\begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main ( main ) where import Control.Applicative import qualified Control.Monad as M import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Network.HTTP.Conduit import Prelude.Compat import qualified Shelly as SH import System.Directory import System.Environment import TestKit import Text.Heredoc import Text.Printf import Text.RE.Edit import Text.RE.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.Text as TT \end{code} \begin{code} main :: IO () main = do as <- getArgs case as of [] -> test ["test"] -> test ["doc",fn,fn'] | is_file fn -> doc fn fn' ["gen",fn,fn'] | is_file fn -> gen fn fn' ["badges"] -> badges ["bump-version",vrn] -> bumpVersion vrn ["pages"] -> pages ["all"] -> gen_all _ -> usage where is_file = not . (== "--") . take 2 doc fn fn' = docMode >>= \dm -> loop dm fn fn' gen fn fn' = genMode >>= \gm -> loop gm fn fn' usage = do pnm <- getProgName let prg = ((" "++pnm++" ")++) putStr $ unlines [ "usage:" , prg "--help" , prg "[test]" , prg "badges" , prg "bump-version " , prg "pages" , prg "all" , prg "doc (-|) (-|)" , prg "gen (-|) (-|)" ] \end{code} The Sed Script -------------- \begin{code} -- | the MODE determines whether we are generating documentation -- or a Haskell testsuite and includes any IO-accessible state -- needed by the relevant processor data MODE = Doc DocState -- ^ document-generation state | Gen GenState -- ^ adjusting-the-program-for-testing state \end{code} The `DocState` is initialised to `Outside` and flips though the different states as it traverses a code block, so that we can wrap code blocks in special
blocks when their first line indicates that it contains a REPL calculation, which the style sheet can pick up and present accordingly. \begin{code} data DocMode = Outside -- not inside a begin{code} ... \end{code} block | Beginning -- at the start of a begin{code} ... \end{code} block | InsideRepl -- inside a REPL code block | InsideProg -- inside a non-REPL code block deriving (Eq,Show) type DocState = IORef DocMode genMode :: IO MODE genMode = Gen <$> newIORef [] \end{code} \begin{code} -- | the state is the accumulated test function identifiers for -- generating the list of them gets added to the end of the programme type GenState = IORef [String] docMode :: IO MODE docMode = Doc <$> newIORef Outside \end{code} \begin{code} loop :: MODE -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () loop mode = sed $ Select [ (,) [re|^%include ${file}(@{%string}) ${rex}(@{%string})$|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ inclde mode , (,) [re|^%main ${arg}(top|bottom)$|] $ EDIT_gen $ main_ mode , (,) [re|^\\begin\{code\}$|] $ EDIT_gen $ begin mode , (,) [re|^${fn}(evalme@{%id}) = checkThis ${arg}(@{%string}).*$|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ evalme mode , (,) [re|^\\end\{code\}$|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ end mode , (,) [re|^.*$|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ other mode ] \end{code} \begin{code} inclde, evalme, end, other :: MODE -> LineNo -> Match LBS.ByteString -> Location -> Capture LBS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString) main_, begin :: MODE -> LineNo -> Matches LBS.ByteString -> IO (LineEdit LBS.ByteString) inclde (Doc _ ) = includeDoc inclde (Gen _ ) = passthru main_ (Doc _ ) = mainDoc main_ (Gen gs) = mainGen gs begin (Doc ds) = beginDoc ds begin (Gen _ ) = passthru_g evalme (Doc ds) = evalmeDoc ds evalme (Gen gs) = evalmeGen gs end (Doc ds) = endDoc ds end (Gen _ ) = passthru other (Doc ds) = otherDoc ds other (Gen _ ) = passthru passthru :: LineNo -> Match LBS.ByteString -> Location -> Capture LBS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString) passthru _ _ _ _ = return Nothing passthru_g :: LineNo -> Matches LBS.ByteString -> IO (LineEdit LBS.ByteString) passthru_g _ _ = return NoEdit \end{code} Script to Generate the Whole Web Site ------------------------------------- \begin{code} gen_all :: IO () gen_all = do -- prepare HTML docs for the (literate) tools pd "re-gen-cabals" pd "re-gen-modules" pd "re-include" pd "re-nginx-log-processor" pd "re-prep" pd "re-tests" pd "TestKit" pd "RE/Capture" pd "RE/Edit" pd "RE/IsRegex" pd "RE/Options" pd "RE/Replace" pd "RE/TestBench" pd "RE/Tools/Grep" pd "RE/Tools/Lex" pd "RE/Tools/Sed" pd "RE/Internal/NamedCaptures" -- render the tutorial in HTML dm <- docMode loop dm "examples/re-tutorial-master.lhs" "tmp/re-tutorial.lhs" createDirectoryIfMissing False "tmp" pandoc_lhs' "re-tutorial.lhs" "examples/re-tutorial.lhs" "tmp/re-tutorial.lhs" "docs/re-tutorial.html" -- generate the tutorial-based tests gm <- genMode loop gm "examples/re-tutorial-master.lhs" "examples/re-tutorial.lhs" putStrLn ">> examples/re-tutorial.lhs" pages where pd fnm = case (mtch !$$? [cp|fdr|],mtch !$$? [cp|mnm|]) of (Nothing ,Just mnm) -> pandoc_lhs ("Text.RE." <>mnm) ("Text/" <>fnm<>".lhs") ("docs/"<>mnm<>".html") (Just fdr,Just mnm) -> pandoc_lhs ("Text.RE."<>fdr<>"."<>mnm) ("Text/" <>fnm<>".lhs") ("docs/"<>mnm<>".html") _ -> pandoc_lhs ("examples/"<>fnm<>".lhs" ) ("examples/"<>fnm<>".lhs") ("docs/"<>fnm<>".html") where mtch = fnm TT.?=~ [re|^RE/(${fdr}(Tools|Internal)/)?${mnm}(@{%id})|] \end{code} Generating the Tutorial ----------------------- \begin{code} includeDoc :: LineNo -> Match LBS.ByteString -> Location -> Capture LBS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString) includeDoc _ mtch _ _ = fmap Just $ extract fp =<< compileRegex () re_s where fp = prs_s $ captureText [cp|file|] mtch re_s = prs_s $ captureText [cp|rex|] mtch prs_s = maybe (error "includeDoc") T.unpack . parseString \end{code} \begin{code} mainDoc :: LineNo -> Matches LBS.ByteString -> IO (LineEdit LBS.ByteString) mainDoc _ _ = return Delete \end{code} \begin{code} beginDoc :: DocState -> LineNo -> Matches LBS.ByteString -> IO (LineEdit LBS.ByteString) beginDoc ds _ _ = writeIORef ds Beginning >> return Delete \end{code} \begin{code} evalmeDoc, endDoc, otherDoc :: DocState -> LineNo -> Match LBS.ByteString -> Location -> Capture LBS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString) evalmeDoc ds lno _ _ _ = do dm <- readIORef ds M.when (dm/=Beginning) $ bad_state "evalme" lno dm writeIORef ds InsideRepl return $ Just $ "
\n"<>begin_code endDoc ds lno _ _ _ = do dm <- readIORef ds case dm of Outside -> bad_state "end" lno dm Beginning -> return $ Just $ begin_code <> "\n" <> end_code InsideRepl -> return $ Just $ end_code <> "\n
" InsideProg -> return Nothing otherDoc ds _ mtch _ _ = do dm <- readIORef ds case dm of Beginning -> do writeIORef ds InsideProg return $ Just $ begin_code <> "\n" <> matchSource mtch _ -> return Nothing bad_state :: String -> LineNo -> DocMode -> IO a bad_state lab lno dm = error $ printf "Bad document syntax: %s: %d: %s" lab (getLineNo lno) $ show dm \end{code} Generating the Tests -------------------- \begin{code} evalmeGen :: GenState -> LineNo -> Match LBS.ByteString -> Location -> Capture LBS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString) evalmeGen gs _ mtch0 _ _ = Just <$> replaceCapturesM replace_ ALL f mtch0 where f mtch loc cap = case _loc_capture loc of 2 -> do modifyIORef gs (ide:) return $ Just $ LBS.pack $ show ide where ide = LBS.unpack $ captureText [cp|fn|] mtch _ -> return $ Just $ capturedText cap \end{code} How are we doing? \begin{code} mainGen :: GenState -> LineNo -> Matches LBS.ByteString -> IO (LineEdit LBS.ByteString) mainGen gs _ mtchs = case allMatches mtchs of [mtch] -> case captureText [cp|arg|] $ mtch of "top" -> return $ ReplaceWith $ LBS.unlines $ [ begin_code , "module Main(main) where" , end_code , "" , "*********************************************************" , "*" , "* WARNING: this is generated from pp-tutorial-master.lhs " , "*" , "*********************************************************" ] "bottom" -> do fns <- readIORef gs return $ ReplaceWith $ LBS.unlines $ [ begin_code , "main :: IO ()" , "main = runTests" ] ++ mk_list fns ++ [ end_code ] _ -> error "mainGen (b)" _ -> error "mainGen (a)" \end{code} We cannot place these strings inline without confusing pandoc so we use these definitions instead. \begin{code} begin_code, end_code :: LBS.ByteString begin_code = "\\"<>"begin{code}" end_code = "\\"<>"end{code}" \end{code} \begin{code} mk_list :: [String] -> [LBS.ByteString] mk_list [] = ["[]"] mk_list (ide0:ides) = f "[" ide0 $ foldr (f ",") [" ]"] ides where f pfx ide t = (" "<>pfx<>" "<>LBS.pack ide) : t \end{code} Extracting a Literate Fragment from a Haskell Program Text ---------------------------------------------------------- \begin{code} extract :: FilePath -> RE -> IO LBS.ByteString extract fp rex = extr . LBS.lines <$> LBS.readFile fp where extr lns = case parse $ scan rex lns of Nothing -> oops Just (lno,n) -> LBS.unlines $ (hdr :) $ (take n $ drop i lns) ++ [ftr] where i = getZeroBasedLineNo lno oops = error $ concat [ "failed to locate fragment matching " , show $ reSource rex , " in file " , show fp ] hdr = "
" ftr = "
" \end{code} \begin{code} parse :: [Token] -> Maybe (LineNo,Int) parse [] = Nothing parse (tk:tks) = case (tk,tks) of (Bra b_ln,Hit:Ket k_ln:_) -> Just (b_ln,count_lines_incl b_ln k_ln) _ -> parse tks \end{code} \begin{code} count_lines_incl :: LineNo -> LineNo -> Int count_lines_incl b_ln k_ln = getZeroBasedLineNo k_ln + 1 - getZeroBasedLineNo b_ln \end{code} \begin{code} data Token = Bra LineNo | Hit | Ket LineNo deriving (Show) \end{code} \begin{code} scan :: RE -> [LBS.ByteString] -> [Token] scan rex = grepScript [ (,) [re|\\begin\{code\}|] $ \i -> chk $ Bra i , (,) rex $ \_ -> chk Hit , (,) [re|\\end\{code\}|] $ \i -> chk $ Ket i ] where chk x mtchs = case anyMatches mtchs of True -> Just x False -> Nothing \end{code} badges ------ \begin{code} badges :: IO () badges = do mapM_ collect [ (,) "license" "https://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD3-brightgreen.svg" , (,) "unix-build" "https://img.shields.io/travis/iconnect/regex.svg?label=Linux%2BmacOS" , (,) "windows-build" "https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/engineerirngirisconnectcouk/regex.svg?label=Windows" , (,) "coverage" "https://img.shields.io/coveralls/iconnect/regex.svg" , (,) "build-status" "https://img.shields.io/travis/iconnect/regex.svg?label=Build%20Status" , (,) "maintainers-contact" "https://img.shields.io/badge/email-maintainers%40regex.uk-blue.svg" , (,) "feedback-contact" "https://img.shields.io/badge/email-feedback%40regex.uk-blue.svg" ] where collect (nm,url) = do putStrLn $ "updating badge: " ++ nm simpleHttp url >>= LBS.writeFile (badge_fn nm) badge_fn nm = "docs/badges/"++nm++".svg" \end{code} pages ----- \begin{code} pages :: IO () pages = do prep_page "regex" MM_hackage "lib/md/index.md" "lib/README-regex.md" prep_page "regex-examples" MM_hackage "lib/md/index.md" "lib/README-regex-examples.md" prep_page "regex" MM_github "lib/md/index.md" "README.md" mapM_ pandoc_page [minBound..maxBound] \end{code} \begin{code} data Page = PG_index | PG_about | PG_contact | PG_build_status | PG_installation | PG_tutorial | PG_examples | PG_roadmap | PG_macros | PG_directory | PG_changelog deriving (Bounded,Enum,Eq,Ord,Show) page_root :: Page -> String page_root = map tr . drop 3 . show where tr '_' = '-' tr c = c page_master_file, page_docs_file :: Page -> FilePath page_master_file pg = "lib/md/" ++ page_root pg ++ ".md" page_docs_file pg = "docs/" ++ page_root pg ++ ".html" page_address :: Page -> LBS.ByteString page_address = LBS.pack . page_root page_title :: Page -> LBS.ByteString page_title pg = case pg of PG_index -> "Home" PG_about -> "About" PG_contact -> "Contact" PG_build_status -> "Build Status" PG_installation -> "Installation" PG_tutorial -> "Tutorial" PG_examples -> "Examples" PG_roadmap -> "Roadmap" PG_macros -> "Macro Tables" PG_directory -> "Directory" PG_changelog -> "Change Log" \end{code} \begin{code} pandoc_page :: Page -> IO () pandoc_page pg = do mt_lbs <- setup_ttl <$> LBS.readFile (page_master_file pg) (hdgs,md_lbs) <- prep_page' MM_pandoc mt_lbs LBS.writeFile "tmp/metadata.markdown" $ LBS.unlines ["---","title: "<>page_title pg,"---"] LBS.writeFile "tmp/heading.markdown" $ page_heading pg LBS.writeFile "tmp/page_pre_body.html" $ mk_pre_body_html pg hdgs LBS.writeFile "tmp/page_pst_body.html" pst_body_html LBS.writeFile "tmp/page.markdown" md_lbs SH.shelly $ SH.verbosely $ SH.run_ "pandoc" [ "-f", "markdown+grid_tables+autolink_bare_uris" , "-t", "html5" , "-T", "regex" , "-s" , "-H", "lib/favicons.html" , "-B", "tmp/page_pre_body.html" , "-A", "tmp/page_pst_body.html" , "-c", "lib/styles.css" , "-o", T.pack $ page_docs_file pg , "tmp/metadata.markdown" , "tmp/heading.markdown" , "tmp/page.markdown" ] where setup_ttl = case pg of PG_index -> set_title "regex" _ -> id data Heading = Heading { _hdg_id :: LBS.ByteString , _hdg_title :: LBS.ByteString } deriving (Show) data MarkdownMode = MM_github | MM_hackage | MM_pandoc deriving (Eq,Show) page_heading :: Page -> LBS.ByteString page_heading PG_index = "" page_heading pg = "

Home » **"<>page_title pg<>"**

\n" prep_page :: LBS.ByteString -> MarkdownMode -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () prep_page ttl mmd in_fp out_fp = do lbs <- set_title ttl <$> LBS.readFile in_fp (_,lbs') <- prep_page' mmd lbs LBS.writeFile out_fp lbs' set_title :: LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString set_title ttl lbs = fromMaybe oops $ flip sed' lbs $ Pipe [ (,) [re|<<\$title\$>>|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ \_ _ _ _->return $ Just ttl ] where -- runIdentity added to base in 4.9 only oops = error "set_title" prep_page' :: MarkdownMode -> LBS.ByteString -> IO ([Heading],LBS.ByteString) prep_page' mmd lbs = do rf_h <- newIORef [] rf_t <- newIORef False lbs1 <- fmap (tweak_md mmd) $ sed' (scr rf_h rf_t) =<< include lbs lbs2 <- fromMaybe "" <$> fin_task_list' mmd rf_t hdgs <- reverse <$> readIORef rf_h return (hdgs,lbs1<>lbs2) where scr rf_h rf_t = Select [ (,) [re|^%heading#${ide}(@{%id}) +${ttl}([^ ].*)$|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ heading mmd rf_t rf_h , (,) [re|^- \[ \] +${itm}(.*)$|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ task_list mmd rf_t False , (,) [re|^- \[[Xx]\] +${itm}(.*)$|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ task_list mmd rf_t True , (,) [re|^.*$|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ fin_task_list mmd rf_t ] heading :: MarkdownMode -> IORef Bool -> IORef [Heading] -> LineNo -> Match LBS.ByteString -> Location -> Capture LBS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString) heading mmd rf_t rf_h _ mtch _ _ = do lbs <- fromMaybe "" <$> fin_task_list' mmd rf_t modifyIORef rf_h (Heading ide ttl:) return $ Just $ lbs<>h2 where h2 = case mmd of MM_github -> "## "<>ttl MM_hackage -> "## "<>ttl MM_pandoc -> "


" ide = mtch !$$ [cp|ide|] ttl = mtch !$$ [cp|ttl|] mk_pre_body_html :: Page -> [Heading] -> LBS.ByteString mk_pre_body_html pg hdgs = hdr <> LBS.concat (map nav [minBound..maxBound]) <> ftr where hdr :: LBS.ByteString hdr = [here|
|] pst_body_html :: LBS.ByteString pst_body_html = [here|
|] \end{code} Task Lists ---------- \begin{code} -- | replacement function to convert GFM task list line into HTML if we -- aren't writing GFM (i.e., generating markdown for GitHub) task_list :: MarkdownMode -- ^ what flavour of md are we generating -> IORef Bool -- ^ will contain True iff we have already entered a task list -> Bool -- ^ true if this is a checjed line -> LineNo -- ^ line no of the replacement redex (unused) -> Match LBS.ByteString -- ^ the matched task-list line -> Location -- ^ which match and capure (unused) -> Capture LBS.ByteString -- ^ the capture weare replacing (unsuded) -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString) -- ^ the replacement text, or Nothing to indicate no change to this line task_list mmd rf chk _ mtch _ _ = case mmd of MM_github -> return Nothing MM_hackage -> return $ Just $ "    "<>cb<>"  "<>itm<>"\n" MM_pandoc -> do in_tl <- readIORef rf writeIORef rf True return $ tl_line in_tl chk where tl_line in_tl enbl = Just $ LBS.concat [ if in_tl then "" else "
    \n" , "
  • " , "" , itm , "
  • " ] cb = if chk then "☒" else "☐" itm = mtch !$$ [cp|itm|] -- | replacement function used for 'other' lines -- terminate any task -- list that was being generated fin_task_list :: MarkdownMode -- ^ what flavour of md are we generating -> IORef Bool -- ^ will contain True iff we have already entered a task list -> LineNo -- ^ line no of the replacement redex (unused) -> Match LBS.ByteString -- ^ the matched task-list line -> Location -- ^ which match and capure (unused) -> Capture LBS.ByteString -- ^ the capture weare replacing (unsuded) -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString) -- ^ the replacement text, or Nothing to indicate no change to this line fin_task_list mmd rf_t _ mtch _ _ = fmap (<>matchSource mtch) <$> fin_task_list' mmd rf_t -- | close any task list being processed, returning the closing text -- as necessary fin_task_list' :: MarkdownMode -- ^ what flavour of md are we generating -> IORef Bool -- ^ will contain True iff we have already entered a task list -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString) -- ^ task-list closure HTML, if task-list HTML needs closing fin_task_list' mmd rf = do in_tl <- readIORef rf writeIORef rf False case mmd==MM_github || not in_tl of True -> return Nothing False -> return $ Just $ "
\n" \end{code} Literate Haskell Pages ---------------------- \begin{code} pandoc_lhs :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO () pandoc_lhs title in_file = pandoc_lhs' title in_file in_file pandoc_lhs' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO () pandoc_lhs' title repo_path in_file out_file = do LBS.writeFile "tmp/metadata.markdown" $ LBS.unlines [ "---" , "title: "<>LBS.fromStrict (TE.encodeUtf8 title) ,"---" ] LBS.writeFile "tmp/bc.html" bc LBS.writeFile "tmp/ft.html" ft fmap (const ()) $ SH.shelly $ SH.verbosely $ SH.run "pandoc" [ "-f", "markdown+lhs+grid_tables" , "-t", "html5" , "-T", "regex" , "-s" , "-H", "lib/favicons.html" , "-B", "tmp/bc.html" , "-A", "tmp/ft.html" , "-c", "lib/lhs-styles.css" , "-c", "lib/bs.css" , "-o", out_file , "tmp/metadata.markdown" , in_file ] where bc = LBS.unlines -- [ "
" -- , " " <> branding -- , "
" [ "
" , " " , "
" , "
" ] ft = LBS.concat [ "
" ] repo_url = LBS.concat [ "https://github.com/iconnect/regex/blob/master/" , LBS.pack $ T.unpack repo_path ] \end{code} tweak_md -------- \begin{code} tweak_md :: MarkdownMode -> LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString tweak_md MM_github lbs = lbs tweak_md MM_pandoc lbs = lbs tweak_md MM_hackage lbs = fromMaybe oops $ flip sed' lbs $ Pipe [ (,) [re|
$|] $ EDIT_fun TOP $ \_ _ _ _->return $ Just "\n" ] where -- runIdentity added to base in 4.9 only oops = error "tweak_md" \end{code} branding -------- \begin{code} branding :: LBS.ByteString branding = [here|[re|${gex}(.*)|]|] \end{code} testing ------- \begin{code} test :: IO () test = do dm <- docMode test_pp "pp-doc" (loop dm) "data/pp-test.lhs" "data/pp-result-doc.lhs" gm <- genMode test_pp "pp-gen" (loop gm) "data/pp-test.lhs" "data/pp-result-gen.lhs" putStrLn "tests passed" \end{code}