> module Text.Regex.PDeriv.ExtPattern where > -- | The external pattern syntax (ERE syntax) > data EPat = EEmpty > | EGroup EPat -- ^ the group ( re ) > | EOr [EPat] -- ^ the union re|re > | EConcat [EPat] -- ^ the concantenation rere > | EOpt EPat Bool -- ^ the option re?, the last boolean flag indicates whether it is greedy > | EPlus EPat Bool -- ^ the plus re+ > | EStar EPat Bool -- ^ the star re* > | EBound EPat Int (Maybe Int) Bool -- ^ re{1:10} > | ECarat -- ^ the ^ NOTE:shouldn't this must be top level? > | EDollar -- ^ the $ > | EDot -- ^ the any char . > | EAny [Char] -- ^ the character class [ a-z ] > | ENoneOf [Char] -- ^ the negative character class [^a-z] > | EEscape Char -- ^ backslash char > | EChar Char -- ^ the non-escaped char > deriving Show > -- | Function 'hasGroup' tests whether an external pattern has ( ... ) (i.e. variable patterns in the internal pattern) > hasGroup :: EPat -> Bool > hasGroup EEmpty = False > hasGroup (EGroup _) = True > hasGroup (EOr eps) = any hasGroup eps > hasGroup (EConcat eps) = any hasGroup eps > hasGroup (EOpt ep _) = hasGroup ep > hasGroup (EPlus ep _) = hasGroup ep > hasGroup (EStar ep _) = hasGroup ep > hasGroup (EBound ep _ _ _) = hasGroup ep > hasGroup ECarat = False > hasGroup EDollar = False > hasGroup EDot = False > hasGroup (EAny _) = False > hasGroup (ENoneOf _) = False > hasGroup (EEscape _) = False > hasGroup (EChar _) = False