-- | This is the code for the main engine.  This captures the posix subexpressions. This 'execMatch'
-- also dispatches to "Engine_NC", "Engine_FA", and "Engine_FC_NA"
-- It is polymorphic over the internal Uncons type class, and specialized to produce the needed
-- variants.
module Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Engine(execMatch) where

import Control.Monad(when,forM,forM_,liftM2,foldM,join,MonadPlus(..),filterM)
import Data.Array.Base(unsafeRead,unsafeWrite,STUArray(..))
-- #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
import GHC.Arr(STArray(..))
import GHC.ST(ST(..))
import GHC.Prim(MutableByteArray#,RealWorld,Int#,sizeofMutableByteArray#,unsafeCoerce#)
-- #else
import Control.Monad.ST(ST)
import Data.Array.ST(STArray)
-- #endif
import Prelude hiding ((!!))

import Data.Array.MArray(MArray(..),unsafeFreeze,getAssocs)
import Data.Array.IArray(Array,bounds,assocs)
--import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.IntMap.CharMap2 as CMap(lookup,findWithDefault)
import Data.IntMap(IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap(null,toList,lookup,insert)
import Data.Ix(Ix,rangeSize,range)
import Data.Maybe(catMaybes,listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid(Monoid(..))
--import Data.IntSet(IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as ISet(toAscList,null)
import qualified Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.IArray((!))
import qualified Data.Array.MArray
import Data.List(partition,sort,foldl',sortBy,groupBy)
import Data.STRef
import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Lazy as L
import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Strict as S
import Data.Sequence(Seq,ViewL(..),viewl)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as SBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS

import Text.Regex.Base(MatchArray,MatchOffset,MatchLength)
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA.IntArrTrieSet as Trie
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Common hiding (indent)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Uncons(Uncons(uncons))
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Engine_FA as FA(execMatch)
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Engine_NC as NC(execMatch)
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Engine_NC_FA as NC_FA(execMatch)

--import Debug.Trace

-- trace :: String -> a -> a
-- trace _ a = a

err :: String -> a
err s = common_error "Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA"  s

{-# INLINE (!!) #-}
(!!) :: (MArray a e (S.ST s),Ix i) => a i e -> Int -> S.ST s e
(!!) = unsafeRead
{-# INLINE set #-}
set :: (MArray a e (S.ST s),Ix i) => a i e -> Int -> e -> S.ST s ()
set = unsafeWrite
{-# SPECIALIZE execMatch :: Regex -> Position -> Char -> ([] Char) -> [MatchArray] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE execMatch :: Regex -> Position -> Char -> (Seq Char) -> [MatchArray] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE execMatch :: Regex -> Position -> Char -> SBS.ByteString -> [MatchArray] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE execMatch :: Regex -> Position -> Char -> LBS.ByteString -> [MatchArray] #-}
execMatch :: Uncons text => Regex -> Position -> Char -> text -> [MatchArray]
execMatch r@(Regex { regex_dfa = DFA {d_id=didIn,d_dt=dtIn}
                   , regex_init = startState
                   , regex_b_index = b_index
                   , regex_b_tags = b_tags_all
                   , regex_trie = trie
                   , regex_tags = aTags
                   , regex_groups = aGroups
                   , regex_isFrontAnchored = frontAnchored
                   , regex_compOptions = CompOption { multiline = newline }
                   , regex_execOptions = ExecOption { captureGroups = capture
                                                    , testMatch = _checkMatch }})
          offsetIn prevIn inputIn = case (subCapture,frontAnchored) of
                                      (True  ,False) -> L.runST runCaptureGroup
                                      (True  ,True)  -> FA.execMatch r offsetIn prevIn inputIn
                                      (False ,False) -> NC.execMatch r offsetIn prevIn inputIn
                                      (False ,True)  -> NC_FA.execMatch r offsetIn prevIn inputIn
  subCapture :: Bool
  subCapture = capture && (1<=rangeSize (bounds aGroups))

  b_tags :: (Tag,Tag)
  !b_tags = b_tags_all

  orbitTags :: [Tag]
  !orbitTags = map fst . filter ((Orbit==).snd) . assocs $ aTags

  !test = mkTest newline         

  comp :: C s
  comp = {-# SCC "matchHere.comp" #-} ditzyComp'3 aTags

  runCaptureGroup :: L.ST s [MatchArray]
  runCaptureGroup = {-# SCC "runCaptureGroup" #-} do
    obtainNext <- L.strictToLazyST constructNewEngine
    let loop = do vals <- L.strictToLazyST obtainNext
                  if null vals -- force vals before defining valsRest
                    then return [] -- end of capturing
                    else do valsRest <- loop
                            return (vals ++ valsRest)

  constructNewEngine :: S.ST s (S.ST s [MatchArray])
  constructNewEngine =  {-# SCC "constructNewEngine" #-} do
    storeNext <- newSTRef undefined
    writeSTRef storeNext (goNext storeNext)
    let obtainNext = join (readSTRef storeNext)
    return obtainNext

  goNext storeNext = {-# SCC "goNext" #-} do
    (SScratch s1In s2In (winQ,blank,which)) <- newScratch b_index b_tags
    spawnStart b_tags blank startState s1In offsetIn
    eliminatedStateFlag <- newSTRef False
    eliminatedRespawnFlag <- newSTRef False
    let next s1 s2 did dt offset prev input = {-# SCC "goNext.next" #-}
          case dt of
            Testing' {dt_test=wt,dt_a=a,dt_b=b} ->
              if test wt offset prev input
                then next s1 s2 did a offset prev input
                else next s1 s2 did b offset prev input
            Simple' {dt_win=w,dt_trans=t, dt_other=o}
              | IMap.null w ->
                  case uncons input of
                    Nothing -> finalizeWinners
                    Just (c,input') ->
                      case CMap.findWithDefault o c t of
                        Transition {trans_many=DFA {d_id=did',d_dt=dt'},trans_how=dtrans} ->
                          findTrans s1 s2 did' dt' dtrans offset c input'
              | otherwise -> do
                  (did',dt') <- processWinner s1 did dt w offset
                  next' s1 s2 did' dt' offset prev input

        next' s1 s2 did dt offset prev input = {-# SCC "goNext.next'" #-}
          case dt of
            Testing' {dt_test=wt,dt_a=a,dt_b=b} ->
              if test wt offset prev input
                then next' s1 s2 did a offset prev input
                else next' s1 s2 did b offset prev input
            Simple' {dt_win=w,dt_trans=t, dt_other=o} ->
              case uncons input of
                Nothing -> finalizeWinners
                Just (c,input') ->
                  case CMap.findWithDefault o c t of
                    Transition {trans_many=DFA {d_id=did',d_dt=dt'},trans_how=dtrans} ->
                      findTrans s1 s2 did' dt' dtrans offset c input'

-- compressOrbits gets all the current Tag-0 start information from
-- the NFA states; then it loops through all the Orbit tags with
-- compressOrbit.
-- compressOrbit on such a Tag loops through all the NFS states'
-- m_orbit record, discardind ones that are Nothing and discarding
-- ones that are too new to care about (after the cutoff value).
-- compressOrbit then groups the Orbits records by the Tag-0 start
-- position and the basePos position.  Entried in different groups
-- will never be comparable in the future so they can be processed
-- separately.  Groups could probably be even more finely
-- distinguished, as a futher optimization, but the justification will
-- be tricky.
-- Current Tag-0 values are at most offset and all newly spawned
-- groups will have Tag-0 of at least (succ offset) so the current
-- groups are closed to those spawned in the future.  The basePos may
-- be as large as offset and may be overwritten later with values of
-- offset or larger (and this will also involve deleting the Orbits
-- record).  Thus there could be a future collision between a current
-- group with basePos==offset and an updated record that acquires
-- basePos==offset.  By excluding groups with basePos before the
-- current offset the collision between existing and future records
-- is avoided.
-- An entry in a group can only collide with that group's
-- descendents. compressOrbit sends each group to the compressGroup
-- command.
-- compressGroup on a single record checks whether it's Seq can be
-- cleared and if so it will clear it (and set ordinal to Nothing but
-- this this not particularly important).
-- compressGroup on many records sorts and groups the members and zips
-- the groups with their new ordinal value.  The comparision is based
-- on the old ordinal value, then the inOrbit value, and then the (Seq
-- Position) data.
-- The old ordinals of the group will all be Nothing or all be Just,
-- but this condition is neither checked nor violations detected.
-- This comparision is justified because once records get different
-- ordinals assigned they will never change places.
-- The inOrbit Bool is only different if one of them has set the stop
-- position to at most (succ offset).  They will obly be compared if
-- the other one leaves, an its stop position will be at least offset.
-- The previous sentence is justified by inspectin of the "assemble"
-- function in the TDFA module: there is no (PostUpdate
-- LeaveOrbitTask) so the largest possible value for the stop Tag is
-- (pred offset). Thus the record with inOrbit==False would beat (be
-- GT than) the record with inOrbit==True.
-- The Seq comparison is safe because the largest existing Position
-- value is (pred offset) and the smallest future Position value is
-- offset.  The previous sentence is justified by inspectin of the
-- "assemble" function in the TDFA module: there is no (PostUpdate
-- EnterOrbitTags) so the largest possible value in the Seq is (pred
-- offset).
-- The updated Orbits get the new ordinal value and an empty (Seq
-- Position).

        compressOrbits s1 did offset = do
          let getStart state = do start <- maybe (err "compressOrbit,1") (!! 0) =<< m_pos s1 !! state
                                  return (state,start)
              cutoff = offset - 50 -- Require: cutoff <= offset, MAGIC TUNABLE CONSTANT 50
          ss <- mapM getStart (ISet.toAscList did)
          let compressOrbit tag = do
                mos <- forM ss ( \ p@(state,_start) -> do
                                  mo <- fmap (IMap.lookup tag) (m_orbit s1 !! state)
                                  case mo of
                                    Just orbits | basePos orbits < cutoff -> return (Just (p,orbits))
                                                | otherwise -> return Nothing
                                    _ -> return Nothing )
                let compressGroup [((state,_),orbit)] | Seq.null (getOrbits orbit) = return ()
                                                      | otherwise =
                      set (m_orbit s1) state 
                      . (IMap.insert tag $! (orbit { ordinal = Nothing, getOrbits = mempty}))
                      =<< m_orbit s1 !! state

                    compressGroup gs = do
                      let sortPos (_,b1) (_,b2) = compare (ordinal b1) (ordinal b2) `mappend`
                                                  compare (inOrbit b2) (inOrbit b1) `mappend`
                                                  comparePos (viewl (getOrbits b1)) (viewl (getOrbits b2))
                          groupPos (_,b1) (_,b2) = ordinal b1 == ordinal b2 && getOrbits b1 == getOrbits b2
                          gs' = zip [(1::Int)..] (groupBy groupPos . sortBy sortPos $ gs)
                      forM_ gs' $ \ (!n,eqs) -> do
                        forM_ eqs $ \ ((state,_),orbit) ->
                          set (m_orbit s1) state
                           . (IMap.insert tag $! (orbit { ordinal = Just n, getOrbits = mempty }))
                            =<< m_orbit s1 !! state
                let sorter ((_,a1),b1) ((_,a2),b2) = compare a1 a2 `mappend` compare (basePos b1) (basePos b2)
                    grouper ((_,a1),b1) ((_,a2),b2) = a1==a2 && basePos b1 == basePos b2
                    orbitGroups = groupBy grouper . sortBy sorter . catMaybes $ mos
                mapM_ compressGroup orbitGroups
          mapM_ compressOrbit orbitTags

-- findTrans has to (part 1) decide, for each destination, "which" of
-- zero or more source NFA states will be the chosen source.  Then it
-- has to (part 2) perform the transition or spawn.  It keeps track of
-- the starting index while doing so, and compares the earliest start
-- with the stored winners.  (part 3) If some winners are ready to be
-- released then the future continuation of the search is placed in
-- "storeNext".  If no winners are ready to be released then the
-- computation continues immediately.

        findTrans s1 s2 did' dt' dtrans offset prev' input' =  {-# SCC "goNext.findTrans" #-} do
          -- findTrans part 0
          -- MAGIC TUNABLE CONSTANT 100 (and 100-1). TODO: (offset .&. 127 == 127) instead?
          when (not (null orbitTags) && (offset `rem` 100 == 99)) (compressOrbits s1 did' offset)
          -- findTrans part 1
          let findTransTo (destIndex,sources) | IMap.null sources =
                set which destIndex ((-1,Instructions { newPos = [(0,SetPost)], newOrbits = Nothing })
                                    ,blank_pos blank,mempty)
                                              | otherwise = do
                let prep (sourceIndex,(_dopa,instructions)) = {-# SCC "goNext.findTrans.prep" #-} do
                      pos <- maybe (err $ "findTrans,1 : "++show (sourceIndex,destIndex,did')) return
                               =<< m_pos s1 !! sourceIndex
                      orbit <- m_orbit s1 !! sourceIndex
                      let orbit' = maybe orbit (\ f -> f offset orbit) (newOrbits instructions)
                      return ((sourceIndex,instructions),pos,orbit')
                    challenge x1@((_si1,ins1),_p1,_o1) x2@((_si2,ins2),_p2,_o2) = {-# SCC "goNext.findTrans.challenge" #-} do
                      check <- comp offset x1 (newPos ins1) x2 (newPos ins2)
                      if check==LT then return x2 else return x1
                (first:rest) <- mapM prep (IMap.toList sources)
                set which destIndex =<< foldM challenge first rest
          let dl = IMap.toList dtrans
          mapM_ findTransTo dl
          -- findTrans part 2
          let performTransTo (destIndex,_) = {-# SCC "goNext.findTrans.performTransTo" #-} do
                x@((sourceIndex,_instructions),_pos,_orbit') <- which !! destIndex
                if sourceIndex == (-1)
                  then spawnStart b_tags blank destIndex s2 (succ offset)
                  else updateCopy doActions x offset s2 destIndex
          earlyStart <- fmap minimum $ mapM performTransTo dl
          -- findTrans part 3
          earlyWin <- readSTRef (mq_earliest winQ)
          if earlyWin < earlyStart 
            then do
              winners <- fmap (foldl' (\ rest ws -> ws : rest) []) $
                           getMQ earlyStart winQ
              writeSTRef storeNext (next s2 s1 did' dt' (succ offset) prev' input')
              mapM (tagsToGroupsST aGroups) winners
            else do
              let offset' = succ offset in seq offset' $ next s2 s1 did' dt' offset' prev' input'

-- The "newWinnerThenProceed" can find both a new non-empty winner and
-- a new empty winner.  A new non-empty winner can cause some of the
-- NFA states that comprise the DFA state to be eliminated, and if the
-- startState is eliminated then it must then be respawned.  And
-- imperative flag setting and resetting style is used.
-- A non-empty winner from the startState might obscure a potential
-- empty winner (form the startState at the current offset).  This
-- winEmpty possibility is also checked for. (unit test pattern ".*")
-- (futher test "(.+|.+.)*" on "aa\n")

        {-# INLINE processWinner #-}
        processWinner s1 did dt w offset = {-# SCC "goNext.newWinnerThenProceed" #-} do
          let prep x@(sourceIndex,instructions) = {-# SCC "goNext.newWinnerThenProceed.prep" #-} do
                pos <- maybe (err "newWinnerThenProceed,1") return =<< m_pos s1 !! sourceIndex
                startPos <- pos !! 0
                orbit <- m_orbit s1 !! sourceIndex
                let orbit' = maybe orbit (\ f -> f offset orbit) (newOrbits instructions)
                return (startPos,(x,pos,orbit'))
              challenge x1@((_si1,ins1),_p1,_o1) x2@((_si2,ins2),_p2,_o2) = {-# SCC "goNext.newWinnerThenProceed.challenge" #-} do
                check <- comp offset x1 (newPos ins1) x2 (newPos ins2)
                if check==LT then return x2 else return x1
          prep'd <- mapM prep (IMap.toList w)
          let (emptyFalse,emptyTrue) = partition ((offset >) . fst) prep'd
          mayID <- {-# SCC "goNext.newWinnerThenProceed.mayID" #-}
                   case map snd emptyFalse of
                    [] -> return Nothing
                    (first:rest) -> do
                      best@((_sourceIndex,_instructions),bp,_orbit') <- foldM challenge first rest
                      newWinner offset best
                      startWin <- bp !! 0
                      let states = ISet.toAscList did
                          keepState i1 = do
                            pos <- maybe (err "newWinnerThenProceed,2") return =<< m_pos s1 !! i1
                            startsAt <- pos !! 0
                            let keep = (startsAt <= startWin) || (offset <= startsAt)
                            when (not keep) $ do
                              writeSTRef eliminatedStateFlag True
                              when (i1 == startState) (writeSTRef eliminatedRespawnFlag True)
                            return keep
                      states' <- filterM keepState states
                      changed <- readSTRef eliminatedStateFlag
                      if changed then return (Just states') else return Nothing
          case emptyTrue of
            [] -> case IMap.lookup startState w of
                   Nothing -> return ()
                   Just ins -> winEmpty offset ins
            [first] -> newWinner offset (snd first)
            _ -> err "newWinnerThenProceed,3 : too many emptyTrue values"
          case mayID of
            Nothing -> return (did,dt) -- proceedNow s1 s2 did dt offset prev input
            Just states' -> do
              writeSTRef eliminatedStateFlag False
              respawn <- readSTRef eliminatedRespawnFlag
              DFA {d_id=did',d_dt=dt'} <-
                if respawn
                  then do
                    writeSTRef eliminatedRespawnFlag False
                    spawnStart b_tags blank startState s1 (succ offset)
                    return (Trie.lookupAsc trie (sort (states'++[startState])))
                  else return (Trie.lookupAsc trie states')
              return (did',dt')

        winEmpty preTag winInstructions = {-# SCC "goNext.winEmpty" #-} do
          newerPos <- newA_ b_tags
          copySTU (blank_pos blank) newerPos
          set newerPos 0 preTag
          doActions preTag newerPos (newPos winInstructions)
          putMQ (WScratch newerPos) winQ
        newWinner preTag ((_sourceIndex,winInstructions),oldPos,_newOrbit) = {-# SCC "goNext.newWinner" #-} do
          newerPos <- newA_ b_tags
          copySTU oldPos newerPos
          doActions preTag newerPos (newPos winInstructions)
          putMQ (WScratch newerPos) winQ

        finalizeWinners = do
          winners <- fmap (foldl' (\ rest mqa -> mqa_ws mqa : rest) []) $
                       readSTRef (mq_list winQ) -- reverses the winner list
          resetMQ winQ
          writeSTRef storeNext (return [])
          mapM (tagsToGroupsST aGroups) winners

    -- goNext then ends with the next statement
    next s1In s2In didIn dtIn offsetIn prevIn inputIn

{-# INLINE doActions #-}
doActions :: Position -> STUArray s Tag Position -> [(Tag, Action)] -> ST s ()
doActions preTag pos ins = mapM_ doAction ins where
  postTag = succ preTag
  doAction (tag,SetPre) = set pos tag preTag
  doAction (tag,SetPost) = set pos tag postTag
  doAction (tag,SetVal v) = set pos tag v


{-# INLINE mkTest #-}
mkTest :: Uncons text => Bool -> WhichTest -> Index -> Char -> text -> Bool
mkTest isMultiline = if isMultiline then test_multiline else test_singleline
  where test_multiline Test_BOL _off prev _input = prev == '\n'
        test_multiline Test_EOL _off _prev input = case uncons input of
                                                     Nothing -> True
                                                     Just (next,_) -> next == '\n'
        test_singleline Test_BOL off _prev _input = off == 0
        test_singleline Test_EOL _off _prev input = case uncons input of
                                                      Nothing -> True
                                                      _ -> False



data MQA s = MQA {mqa_start :: !Position, mqa_ws :: !(WScratch s)}

data MQ s = MQ { mq_earliest :: !(STRef s Position)
               , mq_list :: !(STRef s [MQA s])

newMQ :: S.ST s (MQ s)
newMQ = do
  earliest <- newSTRef maxBound
  list <- newSTRef []
  return (MQ earliest list)

resetMQ :: MQ s -> S.ST s ()
resetMQ (MQ {mq_earliest=earliest,mq_list=list}) = do
  writeSTRef earliest maxBound
  writeSTRef list []

putMQ :: WScratch s -> MQ s -> S.ST s ()
putMQ ws (MQ {mq_earliest=earliest,mq_list=list}) = do
  start <- w_pos ws !! 0
  let mqa = MQA start ws
  startE <- readSTRef earliest
  if start <= startE
    then writeSTRef earliest start >> writeSTRef list [mqa]
    else do
  old <- readSTRef list
  let !rest = dropWhile (\ m -> start <= mqa_start m) old 
      !new = mqa : rest
  writeSTRef list new

getMQ :: Position -> MQ s -> ST s [WScratch s]
getMQ pos (MQ {mq_earliest=earliest,mq_list=list}) = do
  old <- readSTRef list
  case span (\m -> pos <= mqa_start m) old of
    ([],ans) -> do
      writeSTRef earliest maxBound
      writeSTRef list []
      return (map mqa_ws ans)
    (new,ans) -> do
      writeSTRef earliest (mqa_start (last new))
      writeSTRef list new
      return (map mqa_ws ans)


data SScratch s = SScratch { _s_1 :: !(MScratch s)
                           , _s_2 :: !(MScratch s)
                           , _s_rest :: !( MQ s
                                        , BlankScratch s
                                        , STArray s Index ((Index,Instructions),STUArray s Tag Position,OrbitLog)
data MScratch s = MScratch { m_pos :: !(STArray s Index (Maybe (STUArray s Tag Position)))
                           , m_orbit :: !(STArray s Index OrbitLog)
newtype BlankScratch s = BlankScratch { blank_pos :: (STUArray s Tag Position)
newtype WScratch s = WScratch { w_pos :: (STUArray s Tag Position)


indent :: String -> String
indent xs = ' ':' ':xs

showMS :: MScratch s -> Index -> ST s String
showMS s i = do
  ma <- m_pos s !! i
  mc <- m_orbit s !! i
  a <- case ma of
        Nothing -> return "No pos"
        Just pos -> fmap show (getAssocs pos)
  let c = show mc
  return $ unlines [ "MScratch, index = "++show i
                   , indent a
                   , indent c]

showWS :: WScratch s -> ST s String
showWS (WScratch pos) = do
  a <- getAssocs pos
  return $ unlines [ "WScratch" 
                   , indent (show a)]

{-# INLINE newA #-}
newA :: (MArray (STUArray s) e (ST s)) => (Tag,Tag) -> e -> S.ST s (STUArray s Tag e)
newA b_tags initial = newArray b_tags initial

{-# INLINE newA_ #-}
newA_ :: (MArray (STUArray s) e (ST s)) => (Tag,Tag) -> S.ST s (STUArray s Tag e)
newA_ b_tags = newArray_ b_tags

newScratch :: (Index,Index) -> (Tag,Tag) -> S.ST s (SScratch s)
newScratch b_index b_tags = do
  s1 <- newMScratch b_index
  s2 <- newMScratch b_index
  winQ <- newMQ
  blank <- fmap BlankScratch (newA b_tags (-1))
  which <- (newArray b_index ((-1,err "newScratch which 1"),err "newScratch which 2",err "newScratch which 3"))
  return (SScratch s1 s2 (winQ,blank,which))

newMScratch :: (Index,Index) -> S.ST s (MScratch s)
newMScratch b_index = do
  pos's <- newArray b_index Nothing
  orbit's <- newArray b_index mempty
  return (MScratch pos's orbit's)


newtype F s = F ([F s] -> C s)
type C s = Position
	  -> ((Int, Instructions), STUArray s Tag Position, IntMap Orbits)
	  -> [(Int, Action)]
	  -> ((Int, Instructions), STUArray s Tag Position, IntMap Orbits)
	  -> [(Int, Action)]
	  -> ST s Ordering

{-# INLINE orderOf #-}
orderOf :: Action -> Action -> Ordering
orderOf post1 post2 =
  case (post1,post2) of
    (SetPre,SetPre) -> EQ
    (SetPost,SetPost) -> EQ
    (SetPre,SetPost) -> LT
    (SetPost,SetPre) -> GT
    (SetVal v1,SetVal v2) -> compare v1 v2
    _ -> err $ "bestTrans.compareWith.choose sees incomparable "++show (post1,post2)

comp01 :: C s
comp01 preTag (_state1,pos1,_orbit1') np1 (_state2,pos2,_orbit2') np2 = do
  c <- liftM2 compare (pos2!!0) (pos1!!0) -- reversed since Minimize
  case c of
    EQ -> challenge1
    answer -> return answer
  challenge1 = do
    case np1 of
      ((t1,b1):_rest1) | t1==1 -> do
        let p1 = case b1 of SetPre -> preTag
                            SetPost -> succ preTag
                            SetVal v -> v
        case np2 of
          ((t2,b2):_rest2) | t2==1 -> do
            let p2 = case b2 of SetPre -> preTag
                                SetPost -> succ preTag
                                SetVal v -> v
            return (compare p1 p2)
          _ -> do
            p2 <- pos2 !! 1
            return (compare p1 p2)
      _ -> do
        p1 <- pos1 !! 1
        case np2 of
          ((t2,b2):_rest2) | t2==1 -> do
            let p2 = case b2 of SetPre -> preTag
                                SetPost -> succ preTag
                                SetVal v -> v
            return (compare p1 p2)
          _ -> do
            p2 <- pos2 !! 1
            return (compare p1 p2)

ditzyComp'3 :: forall s. Array Tag OP -> C s
ditzyComp'3 aTagOP = comp0 where
  (F comp1:compsRest) = allcomps 1

  comp0 :: C s
  comp0 preTag x1@(_state1,pos1,_orbit1') np1 x2@(_state2,pos2,_orbit2') np2 = do
    c <- liftM2 compare (pos2!!0) (pos1!!0) -- reversed since Minimize
    case c of
      EQ -> comp1 compsRest preTag x1 np1 x2 np2
      answer -> return answer

  allcomps :: Tag -> [F s]
  allcomps tag | tag > top = [F (\ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> return EQ)]
               | otherwise = 
    case aTagOP ! tag of
      Orbit -> F (challenge_Orb tag) : allcomps (succ tag)
      Maximize -> F (challenge_Max tag) : allcomps (succ tag)
      Ignore -> F (challenge_Ignore tag) : allcomps (succ tag)
      Minimize -> err "allcomps Minimize"
   where top = snd (bounds aTagOP)

  challenge_Ignore !tag (F next:comps) preTag x1 np1 x2 np2 =
    case np1 of
      ((t1,_):rest1) | t1==tag ->
        case np2 of
          ((t2,_):rest2) | t2==tag -> next comps preTag x1 rest1 x2 rest2
          _ -> next comps preTag x1 rest1 x2 np2
      _ -> do
        case np2 of
          ((t2,_):rest2) | t2==tag -> next comps preTag x1 np1 x2 rest2
          _ ->  next comps preTag x1 np1 x2 np2
  challenge_Ignore _ [] _ _ _ _ _ = err "impossible 2347867"

  challenge_Max !tag (F next:comps) preTag x1@(_state1,pos1,_orbit1') np1 x2@(_state2,pos2,_orbit2') np2 =
    case np1 of
      ((t1,b1):rest1) | t1==tag ->
        case np2 of
          ((t2,b2):rest2) | t2==tag ->
            if b1==b2 then next comps preTag x1 rest1 x2 rest2
              else return (orderOf b1 b2)
          _ -> do
            p2 <- pos2 !! tag
            let p1 = case b1 of SetPre -> preTag
                                SetPost -> succ preTag
                                SetVal v -> v
            if p1==p2 then next comps preTag x1 rest1 x2 np2
              else return (compare p1 p2)
      _ -> do
        p1 <- pos1 !! tag
        case np2 of
          ((t2,b2):rest2) | t2==tag -> do
            let p2 = case b2 of SetPre -> preTag
                                SetPost -> succ preTag
                                SetVal v -> v
            if p1==p2 then next comps preTag x1 np1 x2 rest2
              else return (compare p1 p2)
          _ -> do
            p2 <- pos2 !! tag
            if p1==p2 then next comps preTag x1 np1 x2 np2
              else return (compare p1 p2)
  challenge_Max _ [] _ _ _ _ _ = err "impossible 9384324"

  challenge_Orb !tag (F next:comps) preTag x1@(_state1,_pos1,orbit1') np1 x2@(_state2,_pos2,orbit2') np2 = 
    let s1 = IMap.lookup tag orbit1'
        s2 = IMap.lookup tag orbit2'
    in case (s1,s2) of
         (Nothing,Nothing) -> next comps preTag x1 np1 x2 np2
         (Just o1,Just o2) | inOrbit o1 == inOrbit o2 ->
            case compare (ordinal o1) (ordinal o2) `mappend`
                 comparePos (viewl (getOrbits o1)) (viewl (getOrbits o2)) of
              EQ -> next comps preTag x1 np1 x2 np2
              answer -> return answer
         _ -> err $ unlines [ "challenge_Orb is too stupid to handle mismatched orbit data :"
                           , show(tag,preTag,np1,np2)
                           , show s1
                           , show s2
  challenge_Orb _ [] _ _ _ _ _ = err "impossible 0298347"

comparePos :: (ViewL Position) -> (ViewL Position) -> Ordering
comparePos EmptyL EmptyL = EQ
comparePos EmptyL _      = GT
comparePos _      EmptyL = LT
comparePos (p1 :< ps1) (p2 :< ps2) = 
  compare p1 p2 `mappend` comparePos (viewl ps1) (viewl ps2)


tagsToGroup0ST :: forall s. Array GroupIndex [GroupInfo] -> WScratch s -> S.ST s MatchArray
tagsToGroup0ST _aGroups (WScratch {w_pos=pos})= do
  ma <- newArray (0,0) (-1,0) :: ST s (STArray s Int (MatchOffset,MatchLength))
  startPos0 <- pos !! 0
  stopPos0 <- pos !! 1
  set ma 0 (startPos0,stopPos0-startPos0)
  unsafeFreeze ma

tagsToGroupsST :: forall s. Array GroupIndex [GroupInfo] -> WScratch s -> S.ST s MatchArray
tagsToGroupsST aGroups (WScratch {w_pos=pos})= do
  let b_max = snd (bounds (aGroups))
  ma <- newArray (0,b_max) (-1,0) :: ST s (STArray s Int (MatchOffset,MatchLength))
  startPos0 <- pos !! 0
  stopPos0 <- pos !! 1
  set ma 0 (startPos0,stopPos0-startPos0)
  let act _this_index [] = return ()
      act this_index ((GroupInfo _ parent start stop flagtag):gs) = do
        flagVal <- pos !! flagtag
        if (-1) == flagVal then act this_index gs
          else do
        startPos <- pos !! start
        stopPos <- pos !! stop
        (startParent,lengthParent) <- ma !! parent
        let ok = (0 <= startParent &&
                  0 <= lengthParent &&
                  startParent <= startPos &&
                  stopPos <= startPos + lengthParent)
        if not ok then act this_index gs
          else set ma this_index (startPos,stopPos-startPos)
  forM_ (range (1,b_max)) $ (\i -> act i (aGroups!i))
  unsafeFreeze ma

{- MUTABLE TAGGED TRANSITION (returning Tag-0 value) -}

{-# INLINE spawnStart #-}
-- Reset the entry at "Index", or allocate such an entry.
-- set tag 0 to the "Position"
spawnStart :: (Tag,Tag) -> BlankScratch s -> Index -> MScratch s -> Position -> S.ST s Position
spawnStart b_tags (BlankScratch blankPos) i s1 thisPos = do
  oldPos <- m_pos s1 !! i
  pos <- case oldPos of
           Nothing -> do
             pos' <- newA_ b_tags
             set (m_pos s1) i (Just pos')
             return pos'
           Just pos -> return pos
  copySTU blankPos pos
  set (m_orbit s1) i $! mempty
  set pos 0 thisPos
  return thisPos

{-# INLINE updateCopy #-}
updateCopy :: (Index -> STUArray s Tag Position -> [(Tag, Action)] -> ST s a)
           -> ((Index, Instructions), STUArray s Tag Position, OrbitLog)
           -> Index
           -> MScratch s
           -> Int
           -> ST s Position
updateCopy doActions ((_i1,instructions),oldPos,newOrbit) preTag s2 i2 = do
  b_tags <- getBounds oldPos
  newerPos <- maybe (do
    a <- newA_ b_tags
    set (m_pos s2) i2 (Just a)
    return a) return =<< m_pos s2 !! i2
  copySTU oldPos newerPos
  doActions preTag newerPos (newPos instructions)
  set (m_orbit s2) i2 $! newOrbit
  newerPos !! 0


-- #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
foreign import ccall unsafe "memcpy"
    memcpy :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int# -> IO ()

Prelude Data.Array.Base> :i STUArray
data STUArray s i e
  = STUArray !i !i !Int (GHC.Prim.MutableByteArray# s)
  	-- Defined in Data.Array.Base
-- This has been updated for ghc 6.8.3 and still works with ghc 6.10.1
{-# INLINE copySTU #-}
copySTU :: (Show i,Ix i,MArray (STUArray s) e (S.ST s)) => STUArray s i e -> STUArray s i e -> S.ST s (STUArray s i e)
copySTU _souce@(STUArray _ _ _ msource) destination@(STUArray _ _ _ mdest) =
-- do b1 <- getBounds s1
--  b2 <- getBounds s2
--  when (b1/=b2) (error ("\n\nWTF copySTU: "++show (b1,b2)))
  ST $ \s1# ->
    case sizeofMutableByteArray# msource        of { n# ->
    case unsafeCoerce# memcpy mdest msource n# s1# of { (# s2#, () #) ->
    (# s2#, destination #) }}
#else /* !__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */

copySTU :: (MArray (STUArray s) e (S.ST s))=> STUArray s Tag e -> STUArray s Tag e -> S.ST s (STUArray s i e)
copySTU source destination = do
  b@(start,stop) <- getBounds source
  b' <- getBounds destination
  -- traceCopy ("> copySTArray "++show b) $ do
  when (b/=b') (fail $ "Text.Regex.TDFA.RunMutState copySTUArray bounds mismatch"++show (b,b'))
  forM_ (range b) $ \index ->
    set destination index =<< source !! index
  return destination
#endif /* !__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */