-- | "Text.Regex.TDFA.TDFA" converts the QNFA from TNFA into the DFA.
-- A DFA state corresponds to a Set of QNFA states, repesented as list
-- of Index which are used to lookup the DFA state in a lazy Trie
-- which holds all possible subsets of QNFA states.
module Text.Regex.TDFA.TDFA(patternToDFA,DFA(..),DT(..)
                           ,nfaToDFA,dfaMap) where

--import Control.Arrow((***))
import Control.Monad.Instances()
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Data.Array.IArray(Array,(!),bounds)
import Data.IntMap(IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntSet as ISet(empty,singleton,null)
import Data.List(foldl')
import Data.IntMap.CharMap(CharMap(..))
import qualified Data.IntMap.CharMap as Map(empty)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap(empty,null,singleton,keys,union
import qualified Data.Map (Map,empty,member,insert,elems)
import Data.Maybe(isJust)

import Text.Regex.TDFA.Common
import Text.Regex.TDFA.IntArrTrieSet(TrieSet)
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA.IntArrTrieSet as Trie(lookupAsc,fromSinglesMerge)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Pattern(Pattern)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.RunMutState(compareWith,toInstructions)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.TNFA(patternToNFA)
-- import Debug.Trace

{- By Chris Kuklewicz, 2007. BSD License, see the LICENSE file. -}

err :: String -> a
err s = common_error "Text.Regex.TDFA.TDFA"  s

dlose :: DFA
dlose = DFA { d_id = ISet.empty
            , d_dt = Simple' { dt_win = IMap.empty
                             , dt_trans = Map.empty
                             , dt_other = Nothing } }

-- Specilized utility
ungroupBy :: (a->x) -> ([a]->y) -> [[a]] -> [(x,y)]
ungroupBy f g = map helper where
  helper [] = (err "empty group passed to ungroupBy",g [])
  helper x@(x1:_) = (f x1,g x)
-- dumb smart constructor for tracing construction (I wanted to monitor laziness)
{-# INLINE makeDFA #-}
makeDFA :: SetIndex -> DT -> DFA
makeDFA i dt = DFA i dt

-- Note that no CompOption parameter is needed.
nfaToDFA :: ((Index,Array Index QNFA),Array Tag OP,Array GroupIndex [GroupInfo])
         -> (DFA,Index,Array Tag OP,Array GroupIndex [GroupInfo])
nfaToDFA ((startIndex,aQNFA),aTagOp,aGroupInfo) = (dfa,startIndex,aTagOp,aGroupInfo) where
  dfa = indexesToDFA [startIndex]

  indexesToDFA = {-# SCC "nfaToDFA.indexesToDFA" #-} Trie.lookupAsc trie  -- Lookup in cache
    where trie :: TrieSet DFA
          trie = Trie.fromSinglesMerge dlose mergeDFA (bounds aQNFA) indexToDFA

  indexToDFA :: Index -> DFA  -- used to seed the Trie from the NFA
  indexToDFA i = {-# SCC "nfaToDFA.indexToDFA" #-} makeDFA (ISet.singleton source) (qtToDT qtIn)
      (QNFA {q_id = source,q_qt = qtIn}) = aQNFA!i
      qtToDT :: QT -> DT
      qtToDT (Testing {qt_test=wt, qt_dopas=dopas, qt_a=a, qt_b=b}) =
          Testing' { dt_test = wt
                   , dt_dopas = dopas
                   , dt_a = qtToDT a
                   , dt_b = qtToDT b }
      qtToDT (Simple {qt_win=w, qt_trans=t, qt_other=o}) =
        Simple' { dt_win = makeWinner
                , dt_trans = fmap qtransToDFA t
                , dt_other = if IMap.null o then Nothing else Just (qtransToDFA o)}
          makeWinner :: IntMap {- Index -} Instructions --  (RunState ())
          makeWinner | noWin w = IMap.empty
                     | otherwise = IMap.singleton source (cleanWin w)

          qtransToDFA :: QTrans -> (DFA,DTrans)
          qtransToDFA qtrans = {-# SCC "nfaToDFA.indexToDFA.qtransToDFA" #-}
                               (indexesToDFA destinations,dtrans)
              dtrans :: DTrans
              dtrans = IMap.fromDistinctAscList . mapSnd (IMap.singleton source) $ best
              destinations :: [Index]
              destinations = map fst best
              best :: [(Index,(DoPa,Instructions))]
              best = pickQTrans aTagOp $ qtrans

  -- The DFA states are built up by merging the singleton ones converted from the NFA
  mergeDFA :: DFA -> DFA -> DFA
  mergeDFA d1 d2 = {-# SCC "nfaToDFA.mergeDFA" #-} makeDFA i dt
      i = d_id d1 `mappend` d_id d2
      dt = d_dt d1 `mergeDT` d_dt d2
      mergeDT,nestDT :: DT -> DT -> DT
      mergeDT (Simple' w1 t1 o1) (Simple' w2 t2 o2) = Simple' w t o
          w = w1 `mappend` w2
          t = fuseDTrans -- t1 o1 t2 o2
          o = case (o1,o2) of
                (Just o1', Just o2') -> Just (mergeDTrans o1' o2')
                _                    -> o1 `mplus` o2
          -- This is very much like mergeQTrans
          mergeDTrans :: (DFA,DTrans) -> (DFA,DTrans) -> (DFA,DTrans)
          mergeDTrans (_,dt1) (_,dt2) = (indexesToDFA (IMap.keys dtrans),dtrans)
            where dtrans = IMap.unionWith IMap.union dt1 dt2
          -- This is very much like fuseQTrans
          fuseDTrans :: CharMap (DFA,DTrans)
          fuseDTrans = CharMap (IMap.fromDistinctAscList (fuse l1 l2))
              l1 = IMap.toAscList (unCharMap t1)
              l2 = IMap.toAscList (unCharMap t2)
              merge_o1 = case o1 of Nothing -> id
                                    Just o1' -> mergeDTrans o1'
              merge_o2 = case o2 of Nothing -> id
                                    Just o2' -> mergeDTrans o2'
              fuse [] y = if isJust o1 then mapSnd merge_o1 y else y
              fuse x [] = if isJust o2 then mapSnd merge_o2 x else x
              fuse x@((xc,xa):xs) y@((yc,ya):ys) = 
                case compare xc yc of
                  LT -> (xc,merge_o2 xa) : fuse xs y
                  EQ -> (xc,mergeDTrans xa ya) : fuse xs ys
                  GT -> (yc,merge_o1 ya) : fuse x ys
      mergeDT dt1@(Testing' wt1 dopas1 a1 b1) dt2@(Testing' wt2 dopas2 a2 b2) =
        case compare wt1 wt2 of
          LT -> nestDT dt1 dt2
          EQ -> Testing' { dt_test = wt1
                         , dt_dopas = dopas1 `mappend` dopas2
                         , dt_a = mergeDT a1 a2
                         , dt_b = mergeDT b1 b2 }
          GT -> nestDT dt2 dt1
      mergeDT dt1@(Testing' {}) dt2 = nestDT dt1 dt2
      mergeDT dt1 dt2@(Testing' {}) = nestDT dt2 dt1
      nestDT dt1@(Testing' {dt_a=a,dt_b=b}) dt2 = dt1 { dt_a = mergeDT a dt2, dt_b = mergeDT b dt2 }
      nestDT _ _ = err "nestDT called on Simple -- cannot happen"

patternToDFA :: CompOption -> (Pattern,(GroupIndex, DoPa)) -> (DFA,Index,Array Tag OP,Array GroupIndex [GroupInfo])
patternToDFA compOpt pattern = nfaToDFA (patternToNFA compOpt pattern)

dfaMap :: DFA -> Data.Map.Map SetIndex DFA
dfaMap = seen (Data.Map.empty) where
  seen old d@(DFA {d_id=i,d_dt=dt}) =
    if i `Data.Map.member` old
      then old
      else let new = Data.Map.insert i d old
           in foldl' seen new (flattenDT dt)

flattenDT :: DT -> [DFA]
flattenDT (Simple' {dt_trans=(CharMap mt),dt_other=mo}) = map fst . maybe id (:) mo . IMap.elems $ mt
flattenDT (Testing' {dt_a=a,dt_b=b}) = flattenDT a ++ flattenDT b

examineDFA :: (DFA,Index,Array Tag OP,Array GroupIndex [GroupInfo]) -> String
examineDFA (dfa,_,_,_) = unlines $ map show $ Data.Map.elems $ dfaMap dfa


fillMap :: Tag -> IntMap (Position,Bool)
fillMap tag = IMap.fromDistinctAscList [(t,(-1,True)) | t <- [0..tag] ]

diffMap :: IntMap (Position,Bool) -> IntMap (Position,Bool) -> [(Index,(Position,Bool))]
diffMap old new = IMap.toList (IMap.differenceWith (\a b -> if a==b then Nothing else Just b) old new)

examineDFA :: (DFA,Index,Array Tag OP,Array GroupIndex [GroupInfo]) -> String
examineDFA (dfa,_,aTags,_) = unlines $ map (examineDFA' (snd . bounds $ aTags)) (Map.elems $ dfaMap dfa)

examineDFA' :: Tag -> DFA -> String
examineDFA' maxTag = showDFA (fillMap maxTag)

instance Show DFA where
  show (DFA {d_id=i,d_dt=dt}) = "DFA {d_id = "++show (ISet.toList i)
                            ++"\n    ,d_dt = "++ show dt
-- instance Show DT where show = showDT

showDFA :: IntMap (Position,Bool) -> DFA -> String
showDFA m (DFA {d_id=i,d_dt=dt}) = "DFA {d_id = "++show (ISet.toList i)
                               ++"\n    ,d_dt = "++ showDT m dt

-- pick QTrans can be told the unique source and knows all the
-- destinations (hmm...along with qt_win)!  So if in ascending destination order the last source
-- is free to mutatate the old state.  If the QTrans has only one
-- entry then all we need to do is mutate that entry when making a
-- transition.
pickQTrans :: Array Tag OP -> QTrans -> [({-Destination-}Index,(DoPa,Instructions))]
pickQTrans op tr = mapSnd (bestTrans op) . IMap.toList $ tr

cleanWin :: WinTags -> Instructions
cleanWin = toInstructions

bestTrans :: Array Tag OP -> [TagCommand] -> (DoPa,Instructions)
bestTrans _ [] = err "bestTrans : There were no transition choose from!"
bestTrans aTagOP (f:fs) | null fs = canonical f
                        | otherwise = foldl' pick (canonical f) fs where
  canonical :: TagCommand -> (DoPa,Instructions)
  canonical (dopa,spec) = (dopa, toInstructions spec)
  pick :: (DoPa,Instructions) -> TagCommand -> (DoPa,Instructions)
  pick win@(dopa1,Instructions {newPos = winPos}) (dopa2,spec) =
    let next@(Instructions {newPos = nextPos}) = toInstructions spec
    in case compareWith choose winPos nextPos of
         GT -> win
         LT -> (dopa2,next)
         EQ -> if dopa1 >= dopa2 then win else (dopa2,next) -- no deep reason not to just pick win
  choose Nothing Nothing = EQ
  choose Nothing x = flipOrder (choose x Nothing)
  choose (Just (tag,post)) Nothing =
    case aTagOP!tag of
      Maximize -> GT
      Minimize -> LT
      Orbit -> err $ "bestTrans.choose : Very Unexpeted Orbit in Just Nothing: "++show (tag,post,aTagOP,f:fs)
  choose (Just (tag,post1)) (Just (_,post2)) =
    case aTagOP!tag of
      Maximize -> compare post1 post2
      Minimize -> (flip compare) post1 post2
      Orbit -> err $ "bestTrans.choose : Very Unexpeted Orbit in Just Just: "++show (tag,(post1,post2),aTagOP,f:fs)

isDTLosing :: DT -> Bool
isDTLosing (Testing' {dt_a=a,dt_b=b}) = isDTLosing a && isDTLosing b
isDTLosing (Simple' {dt_win=w})
    | not (IMap.null w) = False
isDTLosing (Simple' {dt_other=Just (dfa,_)})
    | not (ISet.null (d_id dfa)) = False
isDTLosing (Simple' {dt_trans=CharMap t}) =
  let destinations = map (d_id . fst) . IMap.elems $ t
  in all ISet.null destinations -- True for empty list of destinations

-- Assumes that Test_BOL is the smallest (and therefore always first) test
isDTFrontAnchored :: DT -> Bool
isDTFrontAnchored (Testing' {dt_test=wt,dt_b=b}) | wt == Test_BOL = isDTLosing b
isDTFrontAnchored _ = False

isDFAFrontAnchored :: DFA -> Bool
isDFAFrontAnchored = isDTFrontAnchored . d_dt