module Main where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Error() import Data.Array import Data.List --import Data.Monoid import Data.Sequence(Seq) import Data.String import Data.Typeable import Data.Version() import System.Environment import Text.Regex.Base import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Paths_regex_tdfa_unittest(getDataFileName,version) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA.Common as TDFA import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as TDFA default(Int) type RSource = String type RType = String -- can be changed to any Extract instance newtype RegexSource = RegexSource {unSource :: RSource} deriving Show newtype RegexStringOf a = RegexString {unString :: a} deriving Show type RegexString = RegexStringOf RType dictionary :: [Char] dictionary = ['a'..'c']++['A'..'C']++"_" class StringIs a where toString :: a -> String instance StringIs [Char] where toString = id instance StringIs S.ByteString where toString = S.unpack instance StringIs L.ByteString where toString = L.unpack instance StringIs (Seq Char) where toString = F.toList type A = Array Int (Int,Int) maxItems :: Int maxItems=100 testOne :: t -> (t -> t1 -> Array Int (Int, Int)) -> t1 -> String testOne s op r = let foo :: String foo = concatMap (\(o,l) -> show (o,(o+l))) (take maxItems $ elems (op s r :: Array Int (Int,Int))) in if null foo then "NOMATCH" else foo testOne' :: A -> String testOne' input = let foo :: String foo = concatMap (\(o,l) -> show (o,(o+l))) (take maxItems $ elems input) in if null foo then "NOMATCH" else foo toTest :: String -> (Int,String,String,String) toTest line = let [n,regex,input,output] = words line noQ [] = [] noQ ('?':xs) = '-':'1':noQ xs noQ (x:xs) = x:noQ xs input' = if input == "NULL" then "" else unN input in (read n,regex,input',noQ output) toTest' :: String -> String -> (String,(Int,String,String,String)) toTest' oldRegex line = let [n,regex,input,output] = words line noQ [] = [] noQ ('?':xs) = '-':'1':noQ xs noQ (x:xs) = x:noQ xs input' = if input == "NULL" then "" else input regex' = if regex == "SAME" then oldRegex else regex in (regex',(read n,regex',input',noQ output)) load,load' :: FilePath -> IO [(Int, String, String, String)] load x' = do text <- readFile x' return $ map toTest (lines text) load' x' = do text <- readFile x' return . snd $ mapAccumL toTest' "X_X_X_" (lines text) checkTest :: PFT A -> (Int,String,String,String) -> IO [Int] checkTest opM (n,regex,input,output) = do let output'e = opM input regex p = putStrLn p "" case output'e of Left msg -> do p ("############################# Unexpected Error # "++show n ++ " #############################" ) p ("Searched text: "++show input) p ("Regex pattern: "++show regex) p ("Expected output: "++show output) p ("Error message: "++msg) return [n] Right output'a -> do let output' = testOne' output'a case (n<0 , output==output') of (False,True) -> p ("Expected Pass #"++show n) (False,False) -> p ("############################# Unexpected Fail # "++show n ++ " #############################" ) (True,True) -> p ("############################# Unexpected Pass # "++show n ++ " #############################" ) (True,False) -> p ("Expected Fail #"++show n) if (output == output') then do p ("text and pattern: "++show input) p ("Regex pattern: "++show regex) p ("Outputs agree: "++show output) return (if n<0 then [n] else []) else do p "" p ("Searched text: "++show input) p ("Regex pattern: "++show regex) p ("Expected output: "++show output) p ("Actual result : "++show output') return (if n<0 then [] else [n]) checkFile :: (RType -> RSource -> Either String A) -> FilePath -> IO (String,[Int]) checkFile opM dataFile = do filepath <- getDataFileName dataFile putStrLn $ "\nLoading Tests from: "++show filepath vals <- liftM concat (mapM (checkTest opM) =<< load' filepath) return (filepath,vals) checkTests :: (RType -> RSource -> Either String A) -> IO [(String, [Int])] checkTests opM = do dataFileList <- return . lines =<< readFile =<< getDataFileName "test-manifest.txt" mapM (checkFile opM) dataFileList manifest :: String manifest="test-manifest.txt" dataFiles :: [String] dataFiles=["basic3.txt","class.txt","right-assoc.txt","left-assoc.txt","forced-assoc.txt","nullsub3.txt","repetition2.txt","totest.txt"] type PFT a = RegexContext TDFA.Regex RType a => RType -> RSource -> Either String a posix :: PFT a posix x reg = let q :: Either String TDFA.Regex q = makeRegexOptsM (defaultCompOpt { TDFA.caseSensitive = False}) defaultExecOpt reg in q >>= \ s -> return (match s x) unN :: String -> String unN ('\\':'n':xs) = '\n':unN xs unN (x:xs) = x:unN xs unN [] = [] manual :: [String] -> IO () manual [sIn,rIn] = do let s :: RType r :: String s = fromString (unN sIn) r = (unN rIn) -- first match let r1 :: TDFA.Regex r1 = makeRegex r let b1u@(_,_b1s,_,_)=(match r1 s :: (RType,RType,RType,[RType])) putStrLn ("Searched text: "++show s) putStrLn ("Regex pattern: "++show r) print b1u -- multiple matches and counting let b1 = (match r1 s :: [MatchArray]) c1 = (match r1 s :: Int) putStrLn $ "Count of matches = "++show c1 putStrLn $ "Matches found = "++show (length b1) mapM_ (putStrLn . testOne') b1 manual _ = error "wrong arguments to regex-posix-unittest's manual function" main :: IO () main = do putStr "regex-tdfa-unittest version: " print version putStr "regex-tdfa-unittest testing Text.Regex.TDFA version: " print TDFA.getVersion_Text_Regex_TDFA manifestFile <- getDataFileName manifest a <- getArgs if length a == 2 then manual a else do putStrLn $ "Explanation and discussion of these tests on the wiki at including comparing results from different operating systems" putStrLn $ "Questions about this package to the author at email " putStrLn $ "The type of both the pattern and test is " ++ show (typeOf (undefined :: RType)) putStrLn $ "Without extactly two arguments:" putStrLn $ " This program runs all test files listed in the manifest at: "++show manifestFile putStrLn $ " Lines with negative number are expected to fail, others are expected to pass." putStrLn $ "With exactly two arguments:" putStrLn $ " The first argument is the text to be searched." putStrLn $ " The second argument is the regular expression pattern to search with." vals <- checkTests posix if null (concatMap snd vals) then putStrLn "\nWow, all the tests passed!" else putStrLn $ "\nBoo, tests failed!\n"++unlines (map show vals) {- -- for TRE posix x r = let q :: Posix.Regex q = makeRegexOpts (defaultCompOpt .|. Posix.compRightAssoc .|. Posix.compIgnoreCase) defaultExecOpt r in match q x tdfa x r = let q :: TDFA.Wrap.Regex q = makeRegexOpts (defaultCompOpt { TDFA.Wrap.caseSensitive = False , TDFA.Wrap.rightAssoc = True }) defaultExecOpt r in match q x tdfa2 x r = let q :: TDFA2.Wrap.Regex q = makeRegexOpts (defaultCompOpt { TDFA2.Wrap.caseSensitive = False , TDFA2.Wrap.rightAssoc = True }) defaultExecOpt r in match q x -}