshT_ :: RWST (RefreshSetting s m) () (Localed s) m a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

-- | N.B. The @'lift'@ combinator doesn't care about exceptions;
--        this is the intended behaviour, because @'lift'@ doesn't
--        come with any atomicity meaning.
--        If you want to trigger refresh after exceptions, use @'atomicLift'@.
--   Since
instance MonadTrans (RefreshT s) where
  lift = RefreshT . lift

-- | N.B. The @'liftIO'@ combinator doesn't care about exceptions;
--        this is the intended behaviour, because @'liftIO'@ doesn't
--        come with any atomicity meaning.
--        If you want to trigger refresh after exceptions, use @'atomicLiftIO'@.
--   Since
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (RefreshT s m) where
  liftIO = RefreshT . liftIO

-- | Try an atomic transaction and,
--   if exceptions specified by @'isRefreshingError'@ has been raised,
--   refreshes the environment and redo the entire transaction.
--   Since
atomic :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => RefreshT s m a -> RefreshT s m a
atomic (RefreshT act) = RefreshT $ view isRefreshingError >>= loop
    loop chk =
      chk act $ const $ runRefreshT_ refresh >> loop chk

-- | @'atomicLift' = 'atomic' . 'lift'@.
--   Since
atomicLift :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => m a -> RefreshT s m a
atomicLift = atomic . lift

-- | @'atomicLiftIO' = 'atomic' . 'liftIO'@.
--   Since
atomicLiftIO :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => IO a -> RefreshT s m a
atomicLiftIO = atomic . liftIO

-- | @'atomicLift'@ composed with @'Control.Monad.Reader.ask'@.
--   Since
withEnv :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => (s -> m a) -> RefreshT s m a
withEnv act = atomic $ lift . act =<< ask

-- | Excecute environmental computation and returns the result with the final environment.
--   Since
runRefreshT :: MonadCatch m => RefreshSetting s m -> s -> RefreshT s m a -> m (a, s)
runRefreshT st s act = do
  (a, s', _) <- runRWST (runRefreshT_ act) st (Localed id s)
  return (a, original s')

-- | Excecute environmental computation and returns the result, discarding the final environment.
--   Since
evalRefreshT :: MonadCatch m => RefreshSetting s m -> s -> RefreshT s m a -> m a
evalRefreshT st s act = fst <$> evalRWST (runRefreshT_ act) st (Localed id s)

-- | N.B. The refreshed result took place inside @'local'@
--   will be reflected outside.
--   Since
instance MonadIO m => MonadReader s (RefreshT s m) where
  local f (RefreshT act) = RefreshT $ do
    old <- gets modifier
    modify $ \ls -> ls { modifier = f . old }
    a <- act
    modify (\ls -> ls {modifier = old})
    return a
  ask = RefreshT $ do
    test <- view shouldRefresh
    goRefl <- lift . test =<< gets runLocaled
    if goRefl
      then do
      st <- ask
      liftIO $ threadDelay (st ^. refreshDelay)
      s' <- lift . (st ^. refresher) =<< gets original
      modify $ \ls -> ls { original = s' }
      f <- gets modifier
      return $! f s'
      else gets runLocaled

-- | Since
instance MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (RefreshT s m) where
  throwM = RefreshT . throwM
  {-# INLINE throwM #-}

-- | N.B. When exception is @'catch'@ed, no resource refreshment will be occured.
--        This allows users a flexible control on refreshment timing.
instance MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (RefreshT s m) where
  catch (RefreshT a) h = RefreshT $ catch a (runRefreshT_ . h)
  {-# INLINE catch #-}

-- | Forces environmental refreshment, regardless of @'shouldRefresh'@ condition.
--   Since
refresh :: MonadIO m => RefreshT s m ()
refresh = RefreshT $ do
  st <- ask
  liftIO $ threadDelay (st ^. refreshDelay)
  s' <- lift . (st ^. refresher) =<< gets original
  modify $ \ls -> ls { original = s' }