Name: regex-pcre-builtin -- Keep the Version below in sync with ./Text/Regex/PCRE.hs value getVersion_Text_Regex_PCRE :: Version Version: x-revision: 1 Cabal-Version: >=1.2.3 License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006, Christopher Kuklewicz Author: Christopher Kuklewicz Maintainer: Stability: Seems to work, passes a few tests Homepage: Package-URL: Synopsis: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex Description: The PCRE backend to accompany regex-base, see Category: Text, Pugs Tested-With: GHC Build-Type: Simple Extra-source-files: pcre/config.h pcre/pcre_globals.c pcre/pcre_study.c pcre/pcrecpparg.h pcre/dftables.c pcre/pcre_info.c pcre/pcre_tables.c pcre/pcredemo.c pcre/pcre.h pcre/pcre_internal.h pcre/pcre_try_flipped.c pcre/pcregrep.c pcre/pcre_compile.c pcre/pcre_maketables.c pcre/pcre_ucp_searchfuncs.c pcre/pcreposix.c pcre/pcre_config.c pcre/pcre_newline.c pcre/pcre_valid_utf8.c pcre/pcreposix.h pcre/pcre_dfa_exec.c pcre/pcre_ord2utf8.c pcre/pcre_version.c pcre/pcretest.c pcre/pcre_exec.c pcre/pcre_refcount.c pcre/pcre_xclass.c pcre/ucp.h pcre/pcre_fullinfo.c pcre/pcre_scanner.h pcre/pcrecpp.h pcre/ucpinternal.h pcre/pcre_get.c pcre/pcre_stringpiece.h pcre/pcrecpp_internal.h pcre/ucptable.h library Build-Depends: base >= 3.0 && < 4.6, regex-base >= 0.93 && <0.94, array < 0.5, containers < 0.5, bytestring < 0.10 Extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, PatternSignatures, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances -- Data-Files: -- Extra-Source-Files: -- Extra-Tmp-Files: Exposed-Modules: Text.Regex.PCRE Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap Text.Regex.PCRE.String Text.Regex.PCRE.Sequence Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString.Lazy Buildable: True -- Other-Modules: -- HS-Source-Dirs: "." -- The CPP is for using -DSPLIT_BASE=1 to get Data.ByteString.Base|Unsafe -- And the CPP is for using -DHAVE_PCRE_H to get the local posix library -- GHC-Options: -Wall -Werror -O2 -- GHC-Options: -Wall -O2 -- GHC-Options: -Wall -ddump-minimal-imports -- GHC-Prof-Options: -- Hugs-Options: -- NHC-Options: -- C-Sources: -- Includes: -- LD-Options: -- Frameworks: -- The only reason to NOT define -DHAVE_PCRE_H is if you are on -- a platform without a regex library but want to compile this package -- anyway. The resulting regex-posix will exist, but throw errors. CC-Options: -DHAVE_PCRE_H --Include-Dirs: /opt/local/include --Extra-Lib-Dirs: /opt/local/lib Include-dirs: pcre Includes: pcre.h C-sources: pcre/pcre_compile.c pcre/pcre_config.c pcre/pcre_dfa_exec.c pcre/pcre_exec.c pcre/pcre_fullinfo.c pcre/pcre_get.c pcre/pcre_globals.c pcre/pcre_info.c pcre/pcre_maketables.c pcre/pcre_newline.c pcre/pcre_ord2utf8.c pcre/pcre_refcount.c pcre/pcre_study.c pcre/pcre_tables.c pcre/pcre_try_flipped.c pcre/pcre_ucp_searchfuncs.c pcre/pcre_valid_utf8.c pcre/pcre_version.c pcre/pcre_xclass.c pcre/pcre_chartables.c