	Copyright (C) 2010 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward


	A 'RegExDot.ConsumptionProfile' is composed from both a capacity to consume, & an ability to discriminate based on the specific data.
	The former is described by 'consumptionBounds' & the latter by both 'hasSpecificRequirement' & 'canConsumeAnything'.

module RegExDot.ConsumptionProfile(
-- * Types
-- ** Type-synonyms
-- ** Data-types
-- * Constants
-- * Functions
-- ** Operators
-- ** Predicates
--	isPrecise,
) where

import			Control.Applicative((<$>), (<*>))
import qualified	Data.List
import qualified	RegExDot.ConsumptionBounds	as ConsumptionBounds
import qualified	ToolShed.SelfValidate		as SelfValidate

infixr 5 |+|	--Same as (++).
infixr 2 <>	--Same as (||).

{- |
	* A 'Consumer' is considered to have a 'ConsumptionProfile' composed from both a capacity to consume, & an ability to discriminate.

	* Whilst 'hasSpecificRequirement' & 'canConsumeAnything' look like opposites, they can assume independent values; the instance can be both, but only be neither when empty.
data ConsumptionProfile	= MkConsumptionProfile {
	consumptionBounds	:: ConsumptionBounds.ConsumptionBounds,	-- ^ The permissible quantity of data, which can be consumed.
	hasSpecificRequirement	:: Bool,				-- ^ Whether at least one specific input datum is required.
	canConsumeAnything	:: Bool					-- ^ Whether at least one arbitrary input datum can be consumed.
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

instance SelfValidate.SelfValidator ConsumptionProfile	where
	isValid c@(
		MkConsumptionProfile {
			consumptionBounds	= (fewest, most),
			hasSpecificRequirement	= hasSpecificRequirement',
			canConsumeAnything	= canConsumeAnything'
	 ) = and [
		fewest >= 0,
		case most of
			Nothing	-> True
			Just m	-> m >= fewest,
		or [c == zero, hasSpecificRequirement', canConsumeAnything']

-- | 'True' if there's no choice in the quantity of data to consume.
isPrecise :: ConsumptionProfile -> Bool
isPrecise	= ConsumptionBounds.isPrecise . consumptionBounds

-- | Predicate, which is 'True' if the specified data-length, falls within the specified 'ConsumptionBounds.ConsumptionBounds'.
withinConsumptionBounds ::
	ConsumptionBounds.DataLength	-- ^ The actual quantity of data consumed.
	-> ConsumptionProfile		-- ^ The bounds within which data-consumption is required to fall. 
	-> Bool
withinConsumptionBounds dataLength MkConsumptionProfile {
	consumptionBounds	= (minConsumption, maxConsumption)
} = dataLength >= minConsumption && case maxConsumption of
	Nothing	-> True
	Just m	-> dataLength <= m

-- | Both minimum & maximum set to zero; which can be used as the initial value when accumulating the sum of a list.
zero :: ConsumptionProfile
zero	= MkConsumptionProfile {
	consumptionBounds	= ConsumptionBounds.zero,
	hasSpecificRequirement	= False,
	canConsumeAnything	= False

-- | The net effect of two concatenated 'ConsumptionProfile's.
(|+|) :: ConsumptionProfile -> ConsumptionProfile -> ConsumptionProfile
MkConsumptionProfile {
	consumptionBounds	= (lf, ls),
	hasSpecificRequirement	= lh,
	canConsumeAnything	= lc
} |+| MkConsumptionProfile {
	consumptionBounds	= (rf, rs),
	hasSpecificRequirement	= rh,
	canConsumeAnything	= rc
} = MkConsumptionProfile {
	consumptionBounds	= (lf + rf, (+) <$> ls <*> rs),	--The sum of those of the concatenation.
	hasSpecificRequirement	= lh || rh,			--The concatenation mandates consumption of at least one specific input datum, if either 'ConsumptionProfile' does.
	canConsumeAnything	= lc || rc			--The concatenation can consume at least one arbitrary input datum, if either 'ConsumptionProfile' can.

-- | The net effect of two alternative 'ConsumptionProfile's.
(<>) :: ConsumptionProfile -> ConsumptionProfile -> ConsumptionProfile
MkConsumptionProfile {
	consumptionBounds	= (lf, ls),
	hasSpecificRequirement	= lh,
	canConsumeAnything	= lc
} <> MkConsumptionProfile {
	consumptionBounds	= (rf, rs),
	hasSpecificRequirement	= rh,
	canConsumeAnything	= rc
} = MkConsumptionProfile {
	consumptionBounds	= (lf `min` rf, max <$> ls <*> rs),	--Stretched to envelope alternatives.
	hasSpecificRequirement	= lh && rh,				--The alternation mandates consumption of at least one specific input datum, if both 'ConsumptionProfile's do.
	canConsumeAnything	= lc || rc				--The alternation can consume at least one arbitrary input datum, if either 'ConsumptionProfile' can.

-- | The aggregate of the specified concatenation of 'ConsumptionProfile's.
aggregateFromConcatenation :: [ConsumptionProfile] -> ConsumptionProfile
aggregateFromConcatenation	= Data.List.foldl' (|+|) zero {-initial value-}

-- | The 'ConsumptionProfile's of all the aggregated tails of a list of 'Consumer's.
type AccumulatedConsumptionProfiles	= [ConsumptionProfile]

-- | Accumulate the specified list of 'ConsumptionProfile's, from the specified initial value.
accumulateFrom :: ConsumptionProfile -> [ConsumptionProfile] -> AccumulatedConsumptionProfiles
accumulateFrom	= scanr (|+|)