> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
> module Text.Regex.PDeriv.Parse (parsePat) where
> {- By Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu and Martin Sulzmann, 2009. BSD3 -}
The parser that parse POSIX style regex syntax and translate it into our internal pattern representation. This parser is largely adapted from Text.Regex.TDFA.ReadRegex
> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec((<|>), (<?>),
>                                      unexpected, try, runParser, many, getState, setState, CharParser, ParseError,
>                                      sepBy1, option, notFollowedBy, many1, lookAhead, eof, between,
>                                      string, noneOf, digit, char, anyChar)
> import Control.Monad(liftM, when, guard)
> import Data.List (sort,nub)
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
> import Text.Regex.PDeriv.ExtPattern (EPat(..))
> import Text.Regex.PDeriv.IntPattern (Pat(..))
> import Text.Regex.PDeriv.RE (RE(..))
> import Text.Regex.PDeriv.Translate (translate) 
> type EState = ()
> initEState = ()
> -- | Return either a parse error or an external pattern
> parseEPat :: String -> Either ParseError (EPat, EState)
> parseEPat x = runParser (do { pat <- p_ere
>                             ; eof
>                             ; state <- getState
>                             ; return (pat,state)
>                             } ) initEState x x
> parsePat :: String -> Either ParseError Pat
> parsePat x = case parseEPat x of
>              { Left error -> Left error
>              ; Right (epat, estate) -> Right (translate epat)
>              }
> p_ere :: CharParser EState EPat
> p_ere = liftM EOr $ sepBy1 p_branch (char '|')
> p_branch :: CharParser EState EPat
> p_branch = liftM EConcat $ many1 p_exp
> p_exp = (p_anchor <|> p_atom) >>= p_post_anchor_or_atom
> p_anchor = ((char '^') >> (return ECarat))       -- '^'
>            <|>
>            ((char '$') >> (return EDollar))      -- '$'
todo '{'
> p_atom = p_group <|>
>          p_charclass <|>
>          p_dot <|>
>          p_esc_char <|>
>          p_char
> p_group = liftM EGroup $ between (char '(') (char ')') p_ere
parsing [ ... ] and [^ ... ]
> p_charclass = 
>     (char '[') 
>     >> ( do { char '^' 
>             ; liftM ENoneOf $ p_enum -- enum ends with ']'
>             } 
>          <|>
>          (liftM EAny $ p_enum)
>        )
> p_enum :: CharParser EState [Char]
> p_enum = do { initial <- (option "" ((char ']' >> return "]") <|> (char '-' >> return "-"))) 
>               -- todo : why do we need this here? 
>               -- answer: if not, this string can't be parsed "[]f-z]", which is any char of  ']' and  between 'f' to 'z'
>             ; chars <- many1 p_one_enum
>             ; char ']'
>             ; let chars_set = nub (sort (initial ++ (concat chars)))
>             ; return chars_set
>             }
todo: support the locale collating char class [: :] [= =] [. .]
> p_one_enum = p_range <|> p_char_set 
> p_range = try $ do  -- try is like atomically?
>           { start <- noneOf "]-"
>           ; char '-'
>           ; end <- noneOf "]"
>           ; return [ start .. end ] 
>           }
> p_char_set = do 
>   { c <- noneOf "]"
>   ; when (c == '-') $
>     do -- when it is a dash, it must be at the end of the [..]
>     { atEnd <- (lookAhead (char ']') >> return True) <|> (return False)
>     ; when (not atEnd) (unexpected "A dash is in the wrong place in a bracket")
>     }
>   ; return [c]
>   }
parse the dot (all characters)
> p_dot = char '.' >> (return EDot)
parse the escaped chars
> p_esc_char = char '\\' >> anyChar >>= \c -> return (EEscape c)
parse a single non-escaped char
> p_char = noneOf specials >>= \c -> return (EChar c)
>     where specials = "^.[$()|*+?{\\"
> p_post_anchor_or_atom atom = 
>     (try (char '?' >> char '?' >> return (EOpt atom False)) <|> (char '?' >> return (EOpt atom True)))
>     <|> (try (char '+' >> char '?' >> return (EPlus atom False)) <|> (char '+' >> return (EPlus atom True)))
>     <|> (try (char '*' >> char '?' >> return (EStar atom False)) <|> (char '*' >> return (EStar atom True)))
>     <|> p_bound_nongreedy atom
>     <|> p_bound atom 
>     <|> return atom
> p_bound_nongreedy atom = try $ between (string "{") (string "}?") (p_bound_spec atom False)
> p_bound atom = try $ between (char '{') (char '}') (p_bound_spec atom True)
> p_bound_spec atom b = do { lowS <- many1 digit
>                         ; let lowI = read lowS
>                         ; highMI <- option (Just lowI) $ try $ 
>                           do { char ','
>  -- parsec note: if 'many digits' fails below then the 'try' ensures
>  -- that the ',' will not match the closing '}' in p_bound, same goes
>  -- for any non '}' garbage after the 'many digits'.
>                              ; highS <- many digit
>                              ; if null highS then return Nothing -- no upper bound
>                                else do { let highI = read highS
>                                        ; guard (lowI <= highI)
>                                        ; return (Just (read highS))
>                                        }
>                              }
>                         ; return (EBound atom lowI highMI b)
>                         }